Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 568 Stubborn Donkey Jiang Tian

Chapter 568 Stubborn Donkey Jiang Tian
"City Lord Jiang, if you go head-to-head with this epic second-tier ancient zombie warrior like this, you will soon be defeated in his hands. I think you might as well change your tactics." Lin Hua reminded Jiang Tian who was fighting.

After hearing Lin Hua's suggestion, Jiang Tian directly changed his tactics. He no longer confronted this epic second-tier zombie warrior head-on. Undoubtedly defeated.

At this time, there were more than a dozen zombies of extraordinary level rushing towards Lin Hua and Murong Xian, and it could be seen that they were eager for the flesh and blood of Lin Hua and the others.

Lin Hua released dozens of ice blades directly at these zombies, and then the necks of these ancient zombie warriors who rushed over were directly cut off by the ice blades released by Lin Hua.

Although Jiang Tian was fighting at this time, he also saw Lin Hua's attack just now, and secretly admired Lin Hua's strength. With his attack, he directly eliminated more than a dozen ancient zombie warriors of extraordinary level. If so, she knew she couldn't do it.

The first-order epic zombies that Li Jie and the others dealt with did not put much pressure on them. They were quickly eliminated, and then they quickly went out to open the different cores of those ancient zombie fighters. An extraordinary fifth-order zombie brought by Jiang Tian The supernatural person suffered some minor injuries, and the rest were not injured at all.

Now there are only three epic second-tier ancient zombie warriors who fought with Beibei, Jiang Tian, ​​and Huo Guang.

At this time, Bei Bei, who was fighting the second leader Cyclops zombie warrior, had several wounds on his body by the second leader Cyclops ancient zombie warrior's sword.

And the second-in-command Cyclops Ancient Zombie Warrior, his body is not much better than Beibei's, and his body has twice as many injuries as Beibei's. If the fight continues like this, the second-in-chief Cyclops Ancient Zombie Warrior will definitely Died in the hands of Beibei.

With a bang, the epic second-tier ancient zombie warrior who fought with Huo Guang was directly pierced through the heart by Huo Guang's silver spear, and fell to the ground. Then Huo Guang directly took out the heterocore of the epic second-tier zombie warrior. .

After that, I watched the remaining two battles, but when Huo Guang saw the battle between Jiang Tian and the epic second-order ancient zombie warrior, he couldn't help sweating for Jiang Tian, ​​because it can be seen that Jiang Tian is now He didn't go head-to-head with that epic second-level ancient zombie warrior, but it was only a matter of time before Jiang Tian lost.

Because the strength of the epic second-order ancient zombie warrior who fought with Jiang Tian is obviously much higher than that of Jiang Tian, ​​and those supernatural beings brought by Jiang Tian are all staring at Jiang Tian who is fighting at this time, ready to make a move at any time , to rescue Jiang Tian, ​​although they knew that they were not the opponent of the epic second-order zombie warrior, but Jiang Tian treated them like their own brothers, and they planned to stay Jiang Tian even if they risked their lives.

But this Jiang Tian is so stubborn, he has already been slashed several times by the machete of the epic second-tier zombie warrior, knowing that he must be defeated, but he didn't call for help from everyone who was already fighting at this time.

After seeing Jiang Tian's situation, Lin Hua really understood what a stubborn donkey is, and then Lin Hua said to Huo Guang, "Go and help him, or he will die sooner or later in that epic second-order ancient world. In the hands of zombie warriors"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Huo Guang looked at Jiang Tian. Although their friendship wasn't too deep, he didn't want Jiang Tian to die in the hands of an epic level-[-] ancient zombie warrior, so after hearing Lin Hua's words, he directly Swinging his long spear, he stabbed at the back of that epic second-tier ancient zombie warrior.

After seeing Huo Guang's shot, those supernatural beings brought by Jiang Tian couldn't help but take a long breath, and they were relieved a lot, because with Huo Guang's help, Jiang Tian would not be defeated or die tragically In the hands of the epic second-order ancient zombie warrior.

"Dang", the epic second-tier ancient zombie warrior, saw Huo Guang's sneak attack on him, and directly used his big knife to block Huo Guang's shot that stabbed him in the back of the heart.

When Jiang Tian saw Huo Guang coming to help, he looked at Huo Guang gratefully and said "thank you", because Jiang Tian only knew that if Huo Guang didn't come to help, the worst thing he could do was to be seriously injured by this epic second-order ancient zombie warrior, and he might even die directly. Mourning here.

"You are polite, we are all friends." After hearing Jiang Tian's words, Huo Guang replied with a direct wave of his spear to attack this epic second-tier ancient zombie warrior!

"Ho Ho Ho!" This epic second-tier ancient zombie warrior fell directly into a disadvantage due to Huo Guang's joining, and couldn't help but let out an angry roar. This epic second-tier ancient zombie warrior originally dealt with Jiang Tian by himself, so he was very sure. He could be killed soon, but because Huo Guang, who was much stronger than him, suddenly joined, she immediately felt a lot of pressure!
"Brother Jiang, do you want to go down and take a rest?" Huo Guang asked Jiang Tian after repelling the epic second-order ancient zombie warrior with a single shot.

"Thank you brother Huo for your kindness. I don't need it for now. I can survive this little injury." Jiang Tianhui said to Huo Guang, understanding his big iron rod.

Huo Guang knew that Jiang Tian was very stubborn, and he knew that Jiang Tian would not back down no matter what, so he didn't say anything anymore. In order to prevent Jiang Tian from being in his hands, Huo Guang directly increased his offensive power.

When Huo Guang stepped up his offensive, the pressure on the epic level [-] ancient zombie warriors invisibly increased even more. Just now he barely resisted the attacks of two people, but now he can only resist some fatal attacks up.

At this time, Huo Guang knew that the opportunity had come. This second-tier epic zombie warrior didn't have much combat power anymore, so he directly feinted and stabbed the left arm of this second-tier epic zombie warrior. Sure enough, the soldier was fooled, and swung his big knife towards his left arm, trying to block Huo Guang's blow, but she didn't expect that this was Huo Guang's tactic.

Huo Guang seized this opportunity, and withdrew the shot that he had stabbed at the left arm of the epic second-order ancient zombie warrior just now, and directly stabbed the epic second-order ancient zombie warrior's heart!
And Jiang Tian, ​​who was at the side, saw that it was Huo Guang's false shot, and knew that this was an opportunity, so he directly used his big iron rod to attack the left arm of this epic second-order ancient zombie warrior.Let this epic second-tier ancient zombie warrior's broadsword not be blocked in time, which shot Huo Guang stabbed into the epic second-tier ancient zombie warrior's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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