Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 592 Martial God Possession

Chapter 592 Martial God Possession
"Xian'er, do you think it's so easy to improve your strength? Even if your strength improves, you still need to learn some fighting skills, otherwise you'll be a paper tiger." Lin Hua touched Murong Xian's head, and then said gently Said.

"Yeah, I get it, I must participate in battles in the future to increase my actual combat experience, so I won't be a paper tiger anymore," Murong Xian said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Yeah..." After Lin Hua and the others had been chatting like this for about three hours, Jiang Tiancai woke up among Li Jie and the others who had been promoted to a higher level!
"Haha" Jiang Tian couldn't help laughing when he woke up, because this time his level has been raised by a whole stage, and Jiang Tian at this time is already at the peak of the third-order epic!How could he not be happy that he has directly improved from the strength of the second level of the epic to the peak strength of the third level of the epic.

And after hearing Jiang Tian's laughter, Lin Hua and the others all looked at Jiang Tian one after another, and Jiang Tian's smiling eyes could hardly close. When Jiang Tian saw Lin Hua, they were all looking at him. , touched his head and said a little embarrassedly, "I am really happy today, and I have been promoted to the peak strength of the third-order epic in a short while."

"Haha, then brother Jiang, congratulations." Lin Hua said directly to Jiang Tian.

"Yes, City Lord Jiang, congratulations." Xue Wu and the others congratulated Jiang Tian.

"By the way, City Lord Jiang, what was your level before you ate the alien core just now?" Murong Xian asked Jiang Tian.

"Before eating the different core, I was just promoted to the second level of Epic, what's wrong?" Jiang Tian said after hearing Murong Xian's words, and now Jiang Tian is also a little curious why Murong Xian would ask such a question.

"It's okay, it's okay, after you eat the second level of the epic, you can reach the peak strength of the third level of the epic, then after I finish the fifth level of the extraordinary, can I reach the third level of the epic?" Murong Xian said a little worried after listening to Jiang Tian's words.

"Ah, so it's this one. I think it should be able to reach the second level of epic, but I can't guarantee whether it can reach the third level of epic." Jiang Tian said to Murong Xian.

After hearing Murongxian's words, Lin Hua and the others understood why Murongxian asked Jiang Tian so much, and then Xuewu said, "It's okay, I'll give you ten different cores, and let you upgrade to the third level of epic." After talking about Xuewu, he took out the heterocore and handed it to Murongxian.

After hearing Xue Wu's words, Murong Xian said directly, "That won't work, you still have to upgrade your level, you can keep it, I have enough different cores, I just said that as a joke."

"Yeah, you should keep the upgraded level of Xuewu's different cores, Xian'er's different cores are enough." Lin Hua said slowly, after hearing what Lin Hua and Murong Xian said, Xuewu took back the ten different cores .

"Dizzy, I suddenly realized that I was the one who woke up first." Jiang Tian said after talking to Lin Hua and the others for a while.

"Yeah, Li Jie and the others haven't woken up yet," Murong Xian said after hearing Jiang Tian's words.

But just after Murong Xian's voice fell, Li Jie's voice came, "Finally, the breakthrough was successful."

Then Lin Hua and the others looked at Li Jie who was sitting there to upgrade his level. Lin Hua found that Li Jie himself could not see through his strength at this time. There was only one possibility, and that was that Li Jie was already Reached the epic fourth-order strength.

And Li Jie saw Lin Hua and they all looked at me and said happily, "Guess what my level is now."

"Epic level three strength?" Murong Xian said, because she couldn't see through Li Jie's strength, so he could only be fooled.

"Yes, yes, it should be at the third level of epic strength, because the strength of City Lord Jiang is similar to yours, so he has risen to the peak strength of third level epic. I think you should also be at the third level of epic strength." Zombie Slayer Wu Yu Said.

"That's right, at most it's the peak strength of the third-order epic," Xue Wu followed up.

"I think he should be about the same strength as mine, and also at the third level of epic." Jiang Tian also said, because Jiang Tian and his ancient supernatural beings couldn't see Lin Hua's supernatural power level, because Lin Hua and the others just arrived At this strength, I ate a fruit by mistake!
Li Jie laughed after hearing their speculation, then stared at Lin Hua and said, "Boss should know."

"That's right, Lin Hua, why don't you guess?" Murong Xian asked Lin Hua directly when he heard Li Jie say that Lin Hua knew about it.
Lin Hua smiled and said, "I also can't see through your strength. I think it should be the beginning of the fourth level of Epic. Have you gained any new skills by breaking through two levels this time?"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, everyone except Li Jie looked at Li Jie in surprise. They didn't expect that Li Jie had broken through to the fourth level of Epic.

"I really can't hide anything from the boss. After breaking through to the fourth level of epic this time, I realized a new skill called Martial God Possession. After turning on the Valkyrie Possession skill, the attack speed has been greatly increased. , but the image is not very good, the whole body has turned blood red, which is quite scary at first glance," Li Jie said slowly.

"Well, after comprehending the new skill, show us what your new skill is like," Lin Hua said slowly.

"Yeah, hurry up, Li Jie, show us your new skills, what are they like?" Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, said.

At this time, several people were particularly curious about Li Jie's new skills.

"Why is it so lively? Is there something good going on?" Beibei opened her eyes to see the excitement, and then said directly.

At this time, Beibei also broke through to the fourth level of epic strength, but Beibei did not understand the new skills.

"Ah, Beibei, you have also broken through to the fourth level of epic, okay you" Li Jie said happily after turning around and seeing that Beibei had also broken through to the fourth level of epic.

"I thought I could only reach the peak of the third level of epic, but after eating the last heterocore, I broke through to the fourth level of epic directly," Beibei said to several people.

"Not bad, not bad," Lin Hua said slowly. At this time, Lin Hua was also very happy, because the stronger Beibei and the others were, the stronger the Ice and Snow League would be.

"By the way, what did you guys say just now? You are so happy. Tell me about it." Beibei asked with some good intentions.

"I learned a new skill just now, and I'm going to show it to everyone. You can pass it at this time," Li Jie said to Beibei.

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and let everyone see how your new skills are, and see if they are strong or not," Beibei said directly to Li Jie.

"Okay, then I'll show everyone." After Li Jie finished speaking, he immediately released the skill Martial God Possession, and then Li Jie's body slowly turned blood red, especially his eyes were like It's like oozing blood.

(End of this chapter)

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