Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 582 The Zombie Wearing Silver Armor

Chapter 582 The Zombie Wearing Silver Armor
Lin Hua did not plan to fight these ancient zombie warriors with daggers this time, but directly released the skills of Ice Bind and Black Ice Body Protection, because although the number of these six ancient zombie warriors is small, they are all It is the first-order strength of Epic, so Lin Hua cannot but be vigilant.

"Let's go together, although this human's strength can't be seen, but it shouldn't be weak." The ancient zombie warrior in the front pulled out the dagger that was not in his waist and said to the five ancient zombie warriors behind.

After hearing the words of this ancient zombie warrior, the five ancient zombie warriors behind also drew out their daggers, and then the six ancient zombie warriors waved their daggers and attacked Lin Hua.

However, Lin Hua didn't intend to dodge at all. At the moment when the six short swords were about to stab Lin Hua, Lin Hua directly used the skill to move the ice phantom and disappeared, and then Lin Hua came to the six ancient zombie warriors. In the rear, he directly pierced the head of an ancient zombie warrior with the Baqi Hanjian. Although this ancient zombie warrior wore a silver helmet, Lin Hua was already at the third level of epic strength, and his strength was already terrifying. So the silver helmet, for Lin Hua, didn't have any blocking effect at all.

"Bang" the ancient zombie warrior whose head was pierced by Lin Hua fell to the ground. Only then did the remaining five ancient zombie warriors realize that Lin Hua, who had disappeared just now, was behind them, and then they started to attack at the same time. He stabbed at Lin Hua.

Lin Hua used the ice-shifting phantom skill to disappear at the position just now, and the five ancient zombie warriors stabbed through the air again, but because Lin Hua disappeared and then appeared behind them, after Lin Hua disappeared, they The five ancient zombie warriors turned around and stabbed back with their daggers.

But they were wrong. When Lin Hua disappeared just now, he didn't go directly behind them. Instead, he appeared on the left side of an ancient zombie warrior. The Baqi Hanjian directly pierced the heart of this ancient zombie warrior.

"Everyone is back to back, so that she won't kill them one by one," said the ancient zombie warrior who spoke just now.

Then the remaining four ancient zombie warriors surrounded them directly back to back, and one ancient zombie warrior looked in one direction.

After Lin Hua heard the words of the ancient zombie warrior just now, she couldn't help being shocked. These ancient zombies wearing silver armor are really different, and they will make good countermeasures in time according to Lin Hua's attack. , no wonder this death canyon has such a big reputation.

However, Lin Hua was astonished, but the Eight Wonders Cold Sword inside did not stop. Lin Hua directly swung the Eight Wonders Cold Sword and stabbed viciously at the ancient zombie warrior who was facing her.

And the ancient zombie warrior who faced Lin Hua knew that he had a short sword, without Lin Hua's Eight Strange Cold Sword Length, it would be impossible to exchange injuries with Lin Hua, so he directly put her short sword across his chest , wanting to resist Lin Hua's sword.

However, this ancient zombie warrior underestimated Lin Hua's power. Although this ancient zombie warrior resisted Lin Hua's sword, he was directly repelled by Lin Hua more than ten meters away. The ancient zombie warrior behind him The ancient zombie warrior who was directly repelled by Lin Hua was knocked to the ground.

Taking advantage of this moment, Lin Hua directly swung the Baqihan sword and slashed at the neck of the ancient zombie warrior on the left with a "snap", and the neck of the ancient zombie warrior was cut off by Lin Hua's Baqihan sword. The ancient zombie warrior's head fell to the ground and rolled out. At this time, the ancient zombie warrior on the right who started to speak reacted and stabbed Lin Hua with her dagger.

Lin Hua directly used the ice-shifting phantom to disappear, and then came to the ancient zombie warrior who was repelled by Lin Hua and fell to the ground, and the Baqi Hanjian ruthlessly pierced his head.

Another ancient zombie warrior who fell on the ground saw Lin Hua piercing his companion's head not far away, and got up straight away, staring at Lin Hua vigilantly with a dagger.

And the ancient zombie warrior who spoke first looked at Lin Hua with fear in his eyes, because this is how long it took, four of them died at once, and none of the six of them were Lin Hua's opponents, let alone now There are only two left.

Lin Hua found that these two ancient zombie warriors were a little afraid of herself, and then said slowly, "Can you tell me how many ancient zombie warriors like you are still in this Death Canyon, and why do you dare not mention this death?" What about the canyon?"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the fear in the eyes of these two ancient zombie warriors became more and more. All these changes were not because of Lin Hua, but because of what Lin Hua said just now. Dare to go out because there is a very powerful ancient zombie warrior like an emperor.

It is this very powerful ancient zombie warrior who rules the death canyon and keeps all the ancient zombie warriors out.

When Lin Hua saw the change in the eyes of these two ancient zombie warriors after hearing her words, she couldn't help but was shocked, what is in this death canyon, it can actually put these two ancient zombie warriors of the first rank in the epic Scared like this.

The two ancient zombie warriors didn't answer Lin Hua's question at all, and directly attacked Lin Hua with their short swords. Although they were a little afraid of Lin Hua's strength, but in comparison, they were more afraid of that That powerful existence in Death Canyon.

Lin Hua saw that the two ancient zombie warriors did not answer her question, and knew that they would not get any useful information from them, so she directly waved the Eight Strange Cold Sword to face the two of them, even though they were two ancient zombie warriors. To deal with a Lin Hua, but Lin Hua's swordsmanship is very superb, so soon these two ancient zombie warriors died under Lin Hua's Ba Qi Han Sword.

After Lin Hua killed the two ancient zombie warriors and took out the heterogeneous cores of the six ancient zombie warriors wearing silver armor, he sat down and rested, because there are many problems worth thinking about now. .

That is what is in this death canyon, and how many ancient zombie warriors like this wearing silver armor are there.

However, when Lin Hua was sitting and resting and looking towards the road just now, she found a few figures in the distance. Although they were a little blurry, Lin Hua still recognized those figures as Li Jie and the others. It seems that they haven't discovered that Lin Hua has already discovered them!
(End of this chapter)

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