Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 593 The difference between the two worlds

Chapter 593 The difference between the two worlds

And when Li Jie released the skill Martial God Possession, Lin Hua felt that Li Jie's body had undergone a particularly big change at this time, as if he was crushed.

"Ah, it's quite scary." Murong Xian said when he saw Li Jie whose whole body turned blood red.

"Yeah, did I just say that, although the strength and speed have increased a lot, it's just a little scary." Li Jie said a little depressed.

"By the way, Li Jie, compare the speed with Beibei," Lin Hua said curiously after hearing Li Jie say that his strength and speed had increased a lot after releasing the skill Martial God Possession.

Because Li Jie is a powerful fighter, although his strength is strong, his speed is a bit slow. This is Li Jie's Achilles' heel. Many times Li Jie suffers from speed when fighting against others!If Li Jie's skill Martial God Possession can increase his speed a lot, then it can be said that Li Jie is a particularly perfect fighter.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, several people looked at Lin Hua with some doubts. They didn't know why Lin Hua wanted to compare Beibei and Li Jie's speed, because everyone knew that Li Jie was good at strength, and Beibei was good at strength. What he excels at is speed.

Regardless of their doubts, Lin Hua pointed to the tree about 200 meters away from them and said, "You two ran under that tree with all your strength, touched the tree, and then ran back."

Although Li Jie and Beibei didn't know why Lin Hua asked them to do this, they knew that Lin Hua must have his own ideas for letting them do this.

"Boss, who do you think will be faster?" The zombie slayer said to Lin Hua.

"That's right, Lin Hua, talk about it and see which of us is right," Murong Xian said to Lin Hua.

"I think it should be Beibei, because I asked them to compare their speed. I just wanted to see how much Li Jie's speed would increase after using the skill Martial God Possession," Lin Hua said slowly.

"I feel that Beibei should win, because what Beibei is best at is speed," Xuewu said.

"Yeah, I feel like Beibei too. In terms of strength, Li Jie can win, but he should not be Beibei's opponent in terms of speed," Ghost Dance also said.

"I'm sad, why don't you think highly of me?" Li Jie, who was covered in blood, said a little depressed after hearing what they said.

And Beibei smiled and didn't speak, and then Beibei's body grew bigger, because after Beibei became bigger, his speed was the fastest, then Li Jie and Beibei stood together and waited for Lin Hua The command.

Lin Hua looked at Li Jie and Bei Bei who were already ready and said directly, "Run"

After hearing Lin Hua's order, the two rushed towards the tree in front like arrows leaving the string!

Results had already appeared when they just started running, Beibei's speed was faster than Li Jie who used the Martial God Possession skill.

After Li Jie was pulled down by Beibei, he seemed to be very embarrassed, and rushed forward desperately, but still not as fast as Beibei.

After the results came out, Li Jie was very depressed. He thought that after using the skill Martial God Possession, his speed would be greatly increased and his speed would exceed Beibei's, but he didn't expect that it was still slower than Beibei's speed.

And Beibei saw Li Jie's depression and comforted him, "Brother Li Jie, you don't have to be depressed. I am just good at speed. If I have strength with you, I will never win you." After hearing Beibei's comfort, Li After thinking about it, Jie felt the same way, so he wasn't as depressed as before.

"Li Jie, your strength is great, but your speed is your fatal flaw, but your speed has been greatly increased by your martial arts possession skill, now as long as you don't meet an opponent with a particularly fast speed, you will be at the same level as Bei Bei You are almost invincible," Lin Hua said slowly.

What Lin Hua said was not wrong, now Li Jie is almost invincible at the same level, because the speed of his fatal weakness has been greatly increased by the skill of Martial God Possession.

After Lin Hua's consolation, Li Jie was no longer depressed, and then Gutian, Huo Guang, and Heisha all woke up one after another. Huo Guang's strength also reached the fourth level of epic, and Heisha and Gutian Individuals are at the peak of the third-order epic.

After Lin Hua saw that they had all succeeded in breaking through the level, Li Jie and the others were responsible for safety, and Lin Hua and the others started to break through the level.

Lin Hua took out the different cores that were distributed today, and then ate them one by one. The powers in Lin Hua's body gradually increased, and soon reached the peak of the third level of the epic, and then broke through to the fourth level of the epic. Lin Hua was a little disappointed. Although he broke through to the fourth level of Epic, he didn't comprehend any new skills. Lin Hua continued to eat the different cores, thinking that maybe eating all the abilities could impact the strength of the fifth level of Epic. When all the different cores are gone, Lin Hua is still at the fourth level of epic strength!Even the peak strength of the fourth-order epic has not been reached, let alone the fifth-order epic.

And when Lin Hua woke up, more than two hours had passed, where Gu Tian and the others were chatting at this time!
When they saw that Lin Hua had woken up, they all came over one after another. Li Jie asked Lin Hua, "See if you have broken through to the fifth level of Epic? Let's make a bet, guess your level?"

Lin Hua shook her head and said, "It's only the strength of the fourth level of epic, and this breakthrough has not yet comprehended new skills."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, several people in 'Ao' didn't ask any more questions.

And Huo Guang has always had a question in his head, that is why Lin Hua and the others may get skills when they break through the level, but they never get skills!

Then Huo Guang asked Lin Hua, "Leader Lin, I have a question that has puzzled me for a long time. Why do your abilities have attributes and can release skills, but we can't?"

And Lin Hua suddenly remembered this question after hearing Huo Guang's question, that is, the supernatural beings in this ancient world have never seen them release their skills, if they are all fighting like Li Jie If it is a department, there should be some comprehension skills.

Lin Hua also couldn't figure this out and said, "Maybe our two worlds are different. Although we both have supernatural powers, we live in different environments. The physique of people in your world is better than that of our world. But everyone knows martial arts, your starting point is higher than us, so God is fair"

"Oh, maybe, maybe God made us have no skills for the sake of fairness," Huo Guang said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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