Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 65 Dog King Support

Chapter 65 Dog King Support
After hearing Hu Fei's words, Lin Ye didn't lose his mind at all, but the moment the words flashed through his mind, he was shocked like an electric shock.

"People? Someone on the wolf? Beast trainer?"

"A beast trainer who leads more than 50 mutant wolves?"

Before Lin Ye was reborn, he had never heard of such a person. It was impossible. In the early days of the end, more than 50 wolves could walk sideways in some small places. Why hadn't he heard of it.

Thinking about it again, there is only one person who can match this number in memory.

"It's him." Lin Ye's eyes lit up, "Rush towards the mutated wolves!"

Lin Ye took the lead and rushed forward, facing the group of zombies.

Jiang Xinyu was stunned for a moment, not understanding Lin Ye's thoughts at all. The mutant wolves were more than a little bit worse than zombies in terms of strength, speed, and reaction, and they rushed towards these wolves?What is the difference between this and death?
Brother Lin won't be confused, right?This was Jiang Xinyu's idea. However, Lin Ye had saved her life several times. She was with Lin Ye, and she was going to die anyway. As soon as she gritted her teeth, she accompanied Lin Ye to kill her.

Hu Fei looked at the mutated wolves, and gave him the most intuitive feeling that the people on the silver wolf seemed to be leading all the wolves, and they were cleaning up the zombies on the periphery. There were more than 50 wolves, and the cleaning was done very quickly. The zombies are eliminated.

"This, can't they come to support?" After hearing Lin Ye's words and seeing the pack of wolves again, Hu Fei not only didn't feel terrible, but had a surge of hope for life. In battle.

Cleaning up the zombies on one side was far easier than cleaning up the zombies on the other side, especially when the three of them fired in one direction, they cleared up a large area in a blink of an eye.The zombies behind moved forward, and they also attacked. The space of ten meters remained unchanged. Soon Lin Ye and the three saw the scurrying figures of the wolves.

"After shooting this wave of zombies with guns, use knives instead. Remember, don't hurt those mutated... dogs."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, Jiang Xinyu still didn't understand why, but Hu Fei understood, his eyes lit up with excitement, yes, these are all here to support them.

Lin Ye finally saw the mutant wolves that Hu Fei was talking about, and Jiang Xinyu also saw clearly, "It's not a wolf, it's a dog."

Although these mutant beasts are taller than ordinary dogs, with sharp fangs and much more ferocious faces, there are still some differences between wolves and dogs. Very many, this is clearly a dog.

At the same time, more than 50 mutated dogs rushed towards Lin Ye and the three of them, bringing up a gust of wind, and passed by Lin Ye and Jiang Xinyu. These mutated dogs were stronger than humans, so they rushed over , the visual impact is very strong.

Jiang Xinyu took a step back in fright, her hands were trembling, and she stared at each mutant dog, fearing that if she wasn't paying attention, the mutant dog would bite her off.

A few mutated dogs on the way were not very friendly to her eyes. She couldn't help raising the weapon in her hand, but Lin Ye grabbed it, and Lin Ye gave her a look.

Facing these ferocious mutant dogs, Lin Ye remained motionless, very calm, and looked at the man sitting on a white Tibetan mastiff.Whether in the previous life or after rebirth, Lin Ye has never seen this person, but Lin Ye knows that this person is called Zhang Ren, and he also has a nickname, Dog King.

In the early days of the doomsday, he was just an injured veteran who adopted more than 100 stray dogs. When the doomsday broke out, Zhang Ren became a beast trainer, and all the more than 100 stray wolf dogs became mutant dogs, and all of them obeyed Zhang Ren's orders.

With this help, Zhang Ren, in the doomsday environment, not only did not use force to force others, but his mind remained unchanged, and he saved countless people in the doomsday.

Although there are only more than 50 mutant dogs here, they may have been lost, or he may not have brought some mutant dogs, all in all, Lin Ye has reason to believe that this is Zhang Ren.

Zhang Ren, this time he was reborn, he finally met this supernatural being whom Lin Ye respected so much.

Zhang Ren was wearing a gray vest on his upper body and a pair of trousers on his lower body. He was sitting on a silver-white Tibetan mastiff, without the aura of a strong man at all.

Seeing the three people covered in blood, Zhang Ren was most surprised by Lin Ye. Seeing that he was brushed by so many bastards, he didn't change his face, and smiled cheerfully, "Little guys, I thought this time At most, I came to collect a corpse, I didn't expect to see a living person, so you are the only three left in your team?"

brat?Although Zhang Ren is also in his 40s and [-]s, Lin Ye is still a little bit resistant to calling it that way. However, it is Zhang Ren who said this, and Lin Ye can only smile awkwardly.

"There are only three of us." Lin Ye looked at Zhang Ren, who raised his brows, apparently in disbelief.

But Zhang Ren didn't care about this, and looked up from a distance, "You stabbed the zombie's lair? Come on, get on my pup's back. It's pointless to continue beating. I don't want the pups to get hurt."

As he said that, Zhang Ren made a casual move, and three muscular mutant dogs came out from behind. They looked ferocious, and they even whispered to Lin Ye and the others, very vigilant.

"Don't be afraid, as long as you don't get close to me, they won't hurt..."

Zhang Ren hadn't finished speaking when he saw Lin Ye jump on the back of a mutant dog.

"Come up, both of you."

Lin Ye tried his hand at the risk, Jiang Xinyu and Hu Fei looked at each other, then bit the bullet and got on the mutant dog's back.

Zhang Ren sighed, but looked at Lin Ye a few more times, thinking that this young man is really a brave man with high skills, it seems to be the heads of these two people, so he nodded appreciatively.

Zhang Ren shouted loudly: "Boys, let's go."

The mutated dogs that were rushing to kill the zombies behind were like a well-trained army. They withdrew as soon as they heard Zhang Ren's order, and they never wanted to fight.

The mutated dog's speed was very fast, raising a gust of dust, and the zombies behind them could only growl and chase after him, but the distance became farther and farther away, beyond their reach.


After getting out of the dangerous situation, there were not many zombies on the road, there were only a few or two, and there were more than a dozen, but they were nothing to this group of mutated dogs.

A few mutated dogs can kill more than a dozen or 20 zombies. Dozens of them together are even more ferocious than a group of zombies. If their fangs are pulled casually, the arms of the zombies can be torn off.It is completely worthy of being a mutant beast, and its ferocity is still intact.

Lin Ye preliminarily analyzed the levels of these mutated dogs. On the surface, these more than 50 mutated dogs have generally reached the level of Bronze Level [-] to [-], and a few of them have reached the level of Bronze Level [-].In addition to Zhang Ren's mutated Tibetan Mastiff, there are actually three silver-ranked ones.

Lin Ye also touched his nose resentfully. If it is said who is the most powerful in the doomsday, the dog king Zhang Ren is definitely the number one.Of course, if you encounter the armed forces, that's another story.

Lin Ye reckoned that he alone could defeat two of the silver mutant dogs, but the white Tibetan mastiff, Lin Ye was a bit out of line.

(End of this chapter)

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