Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 599 The Guess Is Correct

Chapter 599 The Guess Is Correct
Hearing Lin Hua's words, the few people thought about it for a while. It was true. They really didn't hear anything just now. So they wronged Li Jie just now.

Then several people smiled awkwardly, and then Gu Tian asked, "Why are some statues so fragile, they will turn to ashes when touched?"

"Yeah, looking at those statues, they should be very strong. How could they be broken when touched? It's really hard to imagine," Xuewu continued.

"I think it should have something to do with the thorns shot out by the dead moth. After the thorns shot out by the dead moth go into the human body, they will absorb the water in the blood in the human body, and the human body will become numb and unable to move. , but a thorn can absorb a certain amount of water, so it can't kill the person. After the person recovers, it's just a lack of water in physical fitness. It's good to replenish the water, but if a few thorns of dead moths hit If it is human, it will absorb all the water in the human body, and then the human body will be petrified, and because there is no trace of water, it will break when touched, such a thing," Lin Hua said slowly.

These are just Lin Hua's personal guesses, but Lin Hua believes that her guesses should be pretty close.

"Is it quite reasonable to hear what the boss said?" Beibei shook her head and said.

"Boss, haven't you seen this kind of dead moth? How do you know this?" Gu Tian asked Lin Hua.

"Yes, President Lin, just now, I'm also very curious now, how did you know?" Huo Guang asked Lin Hua.

After hearing what they said, Lin Hua smiled and said, "It's all just speculation. Based on some life experiments and some reasoning, it's not difficult to guess."

"Ah, boss, it's all your guesswork, I thought you knew about it." The zombie slayer couldn't help but smile and said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Yeah, I admire the boss more and more now, even guesses can be said to be so reasonable," Li Jie continued.
Lin Hua didn't look angry at what they said, she smiled and said, "Maybe we'll figure it out after a while?" After speaking, Lin Hua walked forward.

Beibei and the others believed Lin Hua's speculation even though they heard it, and followed Lin Hua to the front.

"Lin Hua, I also want to touch that statue, will it break if I touch it?" Murong Xian said after walking for a while, looking at the statue beside him.

"Aren't I going to let you touch it? If you want to touch it, feel it. It's so pitiful." Lin Hua said softly to Murong Xian

After Murong Xian heard Lin Hua's words, she directly stretched out her jaded hands and touched a human statue next to her!
The human statue that didn't make any sound directly collapsed and turned into a pile of ashes, and Beibei and the others were also very curious, and they all stretched out their hands to touch the human statues near them, but the results were the same Yes, when their hands just touched the human body statue, the human body statue collapsed and finally turned into a pile of ashes.

Lin Hua looked at the pile of ashes on the ground to confirm her thoughts even more, because the pile of ashes on the ground did not have a trace of moisture!
Li Jie walked with a regretful expression on his face and said, "I really didn't expect that a human statue would be a person."

"Yes, people can become so fragile after being dehydrated, they will break if touched," Murong Xian continued.

When Lin Hua and the others were about to walk to the corner of this corridor, they heard the sound of dead moths in the corridor ahead, then turned their heads and said to several people, "You guys want to confirm whether what I just said is correct Yes, you can let the death moth attack it."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the heads of several people shook like rattles. They didn't want to try it, because if it didn't work out, they would turn into human statues that were broken when they touched them just now.

Seeing that they didn't want to try it, Lin Hua smiled and said, "If you don't try it, I will try it. I want to confirm whether my idea just now is correct."

"Boss, I think you should stop trying, why take that risk?" Li Jie said to Lin Hua.

"Yes, boss, we all believe in your guess just now, so don't try it," Beibei said to Lin Hua.

The rest of the people also expressed their disapproval of Lin Hua's idea of ​​trying, because they were afraid that something unexpected would happen to Lin Hua, so they didn't want to take risks at all.

Lin Hua looked at the few of them and couldn't help laughing, "I was just joking just now, but you all took it seriously."

What Lin Hua said was the truth, he was just joking just now, how could she risk her and Li Jie's life to test whether its conjecture was correct.

Then Lin Hua and the others turned directly along the corridor towards the front, but just as Lin Hua and the others turned the corridor, four death moths suddenly shot four thorns at Lin Hua and the others, which caught Lin Hua and the others off guard.

Lin Hua released four ice blades directly at the four death moths, killing them.

Just now Lin Hua and the others heard the dead moths far away, so they relaxed their vigilance, but when Lin Hua and the others heard the sound of the dead moths, those dead moths also found Lin Hua. They heard the sound of Hua's footsteps, so they ambush at the turn to catch Lin Hua and the others by surprise.

Although Lin Hua walked in the front, Lin Hua reacted quickly and dodged it directly, and the two thorns from the four dead moths stabbed Li Jie and Gu Tian respectively. The other two hit the wall.

After being stabbed by the death moth, Li Jie and Gu Tiandang were paralyzed and unable to move at all, and their mouths were dry because of the loss of water in their bodies.

Xuewu and the others were stunned when they saw Li Jie and Gu Tian suddenly become like this, they stared blankly at Li Jie and Gu Tian and prayed in their hearts that they would be fine.

Lin Hua saw that after Li Jie and Gutian were hit, some signs of dehydration appeared, and she had already confirmed that her idea was correct, and then directly released the skill water polo at the two of them, and the water rushed directly to the water. On the bodies of the two of them, in order to prevent the skin of the two of them from drying out and peeling.

"Feed them water until they can react." Lin Hua took out two buckets of water from the space ring, and handed one bucket to Huo Guang, saying to Huo Guang.

Then Huo Guang and Lin Hua started to water Li Jie and Gu Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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