Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 615 Epic Tier 5

Chapter 615 Epic Level [-]
At this time, Lin Huliu kept praying in his heart that the remaining twelve heterocores must break through the gap between the fourth and fifth epic levels.

However, when Lin Hua finished eating all the different cores, he still didn't break through to the fifth level of Epic as he wished, and he was still a little short of breaking through the level and reaching the fifth level of Epic.

Lin Hua slowly opened her eyes, and found that Xue Wu and the others hadn't broken through the level at this time, and they were all watching her.

"The boss has not reached the fifth level of the epic yet?" Li Jie asked a little excitedly.

Lin Hua shook her head and said, "It's almost there."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, several people couldn't help but feel a little depressed, because Lin Hua is their backbone, and only when Lin Hua breaks through to the fifth level of the epic can they possibly defeat the one lying on the bed in the hall on the thirteenth floor. An ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood.

"Boss, we don't have points for different cores. You should increase your level first. We will come after you upgrade our level." Li Jie then handed over the remaining 200 different cores to Lin Hua!
This time Lin Hua did not refuse, but accepted everything. Although Lin Hua is now at the boundary between the peak of the fourth epic level and the fifth level of the epic, although it is only a little bit short, Lin Hua is not sure about this point. How much power is needed.

Lin Hua closed her eyes for the second time, and started to eat those epic heteronuclei that Li Jie handed over just now. When Lin Hu ate, No. When he took out a different core and ate it, he finally broke through to the fifth level of epic strength.

After breaking through in strength, Lin Hua didn't wake up directly, but took a good look at the changes in her body after breaking through the level this time!
Although Li Jie and the others didn't know why Lin Hua didn't wake up, Li Jie clearly felt the changes in Lin Hua's body and breath.

"Boss should have broken through to the fifth level of Epic, so you don't have to worry, Boss will wake up soon," Li Jie said to several people.

"That's right, the boss's change just now should be because he has successfully broken through the level, otherwise he wouldn't be so much different from before the breakthrough just now," Gu Tian also said.

At this time, Lin Hua was diligently observing the changes in her body, and found that after breaking through to the fifth epic level, her strength had undergone earth-shaking changes. There has been a great improvement, but the biggest change is the physical abilities!
Moreover, Lin Hua found that the body of the ice dragon summoned by her skills has not increased much. It used to be more than 20 meters long, but now it is almost thirty years old, and the appearance of this ice dragon is more imposing. After the change, Lin Hua looked at the other skills. The damage of the other skills had been increased, but there was no change in the others.

After Lin Hua checked her body changes, she opened her eyes immediately, then looked at Li Jie and the others with a smile and said, "Finally, I have broken through to the fifth level of Epic."

"It's great, so we can continue walking towards the top of the Temple of Death," Beibei said excitedly.

"Yes, there is no need to be depressed now," Li Jie said happily.

Although they all knew that Lin Hua had broken through to the fifth level of Epic just now, they were still very excited after Lin Hua's second confirmation.

"By the way, let's divide up the remaining alien cores among you guys. I've already upgraded to the fifth level of Epic. I don't need it now. You should also upgrade your strength." Lin Hua said to the excited Li Jie and the others.

Li Jie took over the different cores left after Lin Hua's promotion, and distributed them equally to everyone.

Then this time, Lin Hua guarded the others to upgrade the level.

Li Jie and the others began to eat the different cores they had just allocated to improve their strength.After about half an hour, Li Jie and the others, who had improved their strength, woke up one after another.

Murong Xian's level has been raised from epic level [-] to epic level [-], Jiang Tian's level has been raised from epic level [-] peak to epic level [-], Gutian has been upgraded from epic level [-] to epic level [-], and Heisha has been upgraded from epic level [-] to epic level [-] , Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, has been promoted from the third epic level to the fourth epic level, while Xuewu and Ghost Dance, Li Jie, Bei Bei, and Huo Guang, their levels have not been upgraded, and they are all at the fourth epic level, but only in the body has more abilities.

None of Li Jie and the others showed any displeasure for not being promoted to the fifth epic level, because they saw how much different cores Lin Hua consumed to upgrade to the fifth epic level, so they didn't feel that the level had not been improved. To the slightest surprise.

Lin Hua looked at the completion of everyone's level promotion, and said to several people, "It's almost time to rest now, I think now I should be able to fight that ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood. Let's go," Lin Hua said and walked towards the front corridor.

Lin Hua and the others talked about the corridor and headed towards the central hall. At this time, Li Jie and the others were very excited, probably because they almost chose to go back just now.

"Boss, you said that the strength of the thirteenth floor is the fifth level of the epic, so how terrifying will the strongest existence in the death canyon on the highest level reach?" Li Jie walked Said.

"Now we can only take one step at a time, and see if we can get some information about the most powerful existence in this death canyon from that ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood," Lin Hua said to Li Jie.

"Thinking about it now, this Death Valley is really scary. It's really full of death everywhere, especially this Death Temple is even more dangerous." Xue Wu said after thinking about what happened in the past few days.

"Yeah, it's really dangerous, but we're living well now, and our strength has improved a lot," Ghost Dance continued.

After Lin Hua heard what they said, she couldn't help sighing. Although the adventure time in the past few days was very short, there were a lot of things that happened.

Then Lin Hua stopped thinking about it and said to several people, "Although I have now reached the fifth level of epic strength, the strength of the ancient werewolf with werewolf blood lying on the bed in the central hall is still unclear. At that time, everyone, be careful, if I am not the opponent of the ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood, you will retreat directly, and when I come, it will be easier to escape if I am left alone."

(End of this chapter)

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