Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 594 Differences

Chapter 594 Differences

"Isn't it good to have no skills? Don't we have martial arts, and our strength is also great, and the benefits will make everyone in our world be touched," Jiang Tian said carelessly.

Lin Hua looked at Xuewu and the others who were still leveling up. It turned out that she was the first to level up!At this time Lin Hua was thinking about Huo Guang's question just now, why is there such a big gap between the two worlds.

After more than an hour like this, Murong Xian slowly opened his eyes, and said happily, "Lin Hua, I have now broken through to the second level of epic strength."

After Lin Hua and the others heard Murong Xian's words, they all looked at Murong Xian. Lin Hua and the others were not surprised at all, because if Murong Xian ate so many different cores, they would be surprised if he didn't break through to the second level of the epic. up.

"Well, congratulations, my little fairy," Lin Hua said softly to Murong Xian.

Murong Xian looked at Xue Wu and the others, who were still leveling up, then stood up and went to where Lin Hua sat.

"By the way, is there any change after Xian'er broke through to the second level of Epic?" Lin Hua asked Murong.

After hearing Lin Hua's Hua, Murong Xian said, "I feel that my strength has increased a lot, and I seem to have become very powerful, and my perception has also improved a lot."

"Hmm, that's good," Lin Hua continued. Actually, what Lin Hua wanted to ask was whether Murong Xian had comprehended new skills after breaking through the level, but after hearing what Murong Xian said, Lin Hua also knew the answer. Even Murong Xian didn't comprehend the new skill.

That shows that although this world has many similarities with Lin Hua's world, there are also many differences. For those with supernatural abilities, it is a difference!

The supernatural beings in Lin Hua's world are all skilled, but the system is relatively weak, and they basically don't know martial arts.As for Murong Xian and the others, all the supernatural beings in this world belong to the combat system, and they all have no skills.

"By the way, Lin Hua, I don't want to use this whip anymore. I feel like it's useless. It just can't kill ancient zombie warriors." Murong Xian said to Lin Hua, because now Murong Xian knows that he has been promoted to Epic II. He also wanted to fight, he wanted to help Lin Hua share some of the pressure, and he didn't want Lin Hua to always be distracted to protect himself.

"Then what kind of weapon do you plan to use? I don't have any good weapons for you in the space ring right now. I'll buy you a better weapon when we get to Night Talk City." Lin Hua said slowly. Murong Xian said.

"Yeah, I want to use the epee, so you can teach me the epee." Murong Xian said to Lin Hua.

Lin Hua couldn't help laughing after hearing Murong Xian's words, "Xian'er, it doesn't look good for a girl like you to use an epee. I don't think you should use a long sword or a short sword. Using an epee is very tiring."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Murong Xian shook his head and said, "No, I will use the epee, because I see you are very handsome when you swing the epee, so I must learn the epee."

After hearing Murong Xian's words, Li Jie and the others couldn't help laughing.

It turned out that Murong Xian wanted to use the epee to look handsome, but then Lin Hua said, "Xian'er is not because I don't want you to use the epee, because if you use the epee, the muscles on the arms will increase, and the arms will become thicker. Yes, think about it for yourself, do you still want to use the epee?"

"That's right, sister-in-law, look at my arm. I used to be thinner, but since using the epee, my arm has become a lot thicker." Li Jie said, showing the muscles on his arm.

After Lin Hua heard Li Jie's words, she immediately took out her own arm and showed it to Murong Xian.

Murongxian looked at Lin Hua and Li Jie's arms, then looked at her own thin arms, and said, "I've decided not to use the heavy sword, and I'll use the short sword from now on. The short sword is better than the long sword." light so that my arms won't get thicker"

"Haha" Murong Xian's words made several people laugh again.

Ghost Dance, and Wu Yu woke up one after another. Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, had reached the third level of epic strength, but did not break through to the fourth level of epic.

Ghost Dance broke through to the fourth level of Epic, but did not comprehend any new skills. At this time, Xue Wu was the only one who hadn't woken up.

"Sister Xuewu hasn't woken up for such a long time, I think she must have comprehended a new skill." Ghost Dance said after looking at Xuewu who hadn't woken up for a long time.

"I think it should be the same, otherwise it would not be possible to take such a long time," Beibei said to several people.

"This Death Canyon really didn't come in vain this time. We came this time, and the level has been raised so much." Jiang Tian said to several people, because Jiang Tian knew how difficult it is to increase the level, but rooted in the forest It has only been a few days since Hua and the others came to this death canyon, and her level has been raised to the peak strength of the third epic level. This is something she never dared to imagine before, because she calculated according to the speed at which he improved his strength before and thought of reaching the present level. This level requires at least a few months of strength, but following Lin Hua and the others will have the effect of several months of strength improvement in a few days.

"Yeah, originally I thought that if I entered this death canyon, I would have a narrow escape, but I didn't expect that nothing would happen, and my strength has been upgraded to the second level of epic," Murong Xian said.

Then Huo Guang said, "All this is due to leader Lin, if there is no leader Lin, maybe we won't be so easy."

After hearing Huo Guang's words, a person appeared in the heads of several people, and that was Lin Hua. If there was no Lin Hua, this death canyon could really be said to be close to death!Because of Lin Hua, they were not harmed.

After hearing what Huo Guang said, Lin Hua said, "This is not due to me alone, it is the result of everyone's joint efforts."

At this moment, Jiang Tian admired Lin Hua more and more after hearing about Lin Hua's customers, and then said, "Leader Lin, I have an idea now, that is, I also want to join the Ice and Snow League,"

After listening to Jiang Tian's words, Lin Hua and the others were very happy, because what they lack in the Ice and Snow League is people, and people as powerful as Jiang Tian.For Jiang Tian's character, Lin Hua and the others are completely familiar with the relationship these days, and they are very suitable to join the Ice and Snow League!

"Well, welcome City Lord Jiang to join our Ice and Snow League," Lin Hua said slowly.

"Yes, Brother Jiang, your decision is correct. Our boss is definitely a good leader, so you can rest assured about this." Li Jie said happily after hearing Jiang Tian's words.

(End of this chapter)

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