Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 591 Improve Your Strength First

Chapter 591 Improve Your Strength First

Then Lin Hua and the others returned the same way and walked towards the valley. After about half an hour, they came to the valley that they had just bombed with grenades.

At this time, the painful cries of the injured ancient zombie warriors below could be heard in the valley.

"Boss, let's go down and get rid of them all. Listening to their cries, my heart is almost broken," Li Jie said to Lin Hua.

"Well." After Lin Hua finished speaking, he walked down the mountain to this valley road, and those ancient zombie warriors who did not die heard Lin Hua's footsteps, and then they all looked at Lin Hua and the others, Their eyes were full of fear, because they knew that the explosion just now was caused by Lin Hua and the others.

Without Lin Hua and the others, they would not be what they are now.They wanted to pick up their daggers and fight to kill Lin Hua and the others!

But they can only think about it, because they don't have any ability anymore, because the ancient zombies that can fight are all chasing Lin Hua and the others, and they have already been killed.

Lin Hua looked at the more than 100 injured ancient zombie warriors, and then directly drew out the Eight Wonders Cold Sword, wanting to give these injured ancient zombie warriors a good time.

Because those injured ancient zombie warriors had already lost their combat effectiveness, it only took them less than 15 minutes to kill these ancient zombie warriors and collect the heteronuclei.

"Boss counted some ancient zombie warriors of the first level of the epic. The total number is 750, and the number of ancient zombie warriors of the second level of zombies is 230." After counting the different cores, Li Jie reported to Lin Hua.

Then, after Lin Hua left behind [-] epic first-order ancient zombie warrior alien cores, he distributed all the remaining alien cores equally!
However, when assigning different cores to Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Tian showed a particularly hesitant expression, because he didn't know whether he would accept these different cores.

"Leader Jiang, don't think about joining the alliance. Those are all things after the night talk city is solved. You should accept these different cores first and improve your strength first, or your strength will not be high after you arrive in the night talk city. , Talking has no status at all," Lin Hua said to Jiang Tian.

"Yeah Brother Jiang, just accept it. Don't think too much about it. It's important to improve your strength first. In this apocalypse, only your own strength is strong, so you can speak powerfully." Li Jie said to Jiang Tian.

After Jiang Tian listened to what Li Jie and the others said, he accepted the different core that Lin Hua gave him, and then thanked Lin Hua several times!
"This time we can say it's a bumper harvest, we have harvested so many different cores." Li Jie said looking at the different cores he got.

After Lin Hua allocated the different cores, he said to several people, "Everyone, let's rest here today. There are many different cores. Let's upgrade the level in the rest of the time."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, several people took out the different cores and prepared to eat them to improve their strength.

"Don't raise your strength together and divide them into two groups. Our situation is not very safe now," Lin Hua said suddenly when she saw that they were all about to eat different cores.

Several people knew that Lin Hua's words were correct, because they were now in the Death Canyon, and no one knew what would happen in the next second. Afterwards, they were divided into two groups, Huo Guang, Gu Tian, ​​Jiang Tian, ​​Li Jie, and Hei Tian. Sha, Beibei and the six of them eat different cores first to improve their strength, while Lin Hua, Gui Wu, Xue Wu, Murong Xian, and Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, are waiting for the next wave.

Then Li Jie and the others just sat down cross-legged, took out different cores one after another, and began to eat different cores to improve their level. Because they obtained more heterogeneous cores this time, the strength of this time's level-up will definitely be greater. There were a lot of them, so when Li Jie and the others were upgrading their level, while guarding against the ancient zombie warriors that might appear around them at any time, they started to light a fire and start grilling meat to prepare food.

"By the way, Lin Hua, tell me, what level will I be promoted to after eating the different cores allocated today?" Murong Xian asked Lin Hua, who was looking at the barbecue.

After listening to Murong Xian's words, Lin Hua thought for a while and said, "I think the least is the strength of the second level of epic."

"Ah, can't it be that his strength has increased so much all of a sudden?" Murong Xian said in surprise after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"I think what the boss said is right. You can at least upgrade to the second level of epic strength, because the number of different cores you have obtained today is too much, but they are all epic levels. It is difficult not to increase your strength." Zombie Slaughter The reporter Wu Yu said after hearing Murong Xian's words.

"That's right, you can at least be promoted to the second level of Epic, and if you fail, you may be directly promoted to the third or fourth level of Epic," Xue Wu said while covering her small mouth.

"Really, if I really reached the fourth level of the epic, wouldn't I be even more powerful than the current Lin Hua? I really can't imagine how terrible I will be then." Murong Xian said with a longing expression.

"Sister-in-law, don't listen to Sister Xuewu. Although you have obtained more heterogeneous cores today, you are now at the fifth level of extraordinary power. I think you should reach the third level of epic at most, and you will not reach the fourth level of epic." Gui Wu said to Murong Xian.

"Oh, it's just the third level of epic, isn't that the same as Lin Hua?" Murong Xian said a little unhappy when he heard Ghost Dance say that he would reach the third level of epic at most.

And when they saw Murong Xian at this time, they couldn't help laughing. They all liked Murong Xian very much, because Murong Xian would always make everyone happy, and so did Xue Wu, although Murong Xian stole Lin Hua from him, but he knew that when Lin Hua and Murong Xian were together, they were especially happy, which was what he liked to see the most. Now Xue Wu had let go of her feelings for Lin Hua For Lin Hua, it was the relationship between brother and sister.

Like a ghost dancer, Xuewu regards Lin Hua as her older brother. After such a long period of time, her personal feelings for Lin Hua have faded a lot. Xuewu believes that it will not be long before he will He completely treats Lin Hua as his elder brother, without any personal feelings anymore.

And after Murongxian saw that several people were laughing, she also laughed. Murongxian, although his head is not as good as anyone in Lin Hua's team, but Murongxian's cuteness and cuteness are beyond everyone else. No one is on it.

(End of this chapter)

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