Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 607: Facing the Wall and Thinking

Chapter 607: Facing the Wall and Thinking
Soon Li Jie and the three of them also came over one after another. Li Jie looked particularly depressed, while Beibei and Huo Guang looked more normal, and then Murongxian and the others asked Beibei in a low voice. , what happened to Lin Hua and Li Jie.

Beibei told Murongxian and the others about everything that happened just now. After knowing what happened, several people looked at Li Jie, who was depressed, and at Lin Hua, who was still a little angry at this time. Shaking their heads, they don't know what to say now.

After about half an hour, Murongxian saw that Li Jie and Lin Hua were the same as before, Murongxian walked up to Li Jie and said to Li Jie, "Hurry up, go to Lin Hua to confess It was a mistake, otherwise this would not be a solution.”

"Yes, Li Jie, hurry up and tell the boss something nice, and let the boss calm down," Gu Tian followed up.

After hearing what they said, Li Jie looked at Lin Hua who was still angry in the distance, shook his head and said, "What did I say to the boss, my head is in a mess now, I used to be afraid that the boss would see me get angry"

"Hey, I've known the boss for so many years and this is the first time I've seen him like this, Li Jie, you really pissed off the boss this time," Xuewu said with a sigh.

What Xuewu said is not wrong. Xuewu has known Lin Hua for several years before the end of the world. Until now, this is the first time she has seen Lin Hua like this. She knows that this time Lin Hua is really I was choked up enough by Li Jie.

"That's right, Li Jie, go over quickly, if you say something nice in the past, the boss won't be angry with you anymore," Gui Wu also said.

After hearing what Xuewu and the others said, Li Jie thought for a while and stood up and walked towards Lin Hua, while Beibei and the others also followed.

Li Jie stopped next to where Lin Hua was sitting, and said in a depressed mood, "Boss, I'm sorry, I know I was wrong this time, I shouldn't be so impulsive, next time I won't, don't you Are you angry?"

After hearing Li Jie's words, Lin Hua raised her head and glanced at Li Jie. After snorting coldly, she turned her head to the other side and stopped looking at Li Jie.

At this time, Lin Hua was still angry with Li Jie in her heart, because Lin Hua had always treated Li Jie as her own younger brother, but just now Li Jie almost died at the hands of that alien bronze beast. If it wasn't for Lin Hua's quick reaction just now, the consequences would be really unimaginable, and the reason for all this is because of Li Jie. If Li Jie had listened to his own words and retreated just now, even though he missed a blow The opportunity to kill the alien bronze beast, but Li Jie didn't need to take such a big risk just now.

But Li Jie saw that Lin Hua turned his head and knew that Lin Hua was still angry with him, and then said, "Boss, I was so impulsive just now because I was confused for a while. I promise I won't do that in the future, so please forgive me." one time"

"You said you, Li Jie, if the boss didn't react quickly this time, if you died, you still have the face to ask the boss to forgive you, so hurry up and reflect on it." Gu Tian pretended to be very angry and said to Li Jie shouted loudly.

After hearing Gutian's words, several people could see that Gutian was pretending, and they all suppressed their laughter. After hearing Gutian's words, Li Jie knew that Gutian said this to persuade Lin Hua not to laugh. I was angry with myself, so I just walked to the side and stood there, the so-called introspection.

After seeing Li Jie leaving, Gu Tian smiled and said to Lin Hua, "Boss, look at Li Jie and now you know he was wrong, and you have reflected on it in the past, so don't be angry with him."

"Yeah, Lin Hua, don't be angry with Li Jie, she was acting impulsively. After knowing the seriousness of the matter, she won't do this in the future. Just forgive him this time." Murong Xian said Lin Hua said.

"That's right, boss, let Li Jie face the wall and not give him food for a day, let her reflect on where she lives." Beibei looked at Li Jie who was standing there and said.

"Boss, we know that you are very angry this time, and we can understand you, because we can also see that you have always treated Li Jie as your own brother. He is a little impulsive today, but He is also a young man, young people will make mistakes, and if they know they have made mistakes, they will correct them, you, a brother, should forgive him for his impulsiveness this time." Xue Wu thought for a while and said to Lin Hua.

After hearing what they said, Lin Hua eased her frown and said, "I know Li Jie was impulsive, but he needs to know the price he has to pay after the impulsiveness. I saved him this time, so what about next time, sir?" Next time, there will always be a time when I can't save her."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, several people breathed a sigh of relief, and then Xuewu continued, "Boss, don't worry, Li Jie has already guaranteed that he won't be impulsive again, so don't worry about that."

"Yeah, Boss Li Jie really knows what he did wrong this time, and she won't be so impulsive in the future. I think you shouldn't be angry with him," Gu Tian also said.

"Boss, if you're afraid that Li Jie won't teach you a lesson, let her stand there for a day and reflect on herself, and then he won't be so impulsive in the future," Beibei said to Lin Hua.

"That's right, Beibei is right, let Li Jie give a lesson and let him face the wall and think about it today, and then starve him for a day, let her know what's going on." Huo Guang couldn't help laughing and said.

Because Huo Guang could also see that, although Lin Hua was still a little angry now, she was much better than before!
"Forget it, I think it's better not to let him face the wall and think about it, as far as his character is concerned, he will not change after 100 years of thinking about it," Lin Hua said with a sigh of relief.

"Li Jie, come here, the boss wants to ask you if you can change it." After hearing Lin Hua's words, Gu Tian still shouted at Li Jie who was facing the wall and thinking about his past.

And Li Jie ran over immediately after hearing what Gu Tian said, and said to Lin Hua, "Don't worry, boss, I will never be so impulsive in the future. This is the last time, please forgive me."

After Li Jie finished speaking, a particularly sincere expression appeared on his face.

Lin Hua raised her head and looked at Li Jie, who was very sincere and serious, and said, "This time is the last time. If something like today happens to you, I will never forgive you again."

"Okay, boss, don't worry." Li Jie replied directly after hearing Lin Hua's words.

After Murongxian and the others heard Lin Hua's words, they all knew that Lin Hua had already died and forgave Li Jie.

(End of this chapter)

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