Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 583 False alarm 1 game

Chapter 583 A false alarm

Lin Hua sighed a long time and said to herself, "I told you not to follow me, you must follow me." After Lin Hua finished talking to herself, her body gradually became blurred, and finally disappeared. up!
In fact, Lin Hua is still sitting and resting in the position just now, but she just used the skill of water concealment. She wanted Li Jie and the others to stop hiding and let them appear directly, so she used this method.

Sure enough, the few people behind saw Lin Hua's figure disappearing, and they all became anxious.

"It was clearly still there just now, why did it disappear all of a sudden?" Murong Xian said worriedly after seeing Lin Hua's disappearance.

"I don't think the boss has discovered the ancient zombie warriors, and used the ice-moving phantom skills to chase them down," Li Jie continued.

"I think it should be, let's chase after him quickly, so that we won't be able to catch up later if the boss runs too far away." Xue Wu said to several people and walked forward quickly.

Then Li Jie and the others were also very worried about losing Lin Hua, so they all accelerated their speed and came to Lin Hua's position.

And Lin Hua couldn't help smiling when he saw them walking towards him quickly, Li Jie and the others were very anxious when they found out that they had disappeared.

After about 3 minutes, Xue Wu and the others came to the place where Lin Hua was sitting and resting, and stopped because Lin Hua disappeared here just now, and they didn't know where Lin Hua was going, and they didn't dare to find a random direction to chase after him. .Because Lin Hua's strength is at the third level of Epic, and Li Jie's strongest is Huo Guang, but it is also at the second level of Epic, so they can't find the invisible Lin Hua at all.

"You guys said that you should go in the direction you should net. If you use the ice shifting phantom skill, there should be traces of ice on the ground, but there are no traces of ice in these three directions, which is strange." Li Jie said a little Strangely said to several people.

"Yeah, every time the boss uses the ice-moving phantom skill, there will be ice on the ground, why not this time?" Gu Tian also asked curiously.

"I don't think it's because we have been following leader Lin's supernatural body. His has already left," Huo Guang boldly guessed.

"Then what should we do now, if Lin Hua is lost, where can we find him?" Murong Xian said in a panic.

At this moment, Li Jie and the others also regretted that they hid far away just now in order not to be discovered by Lin Hua. It is good that they were not discovered, but they were followed.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry. Although you lost your boss, this Death Valley has these three directions. If we search one by one, we will definitely be able to find it," Bei Bei comforted Murong Xian.

"Yeah, don't worry too much. This Death Canyon is not too big. You can look around here if you don't need it for five days," Jiang Tian said to Murong Xian.

"Then Lin Hua has gone out a long time ago. If you return to Starlight City and find that we are not there, don't worry. If you knew it, you wouldn't come, and you lost him." Murong Xian couldn't help crying.

At this moment, Lin Hua couldn't help laughing out loud, but then she couldn't hold back her laughter.

After hearing Lin Hua's laughter just now, Li Jie and the others searched everywhere for Lin Hua's trace, but they still didn't find Lin Hua.

"It's strange, it seems to be the boss's laughter just now, and the distance is so close, why can't I see anyone?" Li Jie said to several people.

"That's right, there's nothing wrong with the voice of the boss, and it's not far away, why didn't I notice it, is it a hallucination?" Xue Wu said to several people.

"Yes, if one person heard Leader Lin's laughter, it might be a hallucination, but how could it be a hallucination if so many of us heard it?" Huo Guang continued.

"It's not a hallucination, it's definitely not a hallucination. I'm very familiar with Lin Hua's voice. I think he must have noticed that we followed him, so she was hiding at the side and peeping at us, so I couldn't help it just now." Stop laughing," Murong Xian said to several people.

After hearing Murong Xian's words, several people also felt that it made sense, but then Gui Wu said, "How could the boss find us following him at such a long distance?"

"Yeah, how could the boss find us, it must be impossible," Xuewu continued.

"Okay, okay, don't guess anymore." As soon as Lin Hua's voice fell, Lin Hua's body appeared in the position where she was sitting and resting just now.

When he saw Lin Hua appearing, Murong Xianzhisuke quickly threw himself into Lin Hua's arms, and said, "I was scared to death just now, I thought I lost you."

"Didn't I tell you, don't cry all the time, it won't look good if you cry often." Lin Hua took out a tissue in the space ring and wiped the tears on Murong Xian's face and said!

"Yeah, I won't cry when I find out," Murong Xian said obediently after Lin Hua wiped away her tears.

After seeing Lin Hua's appearance, Li Jie and the others all lowered their heads, waiting for Lin Hua to give them a meal.

"Don't bow your heads, come out and talk to someone else." Seeing that they all lowered their heads, Lin Hua said, at this moment, Lin Hua was not angry with them at all, because Lin Hua knew that Li Jie and the others followed her. It's all because they are worried about their own safety, so they don't mean to blame them at all.

But Li Jie and the others, after hearing Lin Hua's words, you looked at me and I looked at you, but no one said a word.After Murong Xian at the side saw this, he said directly to Lin Hua, "Don't blame them, I came up with this idea, if you want to say it, just say it to me."

After Murongxian finished speaking, he stared at Lin Hua closely and waited for Lin Hua to criticize him. After hearing Murongxian's words, Lin Hua couldn't help laughing and said, "You don't have to be so serious, I didn't mean to criticize you. stop being so serious"

After hearing what Lin Hua said, Li Jie, Murongxian and the others knew that Lin Hua was not angry, so they all raised their heads, and then Li Jie asked Lin Hua, "Boss, are you not angry anymore, this is not your character."

"Yeah, Boss, I thought you were talking about us, but I didn't dare to speak for a long time," said Beibei on Li Jie's shoulder at this time.

After hearing Beibei and Li Jie's words, Lin Hua couldn't help laughing and said, "Actually, I wanted to give you a break, but after thinking about it later, I decided not to say it, it's all here.

"Haha, let me just say, let's come with the boss, the boss won't let us go." After hearing Lin Hua's words, Beibei couldn't help it, and said with a smile while clutching her stomach.

But as soon as Beibei finished speaking, he found that Li Jie and the others were all looking at him, and Lin Hua was also looking at him at this time. He knew that she had slipped her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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