Chapter 63 Surrounded

After finishing speaking, Lin Ye came to the east and looked down. This is the gate of the police station. At this moment, there are still many zombies crawling into the police station, all in darkness.

Lin Ye originally planned to make ice lumps to smash down to create noise to attract zombies, but now that he has a gun, there is no need to be so troublesome.

Lin Ye took out a submachine gun, shot down after loading the bullet, and soon the zombies were attracted by his gunshots, and they stopped going into the police station one by one, but looked at the roof of the building, roaring and reaching up to want to Catching Lin Ye, their actions were undoubtedly futile, but this could not stop their thirst for Lin Ye's flesh and blood.

The zombies around the police station were immediately attracted by the movement, there were zombies constantly surrounding the main entrance, and there were fewer and fewer zombies in other directions.Especially in the west, there are not many zombies left.

Jiang Xinyu descended with the help of a rope. As for Hu Fei, it was even easier. He took off his shoes and hung them around his neck. Suction cups grew on his hands and feet, and they stuck directly to the corridor, climbing down like walking on flat ground. .

Hu Fei's bouncing is one aspect, the same goes for flying rocks and walls.

One zombie was originally attracted by the noise made by Lin Ye, but it happened that it had a broken leg and moved slowly. When it noticed Jiang Xin's rain, it immediately changed direction and rushed towards her.

However, Hu Fei, who was playing cover at the side, was not stubborn. He stuck his body against the wall, and poked a hole in the disabled zombie's head with a single spike.

Lin Ye was on the top, and after seeing Jiang Xinyu and the others went down, he felt that it was almost the same, put away his gun and ran to the west quickly, there were already zombies rushing out of the corridor, Lin Ye frowned slightly, ignored it, and ran to After facing west, tie the rope around your waist.

Before going down, Lin Ye saw more than one zombie coming up the corridor. After the zombies found Lin Ye, they roared and rushed towards him.However, Lin Ye descended very quickly, he reached the downstairs in a blink of an eye, quickly untied the rope, and was about to take Jiang Xinyu and the two to run away.

At this time, a zombie suddenly jumped down from the rooftop.


After the zombie fell down, its two legs were directly broken, but it didn't care at all. It still dragged its body with both hands and crawled towards Lin Ye and the others, baring its teeth and claws.

However, this kind of zombies that have lost their combat effectiveness is not a threat. Lin Ye and the others quickly ran to the park. He had observed when he came, and the park was a place with fewer zombies, which was relatively safe.

Behind them, more than a dozen zombies leaped down from the rooftop, wanting to eat fresh flesh and blood. The scene was extremely spectacular, but the price was also very heavy. Not only did those who jumped down fail to catch up with Lin Ye, but all those who fell, without exception, broke their hands. The feet were broken, and several heads hit the ground. When they fell, the heads exploded, and the broken heads were stretched on the neck, and the brains were splashed all over the ground.


After running tens of meters, Hu Fei turned his head to see this scene, and exhaled, "Brother Lin, are we safe now?"

Lin Ye looked sideways, and saw that several zombies had spotted them and were rushing over here, "Not yet, the noise we made just now was too loud, and it attracted more than just zombies around the police station."

As if to fulfill Lin Ye's words, suddenly, more than a dozen zombies appeared on the side street, and there were many zombie heads in the dark behind.

"Brother Lin, a lot of zombies are here." Jiang Xinyu shouted eagerly.

"Don't be afraid, don't we have a gun?" Hu Fei took out the gun and patted it. Just now, while waiting for Lin Ye to come down, Jiang Xinyu had already taught Hu Fei the basics of using a gun. Now he I can't wait to kill zombies with guns.

When Lin Ye saw zombies running from the side, he also observed several other directions. There was no doubt that there were zombies in other directions as well.

"Trouble is coming." Lin Ye frowned deeply. The commotion this time was too loud, and the zombies had keen hearing, and all the surrounding zombies were attracted to him.

"What?" Hu Fei was still very puzzled. He looked around, and what caught his eyes was that there were many zombies coming in groups from four directions.

A moment later, they were located in a cross street, and there were zombies pouring out of the streets and alleys, and even a few zombies ran out of the residential buildings.

"This..." Hu Fei, who was still holding the gun and thought he would be safe soon, was struck by lightning.

Looking at the zombies in all directions, Lin Ye said in a deep voice, "Get ready to fight."

Jiang Xinyu held a submachine gun in her hand, but her body was trembling, showing her fear.

"Let's attack to the west, Hu Fei, you go up to the wall of the residential building to attack the zombies, if you can't do it, run away first." Lin Ye started the battle.

"Then you?" Hu Fei hesitated.

"Go!" Lin Ye shouted.

"Okay, then... then Xin Yu will be handed over to you."

Time was running out, Lin Ye didn't have time to say more, and he didn't care about Hu Fei anymore.The so-called sea is wide with fish leaping, the sky is high and birds can fly, and Hu Feifei's ability to walk on rocks is really suitable for fighting in the city streets. After climbing the wall, he has no worries at all. Performed perfectly.

Hu Fei had already climbed onto the wall, and Lin Ye quickly led Jiang Xinyu to break through to the west. The nearest zombie was about 50 meters away, but this was no hindrance to Lin Ye who was holding a gun.

50 meters, miniature submachine guns, every time a gunshot was fired, a zombie fell down, and the first dozen or so zombies were quickly cleaned up by Lin Ye and Jiang Xinyu.

However, they were getting closer to the zombies, and soon, the distance was reduced to 30 meters, 20 meters... ten meters.

Several zombies had already rushed towards Lin Ye. Lin Ye shot and killed the two rushing zombies with two shots, and then killed the rear one with one blow.

There are too many zombies ahead, even if you kill a dozen of them, there will be as many zombies as there are wasps.

Lin Ye understood that they had stabbed a hornet's nest.

"Brother Lin, there is an alley here." Hu Fei could see more clearly on the wall.

"Let's go." Sure enough, there was an alley ahead, and Lin Ye and Jiang Xinyu hurried in.

Not far from the entrance of the alley, Hu Fei pointed out to them on the wall: "Brother Lin, there are five zombies at the corner ahead."

Lin Ye nodded. Just as he turned the corner, two zombies rushed towards him.

Swish two swords to solve it, Lin Ye reminded: "If you can't shoot, try not to shoot, if you keep shooting, we will never be able to get rid of the zombies."

Jiang Xinyu put away her gun and took out a pointed weapon.

A few zombies were instantly killed. After turning this alley, Lin Ye and the others entered a commercial street, where they could see all kinds of shops selling clothes. However, this street was already dilapidated. All storefronts were badly damaged and none were left intact.

(End of this chapter)

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