Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 60 Find the key

Chapter 60 Find the key
Although the combat effectiveness of the base is important, scientific and technological strength is also indispensable. Such energy-saving technology will be his number one research and development target in the future.

Several people walked to the fourth floor, and there was a passage. There was a window on the opposite side of the passage, and the afterglow of the setting sun shot in. This is the floor Jiang Xinyu said, with the director's office.

Lin Ye didn't care about the director's office at all, but Jiang Xinyu mentioned: "The gate of the arsenal is made of special materials. Brother Lin, I'm afraid even your sword can't shake Fenhao."

Jiang Xinyu's words made Lin Ye stop. That's right, I actually forgot about this. This is a police station, and the arsenal is an important place. The protective measures will definitely not be simple, but since Jiang Xinyu chose to come, then she should have a way .

Sure enough, before Lin Ye could ask any questions, Jiang Xinyu continued, "However, there should be a backup of the gate key in the director's office. We can go in and have a look."

"Are you not sure?" Hu Fei couldn't help asking out loud, it's no wonder, if they didn't find the key, then their trip might have been in vain.

Jiang Xinyu also expressed her helplessness, but she assured the ticket: "There is definitely a spare key in the director's office, and I will definitely find it."

Things had come to this point, and there was nothing left to do without searching. Lin Ye led the two of them into the corridor. There were two offices here. The small one was written as the director's office, and the larger one was written as the conference hall.

Regardless of the conference hall, Lin Ye walked directly to the director's office. After Lin Ye opened the door, there was nothing unusual in the office.

The things inside are arranged neatly. It seems that the director's office has not been entered by zombies after the end of the day.

After entering, several people searched separately.

In a locked drawer, Lin Ye suddenly found a new Desert Eagle-57 with three magazines, 24 rounds of ammunition, and a silencer.

Lin Ye naturally accepted the gun and bullets.

Hu Fei also found a box of Soft China, but unfortunately the key has not been found yet, so Hu Fei was scratching at the side.

Jiang Xinyu was a little puzzled: "Obviously he should be in the office."

When several people were anxious, there was a black figure outside the door. Lin Ye noticed it first and asked directly, "Xin Yu, is this fat man your chief?"

Jiang Xinyu, who was thinking about where the key would be placed, turned his head and saw a zombie with a slightly fat body. Although the police uniform was covered with dried blood, it could still be seen that the texture of the police uniform was the same as Jiang Xinyu's. The texture of Xinyu is different, and it also has a police badge on its shoulder.

The face of this zombie is so rotten that all five senses are piled together. The nose is not a nose, and the mouth is not a mouth. It seems that a mass of mud is stuck on the face, exuding a disgusting breath, and one eyeball is still dangling outside the eye socket. .

Even so, Jiang Xinyu recognized it at a glance, staring and said: "This... this is the director."

"Then find the right person." Lin Ye pulled out his hunting knife and rushed over.

It really didn't take much effort. Looking at the closed door of the meeting room across the way, it was wide open at this moment, and one could think of it. After working for a long time, it turned out that the director was there.

But when he rushed out, Lin Ye found that the state of the zombie director was a little bit wrong.But in the blink of an eye, the zombie's arms and legs became thicker three times, and its green teeth became bigger and exposed.

"Rampaging zombies."

Even the teeth have become bigger, which is like a werewolf exploding.

Having seen this kind of zombie on the rooftop just now, Lin Ye thought that he would only encounter it when he left the police station, but he unexpectedly encountered it here in advance.

But it’s okay, I can try this zombie to see how much my strength has improved now, and this guy has a bunch of keys hanging around his waist. Needless to say, there must be a key that can open the arsenal, and killing it is also a must .


The furious chief let out a roar, the sound was deafening, and then he punched the anti-theft door, the doorknob was bent directly, and the door hit the wall fiercely, a anti-theft door was smashed into the wall just like that In the body, completely beyond imagination.

"What a powerful force."

Hu Fei watched from the sidelines, his heart beating non-stop. He felt that the whole office was shaking just now with this blow.

"Brother Lin, can it work?" Hu Fei had such a question, and Jiang Xinyu also looked over worriedly.

After showing his majesty, the violent director roared and rushed towards Lin Ye impatiently. His fist as big as a casserole rose in the air like a huge boulder, and smashed towards Lin Ye like a Mount Tai.

Lin Ye understands that this berserk zombie can be regarded as quasi-silver rank, and is good at strength. Judging from this posture, at least a few hundred catties of strength is also there, but Lin Ye is determined to see if his strength can resist a resistance, so he simply does not avoid it. rushed over.

The head of the berserk pounded his fists from top to bottom, and Lin Ye raised his knife horizontally to block it upwards.


One person and one corpse collided together.

Lin Ye only felt a huge force coming from his arm, and then formed an impact force, which directly knocked him out.


Lin Ye didn't stop until his back hit the wall.

"Cough cough."

Lin Ye felt pain in his arms and tightness in his chest. He coughed twice before he could catch his breath.

"It's careless."

Lin Ye originally thought that with a strength of nearly 400 jin, he would be able to withstand a single resistance, but he didn't expect that someone would blow him away with a single blow. Only when he experienced it personally did he know that the punch of this berserk zombie, let alone reached 800 catties.

At this time, Lin Ye also realized that after being promoted to silver, his powers and physique had increased, his confidence was a little inflated, and he was stupid enough to fight against the power monster.

Knowing this, Lin Ye tactfully jumped onto the desk as he watched the berserk zombies charge again.


With a bang, the violent zombie's fist fell to the floor, and the entire floor was smashed into pieces, throwing up a pile of gravel.

Hu Fei and Jiang Xinyu, who were standing against the wall, found that Lin Ye was fine. They breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the place where the berserk zombies attacked. The floor near the berserk zombies all collapsed, and there was a hole the size of a casserole at the attack point. depression.

"What a powerful attack, this berserk zombie is too lethal."

Jiang Xinyu looked at Lin Ye worriedly. Although she believed that Lin Ye could kill the berserk zombies, she was afraid that Lin Ye would be injured.

The berserk zombies brazenly raised their fists and swept towards Lin Ye who was on the desk.

Naturally, Lin Ye wouldn't let it attack him easily, so he jumped a few steps to avoid the blow. The desk was swept several meters away by the berserk zombies, and hit heavily on the side bookshelf.


The desk is inserted abruptly into the bookshelf.

After Lin Ye dodged the blow, he swung a solid silver-white cold slash across the air, cutting towards the berserk zombie in the blink of an eye.

To say that this berserk zombie is different from ordinary zombies in addition to strength, the other is reaction.Zombies like this silver level have evolved to be more powerful, and the twice-mutated berserk zombies have developed a fighting instinct in addition to their thirst for fresh meat.

(End of this chapter)

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