Chapter 579 Plan
When everyone came to Lin Hua's room, they saw Lin Hua with a serious face, and knew that he must have something to tell everyone, so they were very quiet and did not speak, waiting for Lin Hua's speech.

"I just want to say one thing when I called everyone here. The lord of the Night Talk City is powerful. I think it should be at least the third level of the epic. To be on the safe side, I plan to go to the death canyon to take risks and improve it. Your own strength, and you are temporarily staying in Starlight City, and we will be on our way after I come back," Lin Hua said slowly to everyone.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, everyone understood why Lin Hua suddenly used the ice dragon to hurry. It turned out that he wanted to take risks by himself and let everyone wait for him in Starlight City.

"What, boss, why do you plan to take risks by yourself? Where is that Death Canyon?" Li Jie said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"That's right, Lin Hua, are you planning to go on an adventure by yourself? I don't agree, I want to go with you," Murong Xian continued.

"Yes, Leader Lin, let's go together, we can have a support together," Huo Guang said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Jiang Tian was silent for a while and said, "City Master Lin, although you are powerful, I still want to advise you, it is best not to take risks in that Death Canyon."

Lin Hua didn't speak after hearing what they said, but remained silent there.

Everyone present except Lin Hua and Jiang Tian didn't know about this Death Canyon, but after hearing Jiang Tian's serious face when he talked about this Death Canyon, he knew that Jiang Tian must know about this Death Canyon!So Huo Guang asked Jiang Tian directly.

"Brother Jiang, it looks like you know something about the Death Canyon, why don't you tell us about it?"

As soon as Huo Guang finished speaking, everyone present looked at Jiang Tian, ​​waiting for Jiang Tian to talk about the death canyon.

"I have never been to the Death Canyon, but all this is from what I heard. The Death Canyon is a very large canyon. There are ancient zombie warriors everywhere in it, and they are all very powerful. No one who enters is alive. It came out, that’s why it’s called Death Canyon. At noon today, City Lord Lin asked me if there was a place similar to Zombie Forest, so I told her about Death Canyon,” Jiang Tian said to Li Jie and the others.

After hearing what Jiang Tian had said about the Death Canyon, everyone had a shocked expression on their faces, because this Death Canyon is really scary, just like her name, the Death Canyon represents death, so go inside of people did not come out alive.

"What, no one has come out alive after entering, so it's really not an ordinary danger, Lin Hua, you can't go to this death canyon no matter what." After hearing Jiang Tian's words, Murong Xian said to Lin Hua in surprise .

"Yeah, boss, you can't go. If you really want to go in for an adventure, then take me and go in with you." Li Jie stood up and said directly.

"Boss, if you plan to go in, I'm going to go in with you too, if you want to die together," Gu Tian continued.

Afterwards, Xuewu and the others also expressed that they would not let Lin Hua go. If Lin Hua agreed to go, then everyone would go there together. According to the legend, no one would come out alive and die in the canyon to take risks.

Lin Hua knew what would happen to them when they heard that she was going to die in the canyon, so she was not surprised at all, and then said seriously, "This death canyon is very dangerous. I believe that if I go by myself, there should be no pressure. , I can come here alive, so don’t worry, this time I must go by myself, this is an order”

After hearing Lin Hua's words, everyone saw that Lin Hua was serious this time. No matter what they said, Lin Hua would not agree with them to go, so in the end they had to agree with Lin Hua to go to this death canyon by herself.

After Lin Hua and the others finished their decision, Lin Hua asked about the location of the Death Canyon, and then everyone left, only Lin Hua and Murong Xian were left in the room.

When Murongxian saw that there were only the two of them left in the room, he hugged Lin Hua tightly and burst into tears, then said, "Lin Hua, listen to me and don't go, go and I will accompany you Can we go together, if I die, I also want to be with death."

Lin Hua knew that she was going to the Death Canyon, and she would definitely face the scene where Murong Xian was crying to stop her from going. Although Lin Hua couldn't bear to see Murong Xian so special, Lin Hua knew that this time the Death Canyon must be visited. Otherwise, he would not be the opponent of the Lord of Yehua City at all, so he said directly to Murong Xian, "Xian'er, in fact, I don't want to be separated from you in my heart, and I went to this death canyon alone. You also heard what Jiang Tian said, that Death Canyon is too dangerous, so I don't want you and me to take risks"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Murong Xian cried even harder, and said, "Jiang Tian said that the people who entered that death canyon did not come out alive. I am really afraid that I will never see you again, so , please don’t go.”

After hearing Murongxian's words, Lin Hua was silent for a long time, and finally said to Murongxian, "Xian'er, I have fulfilled everything I promised you before, right?"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Murong Xian nodded vigorously, and then Lin Hua went on to say, "I promise you, I will definitely come out alive, you can rest assured, and we finally met in this life, how can I I might be willing to part with you," Lin Hua said, and the corners of her eyes became moist unconsciously.

When Murong Xian saw Lin Hua at this time, he knew that no matter what he said, he couldn't change Lin Hua, because he knew Lin Hua's personality too well, so he talked with Lin Hua and the others for a while before resting.

After Li Jie and the others left, they didn't return to their own rooms, but gathered in Huo Guang's room.

"You should all know the boss's personality. He said he won't take us this time, so no matter what we say, he won't take us." After arriving at Huo Guang's room, Li Jie said directly to several people.

"Then what are your plans? Let's not go if the boss refuses to follow. Haven't you heard how dangerous Death Canyon is?" Gu Tian said after hearing Li Jie's words.

"Yeah, we must find a way to prevent leader Lin from going, or let him take all of us to go, so there are more people and more power." Huo Guang said to several people.

(End of this chapter)

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