Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 612 Identity Determination

Chapter 612 Identity Determination
"Yes..." After the two epic third-tier ancient war werewolves agreed, they immediately started to become bloodthirsty. After these two epic third-tier ancient war werewolves became bloodthirsty and mad, their strength reached about the strength of epic fourth-tier .

Jiang Tian looked at the bloodthirsty and berserk transformation of these two epic third-tier ancient war werewolves, and said, "I can become bloodthirsty and berserk with two of them." After finishing speaking, he turned around and ran away.

And none of the ancient war werewolves on the opposite side thought that a dramatic scene would happen, and Jiang Tian would turn around and run away.But then they all came to their senses, and the two ancient war werewolves after the epic third-order bloodthirsty berserk rushed over with thirty ancient war werewolves.

Lin Hua smiled when he saw the 32 ancient war werewolves rushing over, but Lin Hua didn't move directly, because when Lin Hua planned to run to the corridor, he was following them!Then he followed behind these ancient war werewolves, blocked their back, and attacked Li Jie and the others back and forth.

And the ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood lying on the bed saw that when two bloodthirsty and mad epic third-level ancient war werewolves chased after Jiang Tian, ​​he lay down again and continued to close his eyes to rest his mind.

After Lin Hua looked at the ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood who started to close his eyes and meditate, he walked towards the corridor. When Lin Hua reached the corridor, he found that the ancient war werewolf in front had pulled him down quite a distance It was a certain distance, so Lin Hua started to run.

At this time, Li Jie and the others were already preparing to fight at the thirteenth entrance. "How many ancient war werewolves do you think Jiang Tian will attract? Will he attract all the ancient war werewolves?" Li Jie said to several people because he was bored

"Bah, bah, Li Jie, please shut your crow's mouth to me. If they are all attracted to you, why are we making so much effort and traveling so far?" Gu Tian said after hearing Li Jie's words.

"Yeah, I've spent so much effort this time, I hope not to attract all the ancient war werewolves here," Xuewu said worriedly.

"That's right, even if all of them come, don't come to the ancient war werewolf lying on the bed who may have werewolf blood," Murong Xian prayed.

"The ancient war werewolf lying on the bed, I don't think he has werewolf blood, maybe he was injured, so he just rested on the bed," Beibei said, rolling his big eyes.

"Yes, yes, it may be because of an injury, so I lay on the bed to recuperate. Haha Li Jie, you still really think about it, do you think they are all human?" Gu Tian said mockingly to Li Jie.

Li Jie heard Gu Tian's sarcasm and ignored her, then said slowly, "Huo Guang, do you think that the ancient war werewolf lying on the bed is an ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood is very unlikely."

After hearing Li Jie's words, Huo Guang frowned and said, "Big and very big, almost enough, because I thought about it for a long time, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt like it. I didn't say it because I was afraid that everyone would worry, but I always have to face it when I think about it." That’s right, let me tell everyone to prepare mentally.”

"Ah, isn't that the end? That Ancient War werewolf with werewolf blood, so perverted can kill people with more levels, we are not easy to deal with," Li Jie said after hearing Huo Guang's words.

"Yes, if the legend is true, then she is now at the second level of the epic, and the ancient war werewolves at the third level of the epic listen to him, so the werewolf bloodline for him to release the skills at least should be at the fourth level of the epic or higher." Gu Tian said with some worry.

"It seems that there should be a tough battle to be fought," said Beibei, patting his small chest, but Beibei didn't show the slightest expression of fear, because he knew that with Lin Hua around, he didn't have to be afraid of anything.

"Deng Deng Deng Deng" There was a sound of footsteps running along the corridor. After hearing this sound, Li Jie, who was sitting on the ground resting, stood up, holding their weapons vigilantly one after another. Staring at the corridor ahead, waiting for the battle to come.

"Everyone, be careful, I don't know what level of ancient war werewolves are coming here," Li Jie said to several people.

After 2 minutes, Jiang Tian's figure finally appeared in the corridor that Li Jie and the others were staring at.

And Jiang Tian was chasing some ancient war werewolves, "One, two, three... There are 32 ancient war werewolves in total, two epic third-level bloodthirsty berserk, and the remaining thirty are epic first-level "Beibei Biancha said.

"It's a good thing that the ancient werewolf with werewolf blood lying on the bed didn't follow, or else it would be difficult to deal with," Murong Xian said worriedly.

"But fortunately, the boss's method is pretty good, and it really attracted some ancient war werewolves." Li Jie said while holding his heavy sword dragon pattern tightly.

When Jiang Tian saw Li Jie and the others while running through the corridor, he couldn't help but feel relieved, and finally he was about to finish running.

When the ancient werewolves chasing after Jiang Tian saw Li Jie and the others in the distance ahead, they became very excited, because they hadn't eaten human flesh for a long time, and there were still so many people in front of them. People who are so hungry can finally eat enough today. At this time, those ancient war werewolves are showing a strong sense of greed.

Soon Jiang Tian ran to where Li Jie and the others were and stood up straight, panting heavily, and said to the ancient war werewolves behind him, "After running for so long, I'm as dead as I am, why don't you slow down and chase after me?"

But Li Jie and the others laughed out loud after hearing Jiang Tian's words.Those ancient war werewolves licked their tongues after hearing Jiang Tian's words. The meaning was obvious, and they wished they could eat some Jiang Tian.


At this time, the evolution behind those ancient war werewolves, after seeing these ancient war werewolves stop, he also stopped, retracted the skill water hidden, and Lin Hua's body was slowly revealed.

When Lin Hua's body was revealed, the two bloodthirsty and frantic epic third-tier ancient war werewolves in front looked at Lin Hua. At this time, they had a bad idea in their hearts, and they might have fallen for it.

One of the bloodthirsty and frenzied epic third-tier ancient war werewolves whispered to the other bloodthirsty and frenzied epic third-tier werewolf, "Now that I have run so far, no matter how loud the sound is, the king should be the same!" I can't hear it, although there are few people on the other side, but their strength should not be low, I will hold them back first, you go back and call the king"

"Okay," another bloodthirsty ancient war werewolf replied.

Then they made preparations for fighting, and the thirty ancient war werewolves in the back all made preparations for fighting one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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