Chapter 580
After hearing Huo Guang's words, Jiang Tian smiled awkwardly and said, "Although I have only been in contact with City Lord Lin for a short time, I don't think that you will change the decision of City Lord Lin. He is similar to me in that way, which is special." Stubborn"

After hearing Jiang Tian's words, everyone was silent. They were all in love. Jiang Tian still knew Lin Hua, and it was impossible to change the decision Lin Hua had made.

But it was even more impossible for them to ask Lin Hua to take the risk by himself, so no matter the combination, Lin Hua agreed to let everyone go with him.

When everyone was silent, Beibei on Li Jie's shoulder suddenly smiled and said, "You guys are so stupid, such a simple thing is rare for you."

After hearing Beibei's words, everyone stared at Beibei like a child who fell into the sea and saw the straw.

Li Jie asked Beibei directly, "Babe, do you have a better way?"

"That's right, Beibei, if you have a good idea, tell me quickly, it will make everyone anxious." Xuewu said to Beibei.

After hearing the words of several people, Beibei said directly, "Actually, this method is too simple. The boss's decision cannot be changed at all. He doesn't agree to let us go. We don't have to go with him. When the boss leaves We will follow behind to prevent the boss from discovering us, and we will come out when we enter the Death Canyon.

After Beibei finished speaking, she held her little head up and laughed loudly.

When Beibei said it, everyone couldn't help laughing. It was really just like what Beibei said, this matter was very simple. They all wanted to change Lin Hua's decision which was impossible to change at the beginning. Think differently.

Lin Hua didn't agree with them going together, but they could follow secretly. In the Death Canyon, even if Lin Hua was the most angry, that is to say, they said a few words, she wouldn't drive them out.

"What Beibei said is not wrong at all, let's just do it like this, as soon as the boss leaves tomorrow, let's just follow behind secretly so that he won't find out," Li Jie said directly to several people.

"Okay, that's the decision, but the death canyon is too dangerous. You don't need to go on an adventure with us, City Lord Jiang. We won't have any objections," Xue Wu said to Jiang Tian.

After hearing Xue Wu's words, Li Jie and the others also thought of Jiang Tian, ​​because Jiang Tian was not a member of their Ice and Snow Alliance. Although they were traveling together now, there was no need to go to the very dangerous Death Canyon with them.

Then Heisha said to Jiang Tian, ​​"Master Jiang, I think you should just wait here for us to come back. You told us about the Death Canyon. People who go in will not come out again. It is very dangerous, so you don't must accompany us.”

"Yeah, brother Jiang, you should rest in Starlight City for a few days. It's still unknown what will happen when you enter this death canyon this time, and you don't know if you can come back alive." Huo Guang said to Jiang Tian.

After Jiang Tian heard what they said, he said in displeasure, "You treat me, Jiang Tian, ​​as an outsider, and you still think that I am a person who is afraid of death."

After hearing Jiang Tian's words, Li Jie said quickly, "Brother Jiang, don't get me wrong. We don't treat you as an outsider, nor do we mean that you are a person who is afraid of death. What, what will happen, I just don’t want to drag you into the water.”

"Yes, City Lord Jiang, you are a city lord, not you alone, so you have to think about your Bagu City," Gui Wu said to Jiang Tian.

After Jiang Tian heard them talking about his Bagu City, Jiang Tian turned his head and looked at the eight supernatural beings brought from Bagu City behind him. At this time, Jiang Tian found that the faces of the eight of them were a little hesitant. Because they have all heard about Death Canyon more or less!Because of the fear of death, none of them planned to take risks in this Death Canyon.

After thinking for a while, he said to Li Jie and the others, "This time I'm going by myself, so it has nothing to do with Ba Gucheng, so they won't go."

After hearing Jiang Tian's words, Li Jie and the others were also taken aback immediately. They didn't expect Jiang Tian to say that, but several people knew that since Jiang Tian said that, they all agreed!

In this way, after Li Jie and the others discussed it, they all returned to their rooms and went to rest.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Hua got up early, but he didn't wake up Murong Xian, and he didn't notify Li Jie and the others, otherwise he would waste some time, so Lin Hua walked out of the inn by herself.

Because Lin Hua and Li Jie's rooms are next to each other, when Lin Hua opened the door, Li Jie knew about it, and then he notified everyone, and finally Xue Wu woke up Murong Xian, and when Murong Xian woke up, he found Lin Hua Hua had already left, and couldn't help crying, he didn't think that Lin Hua would leave without notifying him.

Xue Wu looked at the crying Murong Xian and told Murong Xian what they thought, and then Li Jie and his group secretly followed Lin Hua.

When Lin Hua was in the city, she didn't summon the ice dragon directly, but went to a place far away from the city owner to summon the ice dragon, and then climbed on top of the ice dragon and flew in the direction of Death Canyon.

And Xuewu dared to summon the Fire Phoenix after seeing Lin Hua flying away on the ice dragon, because he was afraid that Lin Hua would find out that they were following him, and that would be terrible.

After Xuewu and the others boarded the Fire Phoenix, they rose directly to a very high altitude, not daring to fly too low to avoid being discovered.

"Do you think Lin Hua will be very angry when he enters Death Canyon and sees us?" Murong Xian, who was sitting on the Fire Phoenix, asked Li Jie and the others.

"It's inevitable to get angry, but with the personality of the boss, at most we can say a few words, and this matter will be brought down, so sister-in-law, you don't have to worry too much," Li Jie said to Murong Xian.

"Yeah, sister-in-law, you don't have to worry too much about the boss getting angry, she won't say anything about you, he doesn't want to, at most it means just a few of us," Gu Tian said to Murong Xian.

Murongxian had been worried since he got on Huofenghuang, and when he saw Lin Hua, he was afraid that Lin Hua would be angry, so he breathed a sigh of relief after hearing what they said.

In this way, Lin Hua's ice dragon and Xuewu's fire phoenix flew towards the Death Canyon one after the other.After flying for more than five hours, Lin Hua in front finally saw the huge canyon not far ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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