Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 606 Careless Li Jie

Chapter 606 Careless Li Jie

Lin Hua also heard Li Jie's conversation just now, and knew that the head of this heterogeneous bronze beast was his weakness. However, this heterogeneous bronze beast was particularly bloodthirsty, and it was particularly difficult to attack his head.

"Ho Ho Ho" the alien bronze beast also felt it at this time, Li Jie and the three of them no longer attacked their body, they should have come to attack their head, so they must get rid of Lin Hua in front of them as soon as possible, without delay Too much time.

"Bang" when this alien bronze beast attacked Lin Hua with her sharp claws for the first time, Lin Hua blocked it in time again with the Eight Strange Cold Sword.

After resisting the attack of the alien bronze beast this time, Lin Hua realized that the alien bronze beast seemed to be anxiously getting up and attacking itself now!It should be that she was a little worried that Li Jie and the others would attack his head, so she attacked herself in a hurry.

Since this heterogeneous bronze beast regards itself as the primary target of attack, Lin Hua is no longer planning to take risks and attack by force. As long as he can get rid of most of the energy of this heterogeneous bronze beast and create opportunities for Li Jie and the others, then it should be possible. Killed the alien bronze beast.

"Bang bang bang" Lin Hua kept resisting the attack of the alien bronze beast that quickly attacked her. At this time, Li Jie's broadsword, Huo Guang's spear, and Beibei's claws all attacked the head of the alien bronze beast.

Seeing that Lin Hua resisted his attack and did not attack him by force, and the other three people attacked his head, the alien bronze beast couldn't help but panic. Although it is very bloodthirsty, he is not stupid. He knows that Li Jie After they were about to attack their own heads, they directly locked on Li Jie on the left. He planned to die with Li Jie.

The two claws of the heterogeneous bronze beast directly stabbed Li Jie's body on the left, and it didn't mean to stop Li Jie's big knife from cutting his head.

After Lin Hua saw that this heterogeneous bronze beast was going to die with Li Jie, she yelled at Li Jie, "Li Jie, go back!"

But Li Jie didn't mean to dodge in the slightest, because Li Jie knew that this was the best chance to kill the alien bronze beast!
Seeing that Li Jie had no intention of avoiding Lin Hua's words, the alien bronze beast became even more excited. Huo Guang and Bei Bei's attack was about to hit the alien bronze beast's head, but when they saw After Li Jie heard Lin Hua's words, he didn't dodge. They were very anxious and accelerated their attack speed, wanting to kill the alien bronze beast before it attacked Li Jie.

But their idea is obviously impossible, because when they attacked the alien bronze beast, their speed had already reached the limit, so they couldn't accelerate no matter how fast they were.

But Li Jie didn't dodge, so they could only watch Li Jie die under the claws of this alien bronze beast.

Seeing that Li Jie didn't dodge, Lin Hua knew that if Li Jie was attacked by the claws of this alien bronze beast, he would surely die. Lin Hua, who was extremely anxious, directly released the weapon at the less than [-] centimeters distance between the alien bronze beast and Li Jie. A wall of ice!Want to procrastinate for a moment.

Then Lin Hua released the skill Ice Shifting Phantom and disappeared at the position just now, and then suddenly appeared on the right side of Li Jie's words, and directly kicked Li Jie heavily.

At the moment when the claws of the alien bronze beast shattered the ice wall, Li Jie was kicked out by Lin Hua. With a "bang", Li Jie fell five meters away and hit the ground, but Li Jie didn't Not the slightest injury.

Looking at the front paws of the imminent alien bronze beast, Lin Hua exerted all her strength to hold the Baqihan Sword against her chest, trying to block the blow.

With a "bang", Lin Hua was directly repelled by the attack of the front paws of the alien bronze beast for more than ten meters away. Although Lin Hua was repelled, she was not injured at all, but the black ice body armor appeared on her body A trace of cracks!


The moment Lin Hua was repelled, Huo Guang's spear directly penetrated the head of the alien bronze beast, and Beibei's sharp claws grabbed a large piece of the alien bronze beast's head.

"Ho Ho Ho..." After being hit by Huo Guang and Bei Bei, the heterogeneous bronze beast howled unwillingly, and then fell down suddenly.

Li Jie, who was kicked out by Lin Hua, had already got up and ran towards Lin Hua, saying, "Boss, are you okay?"

Lin Hua also stood up, shook her head and said angrily, "It's okay."

Beibei and Huo Guang both ran towards Lin Hua after seeing the death of the alien bronze beast, but they were relieved to see that Lin Hua was fine.

Li Jie also saw that Lin Hua was a little angry now, and knew that it was because of his impulsiveness just now that he let Lin Hu go like this. If Lin Hua hadn't reacted quickly and kicked himself away just now, maybe he is now He died at the hands of that alien bronze beast.

Huo Guang looked at Li Jie and said with some displeasure, "Li Jie, are you stupid? If you have been there just now, if the boss reacted quickly, you would be lying here now."

"Yeah, how mysterious you were just now, the boss told you to back off, why didn't you back off?" Beibei said, shaking Li Jie's shoulder vigorously.

And Lin Hua saw that Li Jie didn't speak, turned around and walked towards the corridor. At this time, Lin Hua was very angry, because it was indeed too mysterious just now, and Li Jie could be said to have brushed shoulders with death!Although Lin Hua also knew that Li Jie didn't dodge just because he wanted to kill that alien bronze beast, and he didn't want to miss the opportunity!But Lin Hua, I am very angry.

After Li Jie saw Lin Hua walking towards the corridor without saying a word, Da also shook his head and became depressed.

"Hey, tell me about you, look at how arrogant you are!" Beibei said after seeing Li Jie like this.

Huo Guang looked at Li Jie, and then asked Li Jie, "What did you think just now? Do you want to die with that alien bronze beast? To be honest, otherwise I won't be able to talk to you later."

"Well, I really had this plan at that moment just now," Li Jie said after looking up at Huo Guang.

After hearing Li Jie's words, Bei Bei and Huo Guang both sighed and walked towards the corridor.

When Murongxian and the others saw the angry Lin Hua walking back, they didn't know what happened, so they didn't say anything!He just looked at Lin Hua quietly, and then Lin Hua just sat there with his head bowed without saying a word.

Now Lin Hua's heart is in a mess, because Li Jie almost left him forever at that moment just now, and Lin Hua has always regarded Li Jie as his brother, so it will be like this.

(End of this chapter)

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