Chapter 614

This bloodthirsty ancient war werewolf of the third level of the epic did not expect that he would die so easily. Although he did not make any sound when he was dying, his two eyes were wide open. Da, watching Lin Hua's supernatural body that pierced his heart fell down with a "bang".

"Aww!" After fighting another Lin Hua's supernatural body, another bloodthirsty epic third-tier ancient war werewolf, after discovering that his companion had been killed, he let out a very sad howl Voice.

Lin Hua looked at Li Jie and the others who were fighting in front of them, and directly took back the power body of the epic third-level ancient war werewolf who had just killed the bloodthirsty madness, and then turned his body towards the only remaining bloodthirsty ancient war wolf. The werewolf attacked.

"Bang bang" because she saw that her companion was killed by Lin Hua just now, so she dealt with Lin Hua's attack with special care, fearing that she would step into the footsteps of her companion again.

At this time, Li Jie and their battle ended when Li Jie killed the last epic first-order ancient war werewolf.

After the battle, Li Jie and the others did not watch the battle between Lin Hua and the bloodthirsty ancient war werewolf of the third level of the epic. heteronuclear up.

Li Jie and the others didn't have the slightest worry about Lin Hua who was fighting. Although the bloodthirsty ancient war werewolf of the third level of the epic was particularly careful to guard against the attacks of Lin Hua and Lin Hua's supernatural body, he didn't insist. After living for a long time, he died in the hands of Lin Hua himself.

After killing the epic third-order bloodthirsty werewolf, Lin Hua took out two different cores of the epic third-order bloodthirsty ancient war werewolf, ate them directly, and then crossed his legs Sit down and see if you can break through to the fifth level of epic strength.

As for Li Jie, after seeing Lin Hua sitting cross-legged after eating the alien core, he knew that Lin Hua was breaking through the level, so they all quietly rested near Lin Hua.

About ten minutes later, Lin Hua did not break through to the fifth level of Epic, but just touched the threshold of the fourth level of Epic. After waking up, Lin Hua shook her head!

"Has the boss broken through to the fifth level of epic strength?" Li Jie asked directly after seeing Lin Hua wake up.

"No, I just touched the threshold of the peak of the fourth epic level. I didn't expect that so many abilities would be needed to break through from the fourth epic level to the fifth epic level." Lin Hua said in surprise.

"Boss, all the alien cores we collected just now are here. You are now at the breakthrough level. You should eat some of these alien cores first." Li Jie gathered all the alien cores and handed them to Lin Hua.

"That's right, boss, you should level up first, or the ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood in it won't be able to deal with it," Gu Tian said to Lin Hua.

Lin Hua didn't take over the different cores of the ancient war werewolf that Li Jie handed over, and then said, "No, even if you eat all these different cores, it is impossible to reach the fifth level of the epic."

Seeing that Lin Hua didn't accept it, Li Jie said to Lin Hua after handing over the alien core, "Boss, are you sure that you can kill that ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood now?"

"I don't have much confidence now, because I don't know how much his strength will increase when he uses the skill Werewolf Blood at the second level of the epic. If it is the fourth level of the epic, it can still be dealt with. If the level is high, it is only There is only one way, and that is to withdraw from this death temple, but I think that the ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood, the chance of being an epic fourth-order strength is too small, at least it should be an epic fifth-order, or else an epic fourth-order You can't convince the two ancient war werewolves I killed just now," Lin Hua said slowly.

"Ah, epic level five, are we going to leave this Death Temple just like that?" Li Jie said unwillingly after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Yeah, I'm really a little reconciled. I've already reached the thirteenth floor, and I'm still two floors away from reaching the end." Gu Tian also said unwillingly.

"Then what can be done? Could it be that if you can't beat it, you can bite the bullet and charge upwards?" Xuewu thought for a while and said after hearing what Li Jie and the others said.

"Although that's what I said, I won't go up if I can't fight, but I'm still a little depressed, such a long time of hard work has been in vain," Beibei said with some complaints.

Lin Hua looked at the people who were feeling depressed at this time. He himself was not reconciled, and then said, "Since everyone is a little reconciled, then I will try to see if I can reach the fifth level of epic."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, several people showed smiles on their faces. Lin Hua directly took out the alien cores that were put in the space ring two days ago and planned to take them back to the alliance. up.

Then Lin Hua said, "These alien cores were originally intended to be distributed to the members of the alliance after returning to the alliance, but now I am very unwilling to let everyone withdraw. In this case, I will distribute these alien cores to everyone. Raise your strength'

After Lin Hua finished speaking, she took out all [-] epic heterocores in the interspatial ring and prepared to distribute them to Li Jie and the others.

"Boss, don't divide it for now. You should upgrade first. After the level reaches the fifth level of epic, then divide it with us." Beibei said to Lin Hua after seeing that Lin Hua was about to separate the core.

"That's right, the boss is the closest to the fifth level of epic right now. You should raise the level of the ability first. If you can't improve the fifth level of epic, it's useless for us to increase the level." Li Jie also said. .

"I don't need so many of them. I keep a hundred of them. It should be soon. The remaining two hundred should be divided among you. Everyone's level will be improved together." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she handed the two hundred different cores to Li Jie and the others.

Lin Hua, on the other hand, continued to sit cross-legged, and began to eat the alien cores one by one, preparing to break through the level. However, although the alien cores are all epic level, they are all low-level epic level alien cores. After the core was eaten by Lin Hua, the supernatural power brought by it entered Lin Hua's body, and it was like nothing happened!
In this way, when Lin Hua dropped four different cores, she finally felt the strength to reach the peak of the fourth level of the epic, which made Lin Hua feel a burst of joy, because when she reached the peak of the fourth level of the epic, it meant that she was far from the fifth level of the epic. Not far away.

Then Lin Hua continued to eat the different cores and planned to impact the strength of the fifth level of the epic, but as Lin Hua's remaining different cores became less and less, Lin Hua's physical abilities became more and more. When No.80 had eight pieces, it finally touched the gap between the epic fourth level and the epic fifth level.

(End of this chapter)

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