Chapter 64
Lin Ye thought that entering this alley would be able to get rid of the zombies behind, but what he didn't expect was that there were even more zombies on both sides of the commercial street than behind.

At this time, there were no extra alleys for them to escape, and the intensive roaring sounded from behind showed that the escape route was also blocked by zombies.

In other words, the three of Lin Ye rushed into the pile of zombies.


"Brother Lin, it's over." Hu Fei, who was stuck on the high-rise building, looked at a street corner with horror in his eyes.

Lin Ye didn't feel right. Judging from Hu Fei's expression, it was obviously not a fear of zombies. He couldn't help but took out his gun, shot the zombies, and asked Hu Fei, "What's wrong?"

"Brother Lin, dozens of mutated wolves appeared there, and there was a silver-haired one in the lead. They were coming towards us very fast." Hu Fei was trembling as he spoke.

Mutant wolf?Why do mutant wolves appear in the city?And it's also a silver wolf, is it a silver level?

Mutant beasts are different from zombies. Not only do they have strong fighting instincts, but they have reached the silver level and can already use their own abilities. Wolves, belonging to spiritual animals, are not only smart, but also vicious. The silver-level mutant wolf is probably no worse than the scavenging beast king .

And with a group of mutant wolves, it's even more terrifying.

After Lin Ye shot a zombie, he asked, "How many?"

"It's still a little far away, so I can't see them clearly, but... there are at least 50 of them."

Jiang Xinyu turned pale, "Five...ten, is this a mutant wolf pack?"

Lin Ye's face was serious, he took another breath, his eyes were cold, he died in the last life, but his ability was insufficient, this time, he took the opportunity of rebirth, obtained the natural ability, and was ahead of others step by step, how could he be willing to do so die.

In this life, he wants to control the ups and downs, turn disasters into opportunities, and become the master of this last world.

"Since we are surrounded, let's fight our way out!"

Lin Ye went forward without hesitation, facing the large group of zombies without retreating, his back was infinitely magnified in the eyes of Jiang Xinyu and Hu Fei, filling their eyes.

Facing this death situation, Lin Ye did not back down, and his murderous aura increased instead of diminishing. At this moment, Jiang Xinyu and Hu Fei felt the difference in Lin Ye.

Why is he so strong, why is he so good, besides the luck of obtaining powerful abilities, in fact, there is no lack of his personal struggle, desperate fighting, even in the face of a death situation, he has no intention of shrinking back, this is his strength This is the aura that Doomsday should have.

Jiang Xinyu and Hu Fei completely admired Lin Ye. At the same time, with Lin Ye taking the lead, they were not so afraid.

"Damn it, I'm going to die, I want to kill myself." Hu Fei cursed, and climbed over the wall to keep up with Lin Ye's rhythm.

Jiang Xinyu gritted her teeth, Lin Ye, this man, she was determined to follow, it would be best if she could kill him, but if she couldn't, it would be no pity to die with him. In her eyes, life is just following what one likes. The people were killed from the beginning to the end.

Flames kept coming out of the muzzles of the three people, and the bullets flew out for free. Facing the hordes of zombies, Lin Ye didn't need to spend time aiming at all.

Every time you shoot, you will sweep down the zombies in pieces.

Hu Fei was a novice, he couldn't shoot fast, he could only hit three out of five shots, and probably killed two zombies, but he didn't have to move on a five-meter-high wall, and none of the zombies could touch him. Kill zombies without any worries.

Jiang Xinyu's marksmanship is also worthy of being a police academy graduate, with nine out of ten rounds, six or seven rounds can blow the zombie's head off.

Hu Fei looked at it in his spare time, and really admired Jiang Xinyu's marksmanship. If he fought with a gun, even if he had the ability to bounce, he would not be sure to defeat Jiang Xinyu.

However, it was Lin Ye who Hu Fei really felt terrified of. From the beginning of shooting zombies to now, Lin Ye hit almost every zombie's head with his shots.Why is it that other people are from the police academy, and their marksmanship is normal, so what is going on with Lin Ye's marksmanship like cheating?

Hu Fei, a layman, only saw that Lin Ye's guns were perfect, but Jiang Xinyu was different, she was no less surprised than Hu Fei.

"Swing your shoulders to relieve the force, and the clips will fly in the air!"

Jiang Xinyu was so eye-catching. Every gun has recoil. This recoil not only affects the shooting angle, but also affects your shooting speed.Even though they know this, ordinary people can only hold their guns tightly and try to adjust their positions to shoot, while those who really know how to use guns use shoulder swings to remove the recoil, which is called shoulder swinging. force.

Before coming down from the special forces, Jiang Xinyu was taught by experienced instructors, let alone herself, this time Lin Ye did it, which really opened her eyes.

Flying magazines is not something ordinary people can do. Those TV dramas that reload magazines in seconds are not just dramas. Among the people who use guns, there are a small number of people who can do this, but they are just a handful of masters.

Ten years after the end of the day, if Lin Ye didn't have this spear skill, his life would be in vain.

But facing the endless zombies, Lin Ye's skills seemed a little insignificant.

There were at least dozens of zombies that fell to the ground, but the crowd of zombies that were tightly surrounded did not seem to be decreasing at all, but instead narrowed the scope of activities of Lin Ye and the others.

"Brother Lin, this... this can't be finished." After killing for a long time, Hu Fei was worried.

"If you can't finish killing, you have to kill!" The short words revealed Lin Ye's mood at this time. His eyes were filled with murderous aura, and he didn't stop his movements at all. He only had zombies in his eyes.

Now the battle circle has shrunk to 30 meters, and it will be 20 meters in a blink of an eye.

Lin Ye directly sent out a rain of ice arrows with area damage, slowing down the speed of these zombies. At the same time, he created a five or six meter long ice field on the front and rear feet, which was the last line of defense.

Jiang Xinyu felt that it was unnecessary, there were too many zombies, this kind of defense couldn't last for half a minute.

Lin Ye naturally wanted this too, but he still did what he had to do, and he couldn't let him think about it now.The zombies were approaching again, and the zombies on the two sides were only ten meters away from them, and they were about to step on the ice.

"No, those wolves are coming!"

At this critical moment of life and death, Hu Fei once again sent unfavorable information to them.

"Hu Fei, retreat first if you get the chance." It is Lin Ye's idea to be able to escape one by one.


Hu Fei was very hesitant about this matter. He knew that it was useless for him to stay, but it was more difficult to make a decision to let him run alone. As he was struggling, he suddenly realized that among the pack of wolves not far away, the leader There seemed to be something on a white wolf, but upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a person.

"Lin...Brother Lin, those wolves, there is a person on that white wolf."

Lin Ye couldn't be distracted at all. In just two seconds, the zombies had already set foot on the ice. He and Jiang Xinyu were fighting back to back.

Under the obstruction of the ice field, the attack of the zombies was slightly delayed, but judging from the current situation, this effect of the ice field was of no help.

(End of this chapter)

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