Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 596 Death Temple

Chapter 596 Death Temple
But Lin Hua was a little worried. It would be better to meet ancient zombie warriors. The more he couldn't meet ancient zombie warriors, the more uncertain Lin Hua's heart would be.

Because every time they encounter such a situation, there is a powerful existence, otherwise this place would not be so quiet, maybe they are afraid of that powerful existence.

And Murongxian saw Lin Hua's worry at this time and said to Lin Hua, "Lin Hua, don't worry too much, maybe you are thinking too much, maybe the ancient zombie warriors in this death canyon have been wiped out by us Is it clean?"

"That's right, Leader Lin, we should be at the end of this death canyon. It's possible that there will be no ancient zombie warriors," Jiang Tian said to Lin Hua.

"Maybe, I'm thinking too much." Lin Hua said to several people, but Lin Hua absolutely did not believe that all the ancient zombie warriors in this death canyon had been wiped out!
After Lin Hua and the others talked for a while, they all took a rest!And Lin Hua didn't go to bed until very late because she was a little worried, and nothing happened that night!

When they woke up the next morning, Lin Hua and the others continued to walk towards the depths of the Death Canyon. Now Lin Hua had reached the end of the Death Canyon. There was no vegetation around, only some Lin Hua and the others continued to walk forward along the mountain road ahead!

After walking about a few hundred meters, there was a big mountain blocking the way ahead, but there was still a small road on the right side of the mountain.

Li Jie looked at the small road and the big mountain ahead and said, "Boss, I think we should have reached the end of the Death Canyon, and I think that small road should be the way back."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that there are only so many ancient zombie warriors in this famous death canyon," Jiang Tian said, looking at the mountain in front of him.

"Boss, what's your plan now? Should we go back the same way or go to that path?" Gu Tian asked Lin Hua.

Lin Hua looked at the path on the right that was only three or four meters wide, thought for a while and said, "Let's go along that path, it's really nice to see that path leads there."

After Lin Hua finished speaking, she walked towards the path on the right, and Li Jie and the others followed Lin Hua and walked towards the path on the right.

When Lin Hua and the others first came to this path, they found that there were mountains on both sides of the path, there were big mountains and small mountains!When you walk about [-] meters away, you will turn the corner!Lin Hua and the others are following this trail and bypassing many mountain peaks.

However, when Lin Hua and the others had just bypassed another mountain, they found that there was no road ahead. There was a tall building in front of Lin Hua and the others. It was about 200 meters high and covered an area of ​​about two football fields. So big.But there is only one door, and the door is very small, only two meters wide, which is simply not proportional to this tall building.

The word Temple of Death was written on the sign above the door. Lin Hua and the others stood in front of this mysterious temple and looked at it.

At this time, Lin Hua and the others knew that this temple was the end of this death canyon!

"Boss, should we go in and see what's inside this Death Temple?" Li Jie asked Lin Hua
"Yes, boss, I think there must be ancient zombie warriors here," Gu Tian continued.

At this time, Lin Hua heard what they said and did not speak, because she felt that this death temple must be not simple. Perhaps the most powerful existence in this death canyon was in this death temple, and she didn't know this. What exactly will be inside the Temple of Death.

"Whether you want to enter this Death Temple, let's talk about it," Lin Hua said to several people after thinking about it.

Several people saw the serious expression on Lin Hua's face when he spoke, and they all understood that the death temple in front of them might not be that simple.

"Boss, I think we have already come here, it would be a pity not to go in," Li Jie said directly.

"That's right, our level has been improved a lot now, I don't think it will be too dangerous to enter this death temple," Gu Tian continued.

"Although this death temple can't hear any sound inside, the quieter it is, the more terrifying it is. I don't agree to go in," Huo Guang said slowly.

"I don't agree to go into this death temple, because I think there must be some terrible monsters or ancient zombie warriors inside, otherwise the neighborhood would be so quiet, there are no ancient zombie warriors," Xuewu continued. .

"I want to go in for an adventure. Since we are all here, there is nothing to be afraid of. We are here to kill ancient zombie warriors and obtain different cores to improve our strength. We can't directly Get back," Heisha said after thinking for a while.

"Master Lin, what do you mean?" Huo Guang asked Lin Hua after hearing Heisha's words.

Lin Hua thought about what they said, especially what Heisha said, the purpose of their coming here is to improve their strength, and they can't just retreat after seeing such a death temple!
Thinking of this, Lin Hua said slowly, "I agree to go in and see what's inside, otherwise, wouldn't our trip be in vain?"

"Yes, Leader Lin is right. Our current strength has improved, and it's not like we don't have any ability to protect ourselves," Jiang Tian said to several people.

"What I said to Jiang Tian is not wrong. I ask that now they have the ability to protect themselves. If it doesn't work to go in and have a look, we can just quit," Gui Wu continued.

After Lin Hua and the others discussed it, only Xuewu and Huo Guang did not agree to go in. The minority obeyed the majority, so Lin Hua and the others finally decided to go to the death temple.

Lin Hua and Li Jie pushed the gate of the Temple of Death, and then the gate slowly opened.

Lin Hua and the others walked directly inside. After approaching the gate of the Death Temple, there was a long corridor, about three meters wide, lit by torches on both sides. The inside was very quiet, without the slightest noise.

"Everyone, be careful." Lin Hua finished speaking to several people, and walked in the front. Lin Hua and the others walked along the corridor to a central hall. This central hall was very empty, with nothing in it, only However, there is a ladder at the back of the hall against the wall that leads to the upper floor, and Lin Hua and the others walked along the ladder to the upper floor. The upper floor is basically the same as the first floor just now. Just after reaching the second floor is also a long corridor.

(End of this chapter)

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