Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 630 The Mysterious Duanmu Hanjiang

Chapter 630 The Mysterious Duanmu Hanjiang

"Other things, let's say you think the same about Alliance Leader Lin, do you think that other city owners will not stand up and refuse to join the alliance?" Jiang Tian turned his head and asked Lin Hua, who had been silent all this time. .

"That's right, Boss, you haven't spoken for a long time, and you also analyze and analyze, is there any truth to what we just said?" Li Jie asked Lin Hua.

After Lin Hua heard what they said, she smiled and said, "My thoughts are the same as those of Li Jie. Even if many people disagree with this alliance meeting, they will not stand up and express their refusal to join the alliance. , they just want to sit back and wait for it to happen,"

After hearing Lin Hua say the same thing, Jiang Tian began to believe it a little bit, because Jiang Tian's team has always believed what Lin Hua said, because Lin Hua's words are convincing.

"Then boss, what should we do then, should we just stand up and express our disapproval to join the alliance?" Xuewu asked after hearing Linhua's words.

"That's right, boss, if it's really as we guessed, then things might get a little trickier, and we have to face the Night Talk City directly." Heisha thought for a while and asked.

After Lin Hua heard what they said, she shook her head and said, "What I'm talking about now is just our speculation, and I don't know what will happen at that time. Let's talk about it according to the situation."

"That's right, I haven't arrived in Night Talk City yet, and I don't know what the alliance meeting will be like this time. Anyway, it's only a few days away, so I'll know when the time comes," Li Jie said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Well, we actually don't quite understand what the Lord of the Night Talk City meant this time, and why he held this alliance conference. We don't even know the purpose of the City Master of the Night Talk City holding this alliance conference." Zombie Slayer Wu Yu said

"Anyway, no matter what happens at that time, as long as we don't agree to join the alliance of the night talk city," Jiang Tian said to several people.

"Yes, yes, no matter what happens, as long as you don't join the alliance meeting in Night Talk City, it's fine, don't think about other things now," Beibei also said.

Lin Hua was thinking at this moment that if the alliance conference was not handled well this time, there might be a tough battle, but Lin Hua was not worried at all, because he was already at the fifth level of the epic Strength, Lin Hua did not believe that the Lord of the Night Talk City was stronger than him.

At this time, although it was past nine o'clock in the night in Yehua City, the city was still very bright, and there were a lot of people on the street, because the alliance meeting that was about to be held was not just the city lord. I have come to participate, and some large-scale forces in the wild have come to watch the excitement, so the Night Talk City has been particularly lively these days, no matter it is day or night.

Because there are still four days left, some of the city lords who came to Yehua City earlier found an inn to rest, waiting for the alliance meeting in four days.

At this time, there were more than 20 people in the hall of the Lord's Mansion of Yehua City. A man in tight black clothes stood with his back facing the supernatural beings sitting on the chairs on both sides of the hall with his hands covered.

And those supernatural beings sitting on the chairs on both sides all looked at the person in tight black clothes.

"Night Talker, all the main personnel of the City Lord's Mansion have arrived." A middle-aged man in blue clothes sitting in the front of the chair on the left said to the man who stood with his back to them and folded his hands.

The middle-aged supernatural being in blue clothes sitting on the chair on the left is the most powerful among the three deputy city lords of Yehua City. His name is Wei Chen. The fifth level of epic is only one step away.

And the one who was standing with his hands folded and wearing tight black clothes, after hearing the words of the deputy city lord Wei Chen, that person slowly turned his head and looked at all the supernatural beings present.

This person in tight black clothes, with a black mask on his face, can't tell her appearance and age at all. There are two daggers pinned to his back. She is the lord of Yehua City called Duanmuhan Jiang, because he has always been wearing a mask, no one has ever seen his true face, which gives people a particularly mysterious feeling. Duanmu Hanjiang has the strength of the fifth level of the epic.

And when those supernatural beings sitting on the chairs saw Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, turned around, they all felt awe. Although they all knew that the city lord was very mysterious, they all admired Duanmu Hanjiang The powerful strength, and the management ability to govern the city.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, looked at all the main personnel of Yehua City in the hall, sat on a chair in the middle of the hall, and said slowly, "I called everyone here this time to discuss the alliance meeting. thing"

In this alliance conference, it was not that the Night Talk City Master wanted all the City Masters of the city to join the alliance. The main reason was that he wanted to use this excuse to gather all the City Masters together. He was just planning to tell them a piece of news. This news It is a shocking news. On the night of 20 days ago, the city lord Duanmu Hanjiang waited for the news from an epic fourth-order ancient lost warrior king, that the world will be destroyed in the hands of the ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor, and the time is half a year later. The ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor led an army of ancient zombie warriors to break through all the cities in this world and slaughter all human beings.

When the Lord of Yehua City got the news, he was very shocked, because he only knew about the ancient zombie warrior, the corpse king, but he did not expect that there was an ancient zombie warrior, the corpse emperor, and this ancient zombie warrior, the corpse emperor, must be very powerful, otherwise It is impossible to slaughter all human beings.

Although it is said that it is a half-year period, the ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor has already gathered ancient zombie warriors long before Duanmu Hanjiang got the news, so there is no half a year at all. In order to let all the city lords come, Regarding Shang Yi's matter, Duanmu Hanjiang came up with this method, saying that he would let all the city lords come to participate in this alliance meeting.

However, this news was only known to the main personnel of the City Lord's Mansion of Yehua City. Because they were afraid that many people would know, they leaked the news, causing panic.

"City Lord, there are already several City Lords who have come to Yehua City, but they didn't come directly to the City Lord's Mansion, they must have waited for four days," Deputy City Lord Wei Chen said to Duanmu Hanjiang.

(End of this chapter)

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