Chapter 613

Lin Hua looked at the werewolves in front of them who were ready to fight, and then slowly pulled out the Baqihan sword pinned to the back!Released the skill Ice Bind!
Because Lin Hua planned to eliminate these ancient war werewolves as soon as possible in order to prevent the night from having many dreams.

Li Jie and the others saw that these ancient war werewolves were ready to fight, and rushed over waving his dragon-patterned epee. Beibei and the others were afraid that Li Jie would suffer, so they rushed over one after another.

The two bloodthirsty ancient war werewolves in front immediately retreated to the back after seeing Li Jie and the others rushing over, while those first-order ancient war werewolves rushed towards Li Jie and the others in front.

Lin Hua looked at the two bloodthirsty and berserk epic third-tier ancient war werewolves rushing towards him, and couldn't help but smile, because Lin Hua could see that their idea was to go back to the central hall, The ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood who was lying on the bed reported the news.

Then Lin Hua released the clone of the skill Ice Mystery, and instantly two clones of alien bodies that looked exactly like Lin Hua appeared on both sides of Lin Hua, completely blocking the escape route of this corridor. .

When the clone of Lin Hua's supernatural body appeared, the two epic third-order bloodthirsty werewolves in the ancient war immediately stopped in their tracks.

Because they sensed powerful abilities in Lin Hua's two supernatural bodies, they both stared at Lin Hua very vigilantly.

"Are you planning to go back and report to that ancient war werewolf lying on the bed?" Lin Hua said to the epic third-order bloodthirsty mad ancient war werewolf.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the two third-level epics couldn't help being startled. They didn't expect Lin Hua to guess their thoughts directly.

'Bang bang bang' Li Jie and the others had already fought with those ancient war werewolves at this time.Just now when Li Jie and the others saw two epic third-order bloodthirsty werewolves running back, they planned to chase after them, because they also knew which two should report back. , then they can be said to be dangerous.

But when they saw Lin Hua behind them, they didn't worry anymore, because they knew that if Lin Hua was there, the two bloodthirsty and frenzied epic third-tier ancient war werewolves behind would simply not be able to escape.

Those two bloodthirsty epic third-level ancient war werewolves looked at Li Jie and the others who were fighting behind, and were even more secretly shocked, because the strength Li Jie and the others showed cannot be underestimated. The ancient war werewolves of the first level are not their opponents at all, and they should all die in the hands of Li Jie and the others soon.

And the situation of these two bloodthirsty epic third-level ancient war werewolves is also particularly bad, because they can't see through the strength of Lin Hua in front of them, and now they only have one plan to break through Lin Hua behind!Go back to find their king, come over and kill Lin Hua and the others.

"Don't even think about running away. I'll guard you here so none of you can escape. Hurry up and go to the lobby later." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she directly controlled the two supernatural bodies He rushed towards the two bloodthirsty ancient war werewolves in front of him.

"Bang bang bang bang" the two supernatural beings Lin Hua directly launched the most violent attack on the two bloodthirsty epic second-order ancient war werewolves. The claws made a violent collision.

Although this is a world where Lin Hua's two human abilities are both epic level [-], but the ancient war werewolf of level [-] epic has reached the level of level [-] epic after having the bloodthirsty frenzied skill.

Although it is not as powerful as Lin Hua's two supernatural bodies, it is still possible to fight against Lin Hua's two supernatural bodies for a period of time and remain undefeated.

Looking at the battle in front of him, I couldn't help but feel a little worried. These two epic third-tier ancient war werewolves can resist their own supernatural powers by relying on bloodthirsty madness. Then which epic second-tier ancient warrior in the hall has werewolf blood? How powerful will the werewolf be?

Lin Hua thought that these were all unbearable worries, but worry was nothing but worry, but Lin Hua was not afraid, because Lin Hua had the heart of a strong man, and the heart of a strong man is to be strong when he is strong, and to face difficulties. We should not be afraid just because we encountered a small setback or encountered a strong opponent.

Lin Hua thought for a while, worrying now is futile, and it is useless to follow, it is always necessary to face it, Lin Hua thought about this, and stopped thinking, and directly waved his Eight Wonders Cold Sword Stabbed in the back of a bloodthirsty and maddened epic third-tier ancient war werewolf who was fighting with his supernatural body.

And the epic third-order bloodthirsty werewolf of the ancient war has been vigilant about the body of Lin Hua who has not moved.Knowing that Lin Hua would definitely find a chance to sneak attack on him.

So when Lin Hua swung the Eight Strange Cold Sword to attack him, he already knew it. Although he was under some pressure in the face of Lin Hua's supernatural body's attack, he still had the energy to resist Lin Hua's surprise attack.

When Lin Hua's Eight Strange Cold Sword was less than half a meter away from this epic third-tier bloodthirsty ancient war werewolf, this bloodthirsty epic third-tier ancient war wolf resisted Lin Hua's supernatural body After the attack, he turned around and used his sharp claws to block Lin Hua's attack.

With a sound of "bang", the ancient war werewolf who had activated bloodthirsty madness at the third level of the epic, directly repelled dozens of steps with a single blow.

This epic third-tier ancient war werewolf who started to become bloodthirsty and maddened a little bit underestimated the strength of Lin Hua's body, thinking that Lin Hua's body's strength was similar to that of the supernatural body, so he suffered a big loss just now and was directly knocked out. so far.

After being repulsed, this epic second-order bloodthirsty werewolf in the ancient war was even more vigilant when he saw Lin Hua's body, because he had already suffered a loss just now.

Lin Hua didn't give him any time to react, and directly released the skill Ice Shifting Phantom and then disappeared. When Lin Hua reappeared, he was already in front of this epic third-tier ancient war werewolf.

"Bang" saw Lin Hua disappear, and when he reappeared in front of him, the epic third-order bloodthirsty ancient war werewolf hastily blocked Lin Hua's eight-odd cold sword with his sharp claws. She was repulsed, but this time when she focused on Lin Hua's body, the Lin Hua supernatural body on the side used the ice-shifting phantom to directly come to the place where the epic third-order bloodthirsty werewolf turned into an ancient war werewolf. Behind him, he directly pierced the heart of this bloodthirsty third-tier ancient war werewolf with the Eight Strange Cold Sword.

(End of this chapter)

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