Chapter 58
All in all, Lin Ye's improvement this time is undoubtedly huge.

Ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and the three of them were about to jump onto the rooftop of the opposite police station.

This place is a few floors higher than the police station, and the distance is only a dozen meters away. There is no movement on the rooftop of the police station.

Lin Ye said: "Let's act, Hu Fei. After passing by, first observe whether there is any danger and pay attention to safety."

"Well, good brother Lin."

After Hu Fei finished speaking, he sprinted easily, jumped more than ten meters, and landed firmly on the opposite rooftop.Hu Fei made a general observation and found nothing unusual, so he gestured to Lin Ye and the others: "Brother Lin, there is no danger."

"Okay." Lin Ye responded, and then said: "Xin Yu, I will go there first this time, so that I can help Hu Fei if he encounters any danger over there. Be careful yourself."

Jiang Xinyu nodded.

The height of the rooftop here is different from that of the police station, and the rope was tilted to a certain extent. Lin Ye got a layer of ice on his gloves, held the rope and slid directly over it.

Jiang Xinyu followed closely behind, she was not as fast as Lin Ye, she could only climb along the rope little by little.

There were no accidents in this operation, and several people were relieved.

The roof of the police station is very empty, except for a few iron frames, there are no other buildings, and leading to the bottom is a flip iron door attached to the roof, similar to a skylight.

The three of them stood in front of the flip iron door.

Lin Ye squatted down, grabbed the doorknob and pulled it, but failed to pull it open, only the rustling sound of chains.

The door should be locked from the inside.

Lin Ye looked down at the crack of the door, through a glimmer of light, Mu Ran saw a red eye.


There was a sudden roar from below, followed by a loud slap.


Lin Ye didn't say much. He drew out the hunting knife and stabbed through the gap, directly stabbing the zombie's head. It was finally quiet down below.

"Okay." Lin Ye washed away the dirt on the hunting knife with water power, and glanced at Hu Fei, who was making a fuss while patting his chest, "It's just a zombie, why are you so excited?"

Hu Fei breathed out, "You can't say that, Brother Lin, zombies aren't scary, but hearing a roar for no reason is also scary, okay?"

"Besides, if I don't cooperate with the terrified expression, how can it reflect your shock, brother Lin? Isn't it?" Hu Fei gave a smirk, and took the opportunity to flatter again.

Lin Ye could only give him a blank look, and then asked, "Xin Yu, is this door made of titanium alloy?"

"Well, the rooftop upstairs of the police station is generally not open, and I have never been to the rooftop, but most of the things in the police station are made of titanium alloy." Jiang Xinyu replied.

"This is the knife to wrong me." Lin Ye shook his head, the knife was inserted into the crack of the door again, calmly, and then slashed down with the knife.


Lin Ye originally wanted to split the iron chain below, but he didn't expect to split it, which was quite surprising. However, Lin Ye did not do little to unlock the lock with explosive force, so he found the right angle and tried it again.

After cutting three times in succession, the chain below was finally broken. Lin Ye opened the iron door, and the light shone down. A zombie's head was pierced and it was lying on the corridor.

Lin Yezhao asked, "Xin Yu, where can we find weapons now?"

"The arsenal is on the second floor, separated from the roof on the second floor. You have to go through the chief's office and the conference room. It's called the arsenal, but our police force is not very strong, except for the standard police guns. In addition, there are small-scale defensive submachine guns to prevent criminals from escaping, as well as some bulletproof vests, explosion-proof shields, etc. "

Jiang Xinyu explained in detail.

In the police station, including the director, there are a total of 52 people, and there are only 15 armed policemen, and the rest are people who assist in handling cases.

"Well, there are not many people, but I don't know if there will be many zombies?"

Lin Ye thought for a while, and then said: "Then let's go to the second floor now, get the weapons and come up again, and then..."

Suddenly thought of something, Lin Ye asked, "Hey, by the way, how did you arrange the retreat route?"

Jiang Xinyu and Hu Fei looked at each other. After a while, Hu Fei slapped his thigh: "Ah, I forgot to study this."

Lin Ye stroked his forehead. He thought that Hu Fei had made a detailed plan for his visit this time, but he didn't expect that he didn't arrange a retreat route.It's a good thing he asked this in advance, if it goes down and asks again, maybe something will happen.

"This is the escape route... I think..." Hu Fei scratched the back of his head and looked around. Except for the buildings where he came here, there are really no adjacent buildings. Moreover, in his backpack There was no rope to use either. After discovering this, he groaned for a long time, but he didn't come up with a complete plan.

"Okay, okay, let's observe it again, and let's make plans." Lin Ye waved his hand. To be honest, this rooftop really feels a little helpless.

Climb back to the commercial building again?
Lin Ye thought about it, but then what?Going down from the commercial building, there is nothing to know there, and there are a group of zombies waiting for them.

Lin Ye walked to the edge of the roof and took a look. The police station was about 20 meters high, and the silhouette of the zombies below could be clearly seen from the roof.

Zombies were overwhelming, and there were probably hundreds of them at the main entrance of the police station. Lin Ye looked at the other three sides and was lucky. However, there were also many zombies in other places, at least dozens of them, and Lin Ye's mood suddenly changed. Not good.

At this time, an accident happened suddenly, and the zombies below suddenly felt restless, and then a zombie suddenly lifted a car, threw it out, and hit a crawling thing on the ground, and then it roared, Leaping five meters high, he flew away, and other zombies also roared and rushed up.

The tide of zombies submerged the place where the car hit, and within half a minute, they dispersed again, leaving only the zombie who lifted the car up there.

After seeing this scene, Lin Ye narrowed his eyes, "This is a berserk zombie."

Berserk Zombie, as the name suggests, is a berserk guy. Although it is the same as a zombie, when it is berserk, its limbs will expand several times. Not only is it infinitely powerful, but its jumping ability has also improved a lot.

At the same time, what is different from ordinary zombies is that it can throw some things, which is very unusual. You must know that most zombies do not borrow weapons, and it is simply borrowing foreign objects.

The berserk zombie had already left the place. Looking carefully, it was actually a mutant dog that was attacked by it. It seems that this mutant dog probably wanted to quietly drag away one or two zombies wrapped around its belly. Unexpectedly, it encountered a berserk zombie. , is also quite unlucky.

Lin Ye was also unlucky, and there were three berserk zombies guarding him below. He couldn't help but wonder if someone knew they were coming and had arranged it in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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