Chapter 604

"Sister-in-law, I don't think I can use your method. I'll just use earplugs." After speaking, Li Jie took out two earplugs from his pocket and blocked his ears.

After seeing Li Jie plugging their ears, several people despised Li Jie. When Lin Hua walked through the end of the corridor and came to the hall, they discovered the source of the thunderous snoring.

A four-legged monster about five meters long was made out of sleeping on the stairs somewhere in bronze armor. This monster in bronze armor had wolf-like fangs and two very big eyes, but Because of sleeping, I can’t see the color of her eyes at all. Her head is not proportional to her body, because her head is only twice the size of a normal person’s head. It is a little uncoordinated with her strong body. His limbs They all have sharp claws, and their limbs are particularly thick, and they are full of strength at first glance.

Lin Hua looked at this sleeping monster covered in bronze armor, with a trace of fear in his eyes, because Lin Hua could see that his strength was already at the fourth level of Epic.

Although the monster was sleeping, it gave Lin Hua a particularly dangerous feeling.

And Jiang Tian, ​​who was staring at the monster in bronze armor, said slowly, "This sleeping monster is called a heterogeneous bronze beast, which belongs to a type of zombie ancient zombies. This heterogeneous bronze beast is very lethargic and bloodthirsty. In addition to fighting, it just sleeps. Every alien bronze beast is immortal in battle. Generally, it is of an extraordinary level. I didn’t expect that the level of this alien bronze beast is so high. I can’t even see it now. see through"

"Alien bronze beasts, I've heard of this too. There was once a hundred people with supernatural powers who encountered a heterogeneous bronze beast, and none of them escaped. They were all killed, and the alien bronze beasts did not eat their abilities The victim's body just ate the head," Huo Guang said after hearing Jiang Tian's words.

"Oh, do you know the weakness of this heterogeneous bronze beast? If we want to go up, we must wake up this heterogeneous bronze beast, but you also said that he is particularly bloodthirsty, so we must kill him." Lin Hua said lightly .

"I don't know his weakness either, because I haven't fought against a different kind of bronze beast before," Jiang Tian said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"The weak point of the heterogeneous bronze beast is its head. Except for the weak point of his head, the rest of the body has amazing defensive power. I once heard a superhuman who killed the heterogeneous bronze beast say that." Huo Guang After thinking about it, he said.

Although Li Jie plugged his earplugs, he could still hear Lin Hua and the others. After hearing Huo Guang's words, Li Jie said directly, "He is sleeping now, so let's just go there and chop off his head. , what a simple matter"

"Yeah, you can tell from the snoring sound now, this alien bronze beast is sleeping very dead, I feel that even if we walk by his side, he won't wake up," Gu Tian continued.

"Impossible. Although this heterogeneous bronze beast is particularly lethargic, their noses are particularly sharp. Even if they are fast asleep, as long as they smell the smell of a stranger within 50 meters, they will immediately wake up." Jiang Tian listened After hearing what Li Jie and Gu Tian had said, he said hastily.

"Oh, you can't just wake him up with a sneak attack. Although he is an epic fourth-tier, but we have so many epic fourth-tiers. Isn't it easy to deal with her!" Li Jie said after hearing Jiang Tian's words.

After hearing Li Jie's words, Lin Hua shook her head and said, "Although this heterogeneous bronze beast is at the fourth level of the epic, I feel a little bit of danger from him, and I think it should not be so easy to deal with."

"Then this heterogeneous bronze beast is stuck on the stairs now, we will clear him up as soon as we go up, otherwise we won't be able to go up," Xuewu said, looking at the sleeping heterogeneous bronze beast in front of him.

Lin Hua thought for a while and said, "Leave the fourth level of the epic, and the rest of the people will evacuate to the corridor to save everyone from getting hurt."

"Leader Lin, I plan to stay and help. Although I am not the fourth level of the epic, but I am now the peak of the third level of the epic, not much different from the fourth level of the epic. I think there should be no problem." Jiang Tian heard Lin Hua's words Said.

"Yes, Boss, I also want to stay and help. My speed is fast, so there shouldn't be any problems," Heisha said after hearing that Jiang Tian planned to stay.

"I'll stay and help too," Gu Tian also said.

Lin Hua looked at a few of them, then thought for a long time and said, "This alien bronze beast is not as easy to deal with as it appears on the surface, you go back first, Jiang Tian, ​​​​you also go back first, Xuewu and Guiwu are the same, just stay here." Come on, me, Beibei, Li Jie, Huo Guang, the four of us."

When Xuewu and Guiwu heard that Lin Hua planned to let them retreat to the corridor, Xuewu said directly, "Boss, didn't you just say to let the fourth-level epic stay? Let us all go back."

"Your physical strength is not high, you are all mages, and you are much weaker than us fighters, and this alien bronze beast is not easy to deal with, so you are also obedient." Lin Hua directly faced Xue Wu and Gui Wu. Said!

Although at the beginning of the evolution, he decided to let Ghost Dance and Xuewu of the fourth level of the epic stay, but when Lin Hua heard Jiang Tian say that he was the peak of the third level of the epic and was similar to the epic, he suddenly thought that although Xue Wu and the others were of the fourth level of the epic, However, they belong to the mage type, their speed and physical strength are simply not good enough, and the fight with this heterogeneous bronze beast is close combat, so Xuewu and Guiwu are particularly at a disadvantage, so after thinking for a long time, Lin Hua decided to let Guiwu and Xuewu be two people. They all left, leaving only Beibei, Huo Guang, and Li Jie.

"Boss" Gu Tian was about to speak when he was interrupted by Lin Hua's gesture!In the end, I held back and didn't say it.

"Lin Hua, be careful, we'll wait for you outside." After Murong Xian said to Lin Hua, he walked outside, and then Xue Wu and the others also walked out, although they were a little unwilling in their hearts.

But they knew that it was for their own good that Lin Hua asked them to withdraw, and they were afraid that the alien bronze beast would seriously injure them!
After Lin Hua saw that Murong Xian and the others had already retreated to the corridor, he turned his head and said to several people, "Everyone must be careful later, and you can't fight recklessly with this heterogeneous bronze beast, because the heterogeneous bronze beast is particularly bloodthirsty, bloodthirsty. Monsters are not afraid of death, fighting hard is very bad for us."

(End of this chapter)

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