Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 62 Get the Weapon

Chapter 62 Get the Weapon
"Depending on the situation, there may be a living person behind this door."

Lin Ye awakened the two of them with one word, and after thinking about it carefully, it was really the reason of Lin Ye's analysis.

"However, after such a long time, the people inside may have starved to death, or... turned into zombies."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he inserted the key into the lock cylinder, "No matter what, I will definitely get the weapon. Be careful, I don't know what zombies are inside. If it is a zombie with a second mutation, it may be more troublesome. You guys get ready."

"In addition, the battle will definitely attract the zombies on the first floor, we have to fight quickly."

Lin Ye said everything he had to explain before turning the key.



When the door opened a crack, a withered hand suddenly stretched out from inside, and then more hands stretched out, accompanied by dull roars, and several highly decomposed zombie faces.


Lin Ye pressed against the door. Although he was quite strong, there must be more than one zombie behind the door, and he also seemed to be struggling.

Jiang Xinyu and Hu Fei also reacted quickly, took out their weapons, aimed at the heads of the zombies exposed inside and stabbed them.

After stabbing five or six times in a row, several zombies were dealt with.

"Scatter your positions."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he let go of his hand. At the same time, he took two steps back and drew out his hunting knife.

The security door of the arsenal was knocked open by the zombies, making a muffled sound.

Immediately, five or six zombies rushed out.

"Cold Slash!"

Lin Ye slashed with a cold air, killing three of them in an instant, and then kicked one of the zombies that was rushing back, knocking down two zombies that were rushing from behind.

The other two pounced on Jiang Xinyu and Hu Fei, and before they could get close, they pierced their heads deftly.

But it's not just this wave of zombies, there are more behind.

Lin Ye not only paid attention to the battle here, but when the battle just started, he heard the roar of the zombies downstairs and the zombies here, as if echoing each other.

"You can't wait, you have to hurry up."

Facing the oncoming zombies, Lin Ye did not retreat, but rushed forward.

"Frozen arrow rain!"

After casting Frozen Arrow Rain, Lin Ye swung away with a hunting knife. Facing these ordinary zombies, Lin Ye didn't need to waste too many abilities at this moment. As long as he controlled the speed of these zombies, he was like killing chickens. Kill a zombie with one blow.

The three blocked the entrance of the arsenal, and after killing the zombies that rushed out, Lin Ye took the lead in killing them again. About a minute later, looking at the entrance of the arsenal, there were at least twenty zombies that fell.

The zombies were finally emptied, and Lin Ye didn't have time to think about why there were so many zombies. After entering, he took a look. There was a ventilated anti-theft window in the armory, and the dim light coming in from the outside made it still visible inside.

"Quick, get your weapon."

There are some weapons in the cabinet of the armory, but the weapons in the police station are relatively simple, with more hand guns, a few miniature submachine guns and a few explosive shotguns, as well as some explosion-proof shields.

Lin Ye first carried a shotgun, then picked up two submachine guns and hung them on his back, took out a cloth bag, and stuffed the bullets of the same model gun into the bag, at least twenty boxes of bullets.

As for those pistols, Lin Ye simply grabbed five or six of them and put them into the cloth bag, quickly tied the rope of the cloth bag around his neck, and carried it on his back.

Jiang Xinyu and Hu Fei each charged and took a lot of bullets.

At this time, Lin Ye had already heard the roar of zombies coming from the aisle.


When Lin Ye exited the arsenal, he not only loaded the shotgun, but also copied an explosion-proof shield. As soon as he came out, he saw three or four zombies. When the zombies found Lin Ye and the three of them, they roared and rushed towards them.

Lin Ye's eyes were cold, he held the explosion-proof shield in one hand, and put the shotgun on the explosion-proof shield with the other hand.

As soon as the three zombies approached, Lin Ye aimed at their heads. The power of the shotgun was terrifying. At close range, one shot blasted away. The head of the zombie head exploded like a watermelon, and the body flew upside down several meters away. .

In this not-so-wide aisle, all the scattered bullets fell on the other two zombies.

One of the zombies was unfortunately hit in the head by the scattered bullets from the shotgun, and fell to the ground before taking two steps. Although the other zombie was not hit in the head, the impact of the bullet also made it take a few steps back.

Jiang Xinyu made another shot. She was worthy of being a high-achieving student who graduated from the police academy. With one shot, she hit the zombie's forehead and killed it.

Hu Fei was a little embarrassed, he was holding a submachine gun, and he didn't know how to shoot at all. Lin Ye glanced at him, this guy, he didn't have any bullets, he was knitting wool.

But now he didn't have time to take care of Hu Fei. There was a lot of noise in the corridor, and he could tell that a large number of zombies had noticed the movement and rushed up from the first floor. If they were really blocked, then this would be a dead end.

Lin Ye nimbly swung the shotgun and loaded it, and when he saw the zombies, he shot them all with one shot, while Jiang Xinyu made up the knife in the back, killing more than a dozen zombies in a blink of an eye.They came all the way to the third floor stairs.And on the stairs on the second floor, zombies rushed up in groups.

Lin Ye let Hu Fei and Jiang Xinyu go upstairs first.

These zombies were not slow, and they arrived in front of Lin Ye in a blink of an eye. Just as they were about to reach out to grab him, they were hit by a dark gun barrel on their foreheads.


"Xin Yu, you two are going to cover me." Lin Ye confessed, and then walked upside down to the third floor.

Jiang Xinyu also walked upside down. While covering Lin Ye with a submachine gun, he found that every time Lin Ye walked up a step, there was a thick layer of ice under his feet. He went up ten steps in a row, every step was covered.

This formed a landslide, a large number of zombies swarmed up, but naturally fell down.

However, this landslide only played a certain role in slowing it down, and some zombies were already climbing up on the bodies of their companions who slipped and fell to the ground.

Lin Ye didn't care, but stopped at the tenth step, and then saw the brilliance of his hand flashing, creating a thin layer of ice to seal off the corridor.

Under the blessing of Lin Ye's ability, the thin ice continued to thicken. After half a minute, it became as thick as 30 centimeters. Lin Ye saw that it was all right, so he waved his hand.

"Hurry upstairs."

Lin Ye knew that the ice wall he made would not last long, so he ran up after saying hello.

There are no zombies from the third floor to the roof. The three of them quickly ran to the roof. Lin Ye quickly took out the rope and tied it around Jiang Xinyu's waist, "I'll go to the east to make noise to attract zombies. Go down, don't run too far after you go down, I'll be there soon."

For convenience, Lin Ye gave Jiang Xinyu the Desert Flying Eagle he had just acquired, along with the bullets, and said: "There are still 28 bullets in the gun, so save it."

Seeing Jiang Xinyu looking at him worriedly after taking it, Lin Ye's eyes were firm, "Don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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