Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 618 Quick Response

Chapter 618 Quick Response
Lin Hua planned to fight this Ancient War werewolf with werewolf blood skills for a while, and then find a suitable opportunity to sneak attack this ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood skills, and kill her at once, otherwise If so, this ancient war werewolf with the skills of werewolf blood will definitely be on guard.

"I see that the battle between the boss and the two of them will not be able to produce results for a while, should we just let them fight like this?" Beibei looked at the battle between Lin Hua and the ancient werewolf who had the skill of werewolf blood. Can't stop talking.

"That's right, it looks like the two of them are not exciting at all, they both play so steadily." Li Jie said to several people

"Well, which of the two of them can stabilize now is the key to victory. Whoever loses his position first will lose." Huo Guang said watching their battle.

"What you said to Huo Guang is not wrong. Whoever can't bear it first between them will lose. Now it depends on the two of them, who has the stronger endurance," Gu Tian continued.

"Do you know why the boss didn't summon two clones to fight? If the three fight one, then the ancient war werewolf who has the skills of werewolf blood can't be stable." Beibei said to several people, because Beibei He didn't know anything else, but he always believed that more people are more powerful, and more people can win.

"The battle between leader Lin and this ancient war werewolf with werewolf skills cannot be won by a large number of people. Maybe there may be a loss if there are too many people. So what we have to do now is to wait." Huo Guang After hearing Beibei's words, he said.

"No way, there are so many people and you can still lose. It's a good thing you didn't go to help the boss with Li Jie just now. If the boss loses, then it's over." Beibei covered his little heart with his hand and said.

"Bang" Lin Hua and the ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood skills had another fierce confrontation, and they each took a few steps back, because they had been fighting with all their strength, so the strength of the two of them at this time was limited. diminished.

At this time, after Lin Hua once again fought this ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood skills, she knew that the result would be indistinguishable if the fight continued like this, so she didn't wait for this ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood skills to show his flaws and use ice shifting phantom attack her.

Instead, he directly used the ice-moving phantom to sneak attack her, creating a chance for himself to win.On the other hand, the Ancient War Werewolf with the skills of werewolf blood saw that Lin Hua's eyes had become a little sharper at this time, knowing that Lin Hua must have used a powerful ultimate move, so she became more vigilant to avoid making mistakes.

After Lin Hua thought about it, he held the Baqi Hanjian tightly and stabbed towards the ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood skills, while the ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood skills on the opposite side looked at Lin Hua's attack with some doubts The way she looked at Lin Hua just now suddenly became sharper, thinking that Lin Hua couldn't bear it anymore and planned to have a final decisive battle with herself.

However, this ancient war werewolf with werewolf skills shook his and her silver-haired wolf heads, and then rushed towards Lin Hua.

When Lin Hua and the others were five or six steps away, after Lin Hua stabbed the ancient war werewolf with the skill of werewolf blood with the Baqi Hanjian, Lin Hua directly used the skill of shifting ice phantom to disappear. In front of the ancient battle werewolf with werewolf blood skills.

Then when Lin Hua appeared for the first time, he came directly behind the ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood skills, and the eight strange cold sword in Lin Hua's hand stabbed towards the head of the ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood skills.

The moment Lin Hua disappeared, the ancient war werewolf who possessed werewolf blood skills knew something was wrong, so he began to guard his surroundings to prevent Lin Hua's sudden attack.

The ancient war werewolf with the skill of werewolf blood looked around and found no trace of Lin Hua, because she was a werewolf, and her ability to perceive danger was particularly strong. When the ancient war werewolf's head was less than fifteen centimeters away, he suddenly turned around and saw the Baqihan sword that was about to hit his head.

The ancient war werewolf with the werewolf blood skills made a decisive decision and used his arm to block the past, because she knew that if her head was hit by Lin Hua, she would die without a doubt, so she used her arm in exchange for his life.

"Lin Hua also didn't think that he would react so quickly when he was about to kill this ancient war werewolf with the skills of werewolf blood.

Although I was a little surprised to see this ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood skills react quickly, and used his left arm to resist Lin Hua, I felt a special pity that this blow did not kill this ancient werewolf with werewolf blood skills. Werewolf, but Lin Hua thought about it. If the left arm of this ancient werewolf with werewolf skills was hit, it should be disabled. It should not be difficult to kill this ancient werewolf with werewolf skills. up.

"Aoaoao" Lin Hua's Baqi Hanjian directly pierced the left arm of the ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood skills, making this ancient war werewolf with werewolf blood skills scream in pain.

Although the ancient war werewolf with the skill of werewolf blood was screaming in pain, but the moment Lin Hua's Baqi cold sword pierced his left arm, the ancient war werewolf with the skill of werewolf blood directly pointed at Lin Hua with his right hand. Birch's head was grabbed.

This was a full-strength blow from the ancient war werewolf with the skill of werewolf blood, which was extremely fast and powerful. Lin Hua watched the ancient war werewolf with the skill of werewolf blood grab the right hand of his head, and directly Pull it out and stab the eight strange cold sword of the ancient war werewolf with the werewolf blood skill, and then use the ice shifting phantom to disappear in front of the ancient war werewolf with the werewolf blood skill. When Lin Hua appeared, he was already in the distance with the werewolf blood skill The ancient war werewolf is more than 20 meters away.

This ancient war werewolf with werewolf skills, seeing Lin Hua's sudden disappearance and dodging his full blow, was particularly angry at this moment, because just now might be his best chance to kill Lin Hua.Looking at his left arm, which had already been abolished, the ancient war werewolf who possessed the skills of werewolf blood knew that she was no longer Lin Hua's opponent, and knew that she might die in the hands of Lin Hua and others today. At this time, he felt special. Not reconciled.

Lin Hua looked at this special anger and some unwilling ancient war werewolves with werewolf blood skills and said with a smile, "Although I didn't kill you just now, you were able to resist it by hugging your left arm in time, but I think, you now You probably don’t have much chance of defeating me.”

(End of this chapter)

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