Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 595 Flame God of War

Chapter 595 Flame God of War
"Brother Jiang, your choice is right. Joining the Ice and Snow League will make our structure a lot bigger. We won't just think about a city anymore. Leader Lin can lead us to the peak." Huo Guang slowly Said to Jiang Tian.

After hearing what they said, Jiang Tian showed a trace of worry on his face and said, "Although I joined the Ice and Snow League, I am not sure that everyone in Bagu City followed me to join the Ice and Snow League. After all, many people lived and died with me. Yes, so I don't want to force them, I want them to choose for themselves"

"You can rest assured that joining the Ice and Snow League is all voluntary. I will not force anyone. I, Lin Hua, can guarantee this." The reason why he decided to join the Ice and Snow League was because of his brothers in Bagu City.

After listening to Lin Hua's words, Jiang Tian was still a little worried, because she joined the Ice and Snow League out of selfishness, because he knew that after following Lin Hua and the others, his strength could develop rapidly, and Lin Hua She is a very good person, he believes that there is nothing wrong with joining the Ice and Snow League, but his brothers don't know if they will think the same as him, and this is what worries her.

"Brother Jiang, don't worry. When I first joined the Ice and Snow League, I was faced with the problem of migration. At that time, leader Lin didn't force any of us. It was all his own decision, so you don't have to worry about this." Huo Guang said slowly
"Migration, what does this mean?" Jiang Tian asked after hearing Huo Guang's words.

After hearing about Jiang Tianwen's relocation, Lin Hua said slowly, "It is to relocate all the people in Titan City to another city. That city is called Xueyun City, and it is our base camp."

Then Lin Hua told Jiang Tian about the matter of Xueyun City, Jiang Tian was dumbfounded.

"It's right to migrate, I think if I tell the brothers in Bagu City what I said just now, they should all agree," Jiang Tian said slowly.

When Lin Hua and the others were chatting very passionately at this time, Xue Wu, who had broken through the level behind, suddenly had a fiery red flame armor on his body, and a flame sword appeared in Xue Wu's hand.

This sudden change made them all stare at Xuewu closely. At this time, Lin Hua and the others could feel a scorching temperature from where they were standing.

After that, Lin Hua only had a few ice walls around them, and the temperature around Lin Hua and the others dropped a lot.

After about half an hour like this, the flame armor on Xuewu's body and the flame sword in his hand slowly disappeared, and then Xuewu, who broke through the level for a long time, finally opened his eyes!When Xuewu opened his eyes, he realized that everyone was looking at him, so he couldn't help asking curiously, "What's the matter, why are they all looking at me?"

Lin Hua looked at Xuewu, now Xuewu is also at the fourth level of epic strength, Xuewu's sudden change just now may be when he broke through the level, and realized a new skill, thinking of this, Lin Hua said to Xuewu, "You What's the name of the new skill you learned?"

"Ah, boss, how do you know that I have learned a new skill?" Xuewu said in surprise after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Sister Xuewu, look at the surrounding ice walls. Didn't the boss unleash his skills just now? Maybe we're all going to be baked dry now." Li Jie pointed to the surrounding ice walls and said.

After hearing Li Jie's words, Xuewu looked at the ice walls around her, and just as she was about to speak, she heard Murongxian say, "Sister Xuewu, don't listen to Li Jie's nonsense, it's not as evil as she said, it's just that the surrounding area is The temperature has just risen a bit.”

"Yes, sister Xuewu, what Li Jie said just now was her own nonsense, but the flaming armor on your body and the flaming sword in your hand just now are really quite hot," Ghost Dance said.

After hearing Gui Wu's words, Xue Wu thought for a while and said, "The one just now is my new skill, called Lie Yan Zhan Shen. I didn't pay attention to controlling the ability just now, otherwise it wouldn't have such a high temperature."

"Ah, it's called the Flame Queen, but just now you were wearing a flaming armor and holding a flaming sword, you really looked like a God of War," Murong Xian said enviously.

"Well, it was really powerful just now," Lin Hua said lightly.

After hearing Lin Hua's praise, Xuewu showed a happy smile and said, "The skill I just broke through to the fourth level of epic comprehension, I am already at the fourth level of epic."

"Congratulations, Miss Xuewu" Then several people congratulated Xuewu!
At this time, the strength of Lin Hua and the others have all been upgraded. The third level of the epic of heaven, the third level of epic of Heisha, the third level of epic of Jiang Tian, ​​the third level of epic of Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, and the second level of epic of Murong Xian.

Lin Hua looked at the current strength of everyone and was very happy, because they have only been here for a day in the Death Canyon this time, and everyone's strength has improved to such a point.

"By the way, everyone, let's rest later tonight. Tomorrow, we will continue to explore the depths of the Death Canyon. Three people work in one shift at night, and two people rest in one night. Everyone takes turns to rest," Lin Hua said to several people.

Then after a few people lined up their posts, except for those who stood guard, the rest of the people rested.

Everyone got up early the next morning. After Lin Hua and the others had finished eating, they continued to walk towards the depths of the Death Canyon ahead!
However, Lin Hua and the others hadn't encountered any ancient zombie warriors or zombie rats during their whole morning walk, so Lin Hua was particularly strange.

"Could it be that the ancient zombie warriors in this death canyon were all killed by us? It should be impossible," Li Jie said to several people.

"Yeah, how could there not be any ancient zombie warriors," Gu Tian followed up.

"Everyone, be careful, maybe something will come across in a while." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she continued to walk forward.

However, Lin Hua and the others went all the way to the night, and they didn't find any ancient zombie warriors. Lin Hua and the others chose a better place to rest.

When Lin Hua was resting, Lin Hua had a particularly bad premonition, because what happened today was so strange that he hadn't encountered an ancient zombie warrior all day.

And Li Jie and the others also felt strange, but they didn't think much about it, because it's not good if they didn't meet the ancient zombie warriors, and there was no need to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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