Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 603 A Thunderous Grunt

Chapter 603 A Thunderous Grunt

"Okay, since everyone has decided to go up, then be more careful and prevent possible sneak attacks." Lin Hua said to several people.

Then Li Jie and the others nodded after hearing Lin Hua's words, and then Lin Hua and the others walked along the corridor to the lobby on the sixth floor.

And the leader of the death moth has been staring at the direction of the entrance of the hall, waiting for Lin Hua and the others to arrive, because he just heard the footsteps of Lin Hua and the others.

When Lin Hua and the others walked into the hall, Lin Hua stopped suddenly, stared at the leader of the dead moth, and then continued to walk forward.

Commander Death Moth also knew that Lin Hua suddenly stopped and stared at him just now, because he was worried that he would not keep his promise and would suddenly attack them?But the dead moth didn't speak, and flew towards the corner on the right!Give Lin Hua and the others the location leading upstairs.

Lin Hua and the others saw this move of the dead moth, but they didn't relax their vigilance at all.

When Lin Hua and the others walked up the stairs to the sixth to seventh floors, the Death Moth Commander didn't even make a sneak attack on them!

"I really didn't expect this dead moth to be so trustworthy and not sneak attack us." Huo Guang said to several people

"Yeah, I didn't expect that the monster could be so trustworthy," Li Jie continued.

After hearing what they said, Lin Hua smiled and said, "When you passed by the commander of the death moth just now, didn't you notice the hesitation in the eyes of the commander of the death moth? He also wanted to sneak attack on us just now, but it could only be Seeing that we are all on guard against him, he is not sure, that's why he didn't sneak attack,"

What Lin Hua said was not wrong, the dead moth just now really wanted to attack them, because she felt that Lin Hua and the others were guarding against him, and he didn't think that he could kill them. Killing Lin Hua and the others, that's why he resisted his plan to sneak attack Lin Hua and the others.

"So it's like this, I really didn't pay much attention to that dead moth's eyes just now." Li Jie said suddenly after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Boss is right. When I passed by the death commander just now, there was really hesitation in the eyes of the death commander, which made it difficult for him to make a choice." Xuewu continued, because he also discovered it just now. The hesitation of that dead moth.

"Ah, this Death Moth Commander wanted to attack us just now, but I still trust him so much, Murong Xian said with a pouted mouth.

Then a few people walked up the stairs to the seventh floor. When Lin Hua and the others walked up the stairs, they didn't find any sound at all, as if there was nothing on the seventh floor.

"Could it be that this seventh floor is the same as the first to fourth floors you walked through, there are no monsters, or there is no sound at all." Li Jie said after hearing that there was no sound on the upper seven floors.

"Probably not. If there is no sound, wouldn't there be monsters? When we were stabbed by the death moth's sting just now, there was no sound yet." Gu Tian said to Li Jie with some contempt.

"Isn't it just knowing if any monsters have gone up?" Beibei said directly.

Then several people continued to walk up the stairs. When Lin Hua and the others reached the seventh floor, they did not find any monsters or ancient zombie warriors, and there was no sound, it was quiet.

Lin Hua and the others continued to walk along the corridor towards the central hall!
"Perhaps what Li Jie said is right, there are no monsters or ancient zombie warriors on this floor, otherwise there would be no voices," Xuewu said, looking at the road ahead.

"Maybe." Lin Hua said lightly and continued to walk forward. When Lin Hua and the others reached the central hall, they heard bursts of grunts, and the grunts were loud, like thunder generally.

Now Lin Hua and the others were completely fooled. Ancient zombie warriors still need to sleep and rest!

However, Lin Hua became vigilant after hearing the thundering grunting sound!
"What should this be? There is such a loud grunt sound." Li Jie said after hearing the grunt sound

"It shouldn't be the ancient zombie warriors. The ancient zombie warriors didn't sleep. This is obviously the sound of sleeping." The zombie slayer said, because half of the zombie slayers belong to the nature of zombies, so she knows zombies very well. .

"Everyone, be careful, play by ear when the time comes, and try not to disturb that sleeping monster if possible," Lin Hua said to these people.

As they slowly approached the hall on the seventh floor, the snoring sound in the hall became louder and louder, making Li Jie and the others very upset.

"This monster's snoring sound is too suitable for everyone. It makes me very upset. I really want to yell loudly to wake up that monster, so I can save myself listening to her snoring noise." Li Jie was very excited. Said depressed.

"You can bear it. I haven't seen any monsters yet. If we can't deal with them, what should I do if I wake up? Are you trying to put that monster to sleep?" Gu Tian teased Li Jie said.

After hearing Gutian's words, several people couldn't help laughing, but the monster seemed to be sleeping very honestly, and didn't wake up, but continued to make his thunderous grunt.

"Yeah, Li Jie, please bear with it for a while, everyone and you are in the same mood as you now, and you don't want to hear any thunderous snoring sound, but Gu Tian said that he has not yet determined the strength of which monster Well, so we'd better not wake it up now, so as not to be difficult to deal with," Xuewu said to Li Jie.

After hearing Xue Wu's words, Li Jie nodded vigorously, then looked at Murong Xian and said, "Sister-in-law, why don't you feel that some monster's snoring is noisy, this is not your character either."

After hearing Li Jie's words, several people looked at Murong Xian, especially Lin Hua, because he knew Murong Xian best, and Murong Xian's character should have been arguing to wake up which monster. up!But Murong Xian didn't make any movement when he heard the monster's snoring today.

Murong Xian looked at everyone and said, "Haven't you heard of it? It's natural to be calm. If you don't think about the snoring, you won't be so disturbed."

After several people heard Murong Xian's words, they were all black lines at one end, because what kind of reasoning was this!
(End of this chapter)

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