Chapter 600
"Cough cough" Li Jie and Gu Tian recovered after Lin Hua and Huo Guang poured water for about a minute!Maybe it's because Lin Hua and the others are too used to water, they choked Li Jie and Gu Tian.

After seeing that the two could move, several people were very happy. Just now they were particularly worried whether Li Jie and Gu Tian would become human statues.

After Li Jie and Gu Tian coughed, they began to drink water. The two of them drank two large buckets of water each before recovering.

"Boss, what you said is not wrong. It is true that you will become dehydrated after being hit by the death moth," Li Jie said to Lin Hua after drinking two buckets of water and recovering.

"Yeah, Boss felt like he was about to be fucked to death just now, and he couldn't move immediately," Gu Tian continued.

After hearing what they said, Lin Hua smiled and said, "I believe my guess is correct."

"I believe it," Li Jie and Gu Tian said quickly.

"You two scared me to death just now, I thought you were going to become human statues," Murong Xian said to the two of them.

"I thought they were going to become human statues just now," Xue Wu said nervously.

"It's a good thing that the boss reacted quickly enough, and killed the four dead moths in time, otherwise Li Jie and I, who were asking them to launch a wave of attacks, will be destroyed." Gu Tian said with a little fear .

"Yeah, it was really mysterious just now. One thorn has become like that. I really can't imagine two or three." Li Jie also said with some fear.

"As long as one or two of the bodies are just dehydrated, they won't turn into human statues, but those four dead moths just now seem to be ambushing us," Lin Hua said lightly.

With Lin Hua's reminder, they all remembered. Just now they clearly heard that the dead moth was far away from them, but when they turned around, they encountered the attack of the four dead moths. It was really as if Lin Hua said that they were ambushing them.

Then Huo Guang said, "Leader Lin means that these dead moths also have not weak intelligence."

"En." Lin Hua nodded after hearing Huo Guang's words.

"Anyway, it's better for everyone to be careful here. You have also seen the scene just now. If we are not careful here, we may die here," Lin Hua continued.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, several people knew that what Lin Hua said made sense. The temple of death was full of dangers, and if they were not careful, they would really die here.

Lin Hua and the others then walked through two more corridors, because Lin Hua and the others were very careful and were afraid of what happened in the corridor just now, so there was no accident and they killed the dead moths smoothly.

Because Lin Hua and the others had walked through the fifth floor, they knew that after walking through this corridor, they would arrive at the lobby on the sixth floor, so Lin Hua and the others were particularly careful.

When Lin Hua and the others reached the end of the last corridor of the same hall on the sixth floor, they heard the dense sound of the wings of death moths vibrating from inside the hall.

After hearing this voice, the heads of Lin Hua and the others were about to explode, because listening to this voice, the number of the least dead moths in this hall would definitely not be small. Lin Hua and the others were afraid of being killed by those dead moths in the hall. Development, so I didn't go to the hall to check the quantity at all.

"I heard that there are at least a few hundred of them in there. There is only one way to go up. If you want to go up, you can only eliminate those dead moths in the hall." Lin Hua said slowly to several people.

"Let's say there are hundreds of them, even if dozens of them fly over at once, we can't deal with them," Li Jie said.

Then several people nodded, indicating that they had informed Li Jie of what he said.

"But what the boss said is right, there is only one way up, if you want to go up, you have to face those dead moths," Xue Wu said to several people.

"The main thing now is to use some method to kill all these dead moths all at once," Gu Tian said, frowning.

That is, Lin Hua has no good solution now, because those death moths can fly, and there are not many warnings, and there are too many of them, so he can't fight them face to face. Hua and the others are alone, and they are all bound to die.

"Boss and the others are insects. Burn them with fire. Insects are afraid of fire." Li Jie said after thinking for a long time.

"What kind of fire do you use to burn it? Those dead moths will fly away once the fire is burned. How could it be possible to burn them to death?" Gu Tian said after hearing Li Jie's words.

Li Jie thought about it after hearing Gu Tian's words, so he didn't refute Gu Tian's words.

"Use smoke to kill those dead moths, because the inside is closed, so it's very suitable for this method." Xue Wu looked at the surrounding environment and said.

"No, we can't stand it if we use smoke. Besides, if those dead moths are smoked, he can only run towards the top. When we get to the top, we still have to face those dead moths." Lin Hua directly pointed out the disadvantages of Xuewu's method.

"Then what should we do, so many of us living people have not been troubled by those bugs?" Li Jie said very depressed
"It's impossible to use a large range of abilities, because the space is too small, it simply won't work," Ghost Dance thought for a while and said.

After hearing Ghost Dance's words, Lin Hua had a flash of inspiration, because Lin Hua forgot that she has a skill called Absolute Freeze, although it also has a wide range, but it is different from other wide range skills and does not require a huge space.

Then Lin Hua smiled and said, "We have been thinking about how to deal with these dead moths, but we have forgotten our most powerful hole card skills. Although many skills in it are not suitable for release, but my Absolute Freeze It is indeed perfectly suitable to be released in it.”

After hearing Lin Hua's words, several people remembered that Lin Hua's skill was absolutely frozen, and it was really suitable for releasing in this hall, and it was just right to deal with those dead moths there.

"The boss is still the boss at the critical moment, and the boss can think of a solution to the problem at this time," Li Jie said to several people.

Several people were silent when they heard Li Jie's words, because what Li Jie said was not wrong, every time they encountered difficulties, it was Lin Hua who came up with a solution to solve them!

Lin Hua saw that they were all silent after hearing Li Jie's words, and then slowly said, "I didn't come up with this method myself. I just thought of it after being prompted by the methods you thought of. Just now Everyone’s methods are good, but not the best.”

(End of this chapter)

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