Chapter 617

This ancient war werewolf with the skills of werewolf blood, when he looked up to the sky and howled, the black hair on the wolf's head gradually turned silvery white, and his black eyes gradually turned silvery white.

When the ancient war werewolf with the skill of werewolf blood turned his eyes completely silvery white, he said with a strong disdainful expression on his face, "Today you can't escape alone." After finishing speaking, he said Waving his two sharp claws, he rushed towards Lin Hua.

Then those ancient war werewolves who were already preparing to charge towards Lin Hua and the others also rushed over.

"Really, it depends on whether you have the ability." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she also rushed towards the ancient war werewolf who had the skill of werewolf blood. When she saw Lin Hua making a move, she couldn't hold back for a long time. Li Jie and the others also rushed over excitedly.

The battle started like this for a long time. Lin Hua was less than 30 meters away from the ancient war werewolf who had the skill of werewolf blood, and directly released the skill "Ice Mystery Slash" at him.

In an instant, a huge ice giant sword chopped off the head of the ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood skills.

The Ancient War Werewolf with the skill of werewolf blood glanced at the huge ice giant sword that he had cut over, snorted coldly, and directly used his sharp claws to hit the huge ice giant sword with a loud "slap". The ice giant sword shattered.

This ancient war werewolf with the skill of werewolf blood did not receive a single sound of damage, and continued to believe that Lin Hua rushed over. At that time, Lin Hua thought that he would seriously injure this ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood skills.

But the result was far beyond Lin Hua's expectations. There was no injury at all. This was the first time someone could completely catch Lin Hua's skill. How could Lin Hua not be surprised, no doubt. It revealed the strength of the ancient war werewolf with the skills of werewolf blood.

Even so, Lin Hua didn't have the slightest fear of this ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood skills.

"Bang" Lin Hua's Baqi Hanjian and the sharp claws of the ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood skills directly collided fiercely.

Both Lin Hua and the Ancient War werewolf who possessed werewolf skills were knocked back dozens of steps.Because both of them used all their strength in the beginning.

"Hehe, it seems that you still have some skills. Your strength is good, but you still died in my hands." The ancient war werewolf who had the skill of werewolf blood stepped back more than ten steps to stabilize his body and said to Lin Hua.After speaking, he rushed towards Lin Hua again and again.

"Your strength is also very strong, but I am the only one who wins in the end." Lin Hua said to the ancient war werewolf who rushed over with the skill of werewolf blood. He stabbed at the ancient war werewolf who had the skill of werewolf blood that rushed towards him.

Li Jie, the ten of them, the lowest strength is Murong Xian, who is already at the third level of Epic, while the rest are at the fourth level of Epic.And the ten ancient war werewolves who fought against them were quickly killed by Li Jie and the others with ease.

Then Li Jie and the others watched the duel between Lin Hua and the ancient war werewolf who possessed werewolf blood skills, because the victory or defeat between the two of them was the key.

"Li Jie, do you think we should go to help the boss? Look at the strength of the two of them. There should be little difference. If we go to help with the key, maybe we can change something." Beibei looked at Lin Hua and the werewolf The ancient war werewolves with bloodline skills said to Li Jie about their battle.

"I think it's okay, let's go over and help, so the boss should gradually gain the upper hand." Li Jie said to Beibei, just after Li Jie finished speaking, he was about to walk towards Lin Hua with his dragon-patterned epee.

"Li Jie, Beibei, don't go there, you won't be able to help the boss in the past, but you will drag him down instead." Seeing that Li Jie and Beibei were going to help, Xuewu called them to a stop, and then said.

"Why, sister Xuewu, look, they are in a draw now, we helped the boss in the past, then the ancient war werewolf with the skills of werewolf blood has gradually fallen into the disadvantaged." Li Jie blocked Xuewu He refused to let him go to help Lin Hua, and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Yes, Sister Xuewu, we won't drag the boss down, you can rest assured about this," Beibei also said.

"No, neither of you are allowed to go. The boss will call us when he wants to help. Now he has not said anything to prove that he doesn't need help now. He can deal with this," Xuewu continued.

"Yes, what sister Xuewu said is correct, the boss didn't ask us to help, and he hasn't released the clone before me, so it means that the boss doesn't need help now," Gui Wu also said.

"Yeah Brother Li Jie, you two should take a look first, bear with it for a while and see how it goes." Huo Guang said to Li Jie and Beibei.

Li Jie and Beibei saw that they were trying to persuade them not to help, so the two of them resisted the urge to help, and stared closely at the relationship between Lin Hua and the ancient war werewolf who had the skill of werewolf blood. fighting.

At this time, Lin Hua and this ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood skills became more and more excited as they fought, because Lin Hua hadn't encountered such an opponent with his own strength for a long time.

"Bang..." After a fierce confrontation between Lin Hua and the ancient war werewolf who possessed the skills of werewolf blood, each of them was repelled by the opponent dozens of steps before they stabilized their footsteps.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be able to live in my hands for such a long time. You have some skills," the ancient war werewolf with the werewolf blood skill said to Lin Hua, although he said so in his mouth, but He didn't dare to be sloppy in the fight against Lin Hua now, because after fighting Lin Hua for a while, he could see that his strength and Lin Hua's strength was not much different. Whoever will lose, so she dare not be sloppy.

And Lin Hua's thoughts at this time were exactly the same as his. Lin Hua didn't dare to be sloppy, because he also knew that if he was sloppy, it might lead to his immediate defeat. It can only be the ancient war werewolf with the skills of werewolf blood!

Because the battle between Lin Hua and this ancient war werewolf with werewolf skills was completely based on speed, body strength and superb swordsmanship, and Lin Hua hadn't used the ice-shifting phantom skill until now.

(End of this chapter)

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