Chapter 602 Vigilance
After Lin Hua looked at the leader of the death moth, he asked the leader of the death moth, "Is there a most powerful existence at the highest level in this temple of death?"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the dead moth's eyes showed a deep look of fear, but he did not answer Lin Hua's question.

Although Lin Hua didn't hear the death moth's answer to himself, in the eyes of the death moth, Lin Hua already knew the answer. There must be a most powerful existence in this temple of death, and his strength It is very powerful, otherwise when Lin Hua asked those ancient zombie warriors and this dead moth, the most powerful existence in the death canyon these days, they would not have such fear in their eyes.

"Forget it, I won't ask this question anymore, let me change the question, how many floors does this temple of death have in total, and is there a guard on each floor?" Lin Hua looked at the commander of the death moth and said.

"The Temple of Death has twelve floors, and I can't tell you about the others," Commander Death Moth said lightly to Lin Hua.

Lin Hua shook his head after listening to the words of the commander of the death moth, and then turned around and walked slowly into the corridor. Although the commander of the death moth said just now that he would let Lin Hua and the others pass, Lin Hua did not relax at all. Be vigilant, even if Lin Hua's back is facing the leader of the Death Moth, if the Death Moth suddenly launches an attack and sneaks up on Lin Hua, Lin Hua is sure to react immediately.

The dead moth was still staring at Lin Hua's back, planning to attack Lin Hua suddenly several times, but in the end he held back!
"How is the boss, have you wiped out all the dead moths inside?" Li Jie asked Lin Hua directly when he saw Lin Hua coming back.

Lin Hua shook his head and said, "All the death moths in the hall have been wiped out, but there is still a powerful death moth commander left. Although the death moth leader does not have any special abilities, I can feel it. He's not that easy to deal with."

Li Jie and the others were very excited when they heard the first half of what Lin Hua said, with happy expressions on their faces. It's all frozen there.

"All the death moths have been wiped out, and there is still a powerful death moth leader." Huo Guang said in surprise after hearing Lin Hua's words. After Huo Guang finished speaking, he looked directly at Lin Hua, and Lin Hua nodded. nod.

"Boss, can you deal with that death moth leader?" Gu Tian asked Lin Hua directly after he realized it.

"Yes, but it should be the result of mutual losses," Lin Hua said slowly.

"Then what should we do? Don't you just go up?" Li Jie said depressingly.

"Yeah, we've already come here. It would be a pity if we don't go up." Jiang Tian thought for a while and said.

"Who knew that after we wiped out those death moths, there would be a leader of death moths," Heisha also said a little depressed.

Lin Hua looked at Li Jie and the others, who were a little depressed when they heard the powerful commander of the death moth, and then said slowly, "The death moth agreed to let us go there just now, but I am a little worried about her. , afraid that it will suddenly attack us later"

When a few people heard Lin Hua say that the commander of the death moth agreed to let them go up, their faces showed some joy.

"Ah, boss, can you speak without panting? I thought we couldn't go up." Li Jie said directly after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Boss is right. Even if the death moth promised to let us go to the next floor, how reliable are those monsters' words? What if he suddenly attacked?" Xue Wu thought for a while after hearing Lin Hua's words. Said.

"Yes, sometimes people's words are untrustworthy, so the words of monsters are even more untrustworthy," Ghost Dance continued.

"There are two paths now. Either believe in the words of the commander of the death moth and go up. This has a certain degree of risk, because he may sneak attack us at any time, or just withdraw and go to this death temple." Lin Hua After looking at the crowd, he said.

"Leader Lin, what are your plans now? Believe in that death moth's words and go up, or quit this temple of death?" Huo Guang asked Lin Hua after thinking about it after listening to Lin Hua's words.

Lin Hua shook her head and said, "I'm also thinking about this question now, because I'm afraid that this death moth's sudden attack will hurt someone. I don't want to see this, but if I go back like this, I still feel very unwilling in my heart. "

"Yeah, if we go back now, I'm not reconciled. We've been away for so long. Should we just retreat when we meet this dead leader?" Li Jie said very unwillingly.

"Brother Li Jie is right, I am too unwilling to go on like this," Beibei continued.

"Yes, if you go on like this, you'll be so angry. At worst, you'll fight with the leader of the dead moth." Jiang Tian touched her iron rod and said.

"Well, I think if we are on guard against the death moth leader, no matter how powerful he is, it won't be so easy for us to sneak attack successfully."

Xue Wu thought for a while and said.

"That's right, what sister Xuewu said is not wrong, we are not ordinary people, we don't have any strength to fight back, isn't it okay for us to guard against the sudden attack of the death moth, everyone is vigilant even if the death moth sneak attack It's not an easy thing to say," Gui Wu continued.

After hearing what Xuewu and the others said, Murongxian, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "Didn't that death moth agree to let us go, she might not suddenly attack us,"

After hearing Murong Xian's words, several people were silent. They were all different from Murong Xian, because they had fought monsters or ancient zombie fighters many times, and they all knew the cunning of those monsters or ancient zombie fighters.

As for Murong Xian, she is like a flower in a greenhouse, so she has never seen the cunning of monsters before.

Lin Hua gently touched Murong Xian's head and said, "It's not that we don't believe in the words of the commander of the death moth, but we just thought about what might happen in advance. Wouldn't it be better if the commander of the death moth kept his word?" "

"Yeah, what sister-in-law said is not unreasonable, maybe we are all thinking too much, the commander of the dead wall moth will not attack us at all, but we can't relax our vigilance" Xue Wu said after hearing Murong Xian's words .

(End of this chapter)

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