Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 59 The way to evacuate

Chapter 59 The way to evacuate

"It's really troublesome."

At this time, Lin Ye discovered that the sound made by the berserk zombies just now caused most of the surrounding zombies to gather towards the gate of the police station, and immediately surrounded the gate of the police station.

Lin Ye suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and ran to the other three sides of the rooftop, and saw that the number of zombies in other places had decreased a lot, leaving only a few sporadic ones.

Lin Ye was overjoyed, "There is a way."

Lin Ye's voice made Jiang Xinyu and Hu Fei, who were thinking about countermeasures, look at them. You must know that evacuating here is the last step. Now that Lin Ye has a way, they can't wait to know.

The two gathered towards Lin Ye and asked as they walked, "Brother Lin, what can I do?"

Lin Ye pointed down and said, "The police station is not high from the ground, about 20 meters away."

"Well, yes, Brother Lin, you won't let us jump down together, will you?" Hu Fei half-jokingly.

"That's right."

Lin Ye laughed, looked down at the zombies that were gradually scattered around the police station, and continued: "I plan to make noise in front of the police station to attract all the zombies around, and then you take the opportunity to follow along." The rope is going down the other side, be quick and we'll make it out."

Lin Ye's words brightened the eyes of the two, and Jiang Xinyu praised: "Brother Lin, you are so smart."

Lin Ye came to the rope that was still tied between the two rooftops. They had no rope to use now, so they could only rely on this rope.

In order to keep the maximum length of the rope, Lin Ye shot the skates as far as possible, about six shots before cutting off the other end of the rope.The rope fell downstairs, and the bottom end just stopped on the head of a zombie.

When the zombie noticed the movement, it raised its head and grabbed the rope. Lin Ye realized something was wrong and immediately pulled the rope up. Just kidding, this is their life-saving rope.

The zombie grabbed the rope tightly and refused to let it go. The zombie had a lot of strength, but unfortunately, the zombie was still a fat man. Even Lin Ye couldn't pull the rope up after pulling it back and forth.

Jiang Xinyu and Hu Fei also came up to help, and with their joint efforts, the zombie was pulled into the air, but at this time another accident happened.

I saw a few zombies below found that the same kind flew up, one refused to accept, several zombies roared, and jumped up to hug the fat zombie. Immediately, the three of Lin Ye couldn't pull the rope anymore.

"M's." A tug of war started with a few zombies, which made Lin Ye full of anger, "You two hold on first, give me five seconds."

Without waiting for the two of them to react, Lin Ye let go of his hand, and then used the ice ability to quickly create five pots of ice lumps on the roof.

"Let you pull it for me." Lin Ye then threw a lump of ice, which was just right to hit a zombie on the head. It is conceivable that the 20-meter-high ice lump weighing more than 20 kilograms fell down.

Suddenly, with a bang, the zombie's head opened, blood splashed everywhere, and its body fell limply to the ground.

The sound of the ice lumps hitting the ground attracted more zombies. Lin Ye knew that he couldn't delay, so he simply threw the remaining ice lumps down.

"Bang bang bang!"

The ice lump hit the fat zombie, and the force of the fall knocked it to the ground, and let go of the rope.

Jiang Xinyu and Hu Fei saw the opportunity and quickly pulled the rope up.

After all the ropes were pulled up, Hu Fei burst out laughing, "Brother Lin, you are a real beast of ice, you are simply a weapon for city defense."

"Look at the smashed zombies, they are all turned into pulp. How about we just throw ice cubes like this, and smash all these zombies to death."

Lin Ye gave an evil laugh, "Okay, then I'll leave you behind."

"Uh..." Hu Fei was embarrassed for a while, not knowing why.

Lin Ye was more convinced by the IQ of this teammate, and explained: "I have to consume my ability to create these ice lumps. Besides, if you are a zombie, you will be smashed to death by these ice lumps infinitely. They are adaptable. , if the same attack method is used on them many times, they will naturally dodge instinctively, and I will consume more powers at that time, do you want to exhaust me to death?"

After hearing Lin Ye's words, Hu Fei just scratched his head with an innocent expression on his face. Lin Ye didn't want to say anything more. This little episode delayed time. Seeing that the sun is already westward, we can't waste any more time, otherwise it will be dark when it gets dark. more dangerous.

Lin Ye put away the rope first, and asked Hu Fei and Jiang Xinyu to put their backpacks on the roof and go into battle lightly.

When the two were ready, Lin Ye took the lead.

Lin Ye put on the headlamp. After turning it on, he found that the power of the lamp was a little low. The light was half as dim as it was at the beginning. He was a little worried that the power would run out halfway. The police station was in a mess, and it would be troublesome.

But that being said, there is still a way to go. At worst, I will ask Jiang Xinyu later if the police station has any strong flashlights or the like, as long as they can illuminate.

Jiang Xinyu followed down and found a corpse of a zombie.

"Ma Xiang."

"It's dead, there's nothing to say."

Lin Ye looked at the corridor below again, sighed and said, "You probably know all the people in this police station, but they are all zombies, and they are no longer your former comrades-in-arms."

After Lin Ye finished speaking earnestly, he looked at Jiang Xinyu and found a trace of sadness in her eyes.

In the early days of the doomsday, there were many people who didn't have to die. However, facing the zombies mutated into by their relatives and friends, they couldn't help showing compassion, and their negligence resulted in tragic death.

People can't wipe out their feelings for relatives and friends. This is the saddest thing in the last days.

Hu Fei also patted Jiang Xinyu on the shoulder, signaling her to be at ease, Jiang Xinyu smiled back, in fact, she had already prepared for this point, but when she really faced it, she felt sad for a while.

When Jiang Xinyu was in good mood, Lin Ye squatted down and searched on the zombie to see if there was anything he could use.

After searching for a while, Lin Ye did find a gun, but unfortunately there was no bullet in it, apparently he had already used up all the bullets before he died.

After finishing these, Lin Ye and the others continued to walk down.

Unexpectedly, the corridor below is not dark and dark. At the corner of each staircase, there is a sign emitting a faint light. Although it is very weak, it is enough for them to see the path under their feet.

Lin Ye secretly speculated that this is probably a special light source that is only equipped by the police station, and it seems that it does not need electricity.

This is even better. Lin Ye turned off the headlights. The power of the headlights is almost exhausted, so it is better to use as little as possible.

"That is the Optics Valley night light, the latest technological product. It can maintain a faint light in the dark, and it can emit light for a month on a single charge. It is equipped with general government agencies."

Jiang Xinyu's explanation sounded quietly behind her.

Lin Ye was secretly amazed at this "Optical Valley Night Light". It seems that in the end, the power of technology is still very strong, and his base will also be equipped with a technology team in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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