Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 631 The Prosperous Night Chapter City

Chapter 631 The Bustling Night Talk City
Yehua City has a total of three deputy city lords, namely Wei Chen whose strength is at the peak of the fourth level of the epic, the strength of the fourth level of the awakening epic, Li Tianyi's strength at the fourth level of the epic, 36 elders, [-] elders of the third level of the epic, and [-] elders. An elder of the second level of epic, six elders of the first level of epic, and Duanmu Hanjiang, the master of Yehua city, is the fifth level of epic. This is the main combat power of Yehua city.

It can be seen from here that Yehua City is several times stronger than all other cities, but Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, is powerful and proclaimed himself king, but Duanmu Hanjiang is simply He doesn't have too much ambition, he wants to unify all other cities. If he really wants to unify all the cities, then it is not too difficult to unify all the cities in this world with the strength of Duanmu Hanjiang!

However, Duanmu Hanjiang never thought about unifying all the cities in this world. If he hadn't received this shocking news this time, he would not have convened this alliance meeting and let all the cities participate so that they can discuss ways together.

"They don't want to come to the City Lord's Mansion too early, so don't bother them. Since they are here, I think they should all come to participate in this alliance meeting. After hearing the words of the deputy city lord Wei Chen, the night talk city lord Duanmu Hanjiang slowly Said.

"City lord, tell the news to other city lords this time, I think it will definitely cause panic," the deputy city lord in quick-color clothes said soberly.

"Yes, City Lord, the news is too big this time, and I don't know if the news is true. If you really tell the City Lord, what should they do if they don't believe us?" Li Tianyi, another deputy city lord, said.

"You're right to Deputy City Lord Li, because this time we said that we summoned all the City Lords through an alliance. If we tell these City Lords this news, they may think that we just want all the City Lords to join us. We formed an alliance and found an excuse," Wei Chen, the deputy city lord, said slowly after hearing Li Tianyi's words.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, frowned after hearing the words of Wei Chen, the deputy lord of the city, because he had also thought about this problem, but if he didn't need to join the alliance to call all the city lords, there was simply no other way to get them together. All the city lords have gathered in Night Talk City.

Duanmu Hanjiang shook his head and said, "I thought to myself, some people should believe me, not everyone misunderstood us, and this alliance is just an excuse, and I don't have an alliance now Meaning, when all the city lords have arrived, let's discuss how to deal with this matter." After Duanmu Hanjiang finished speaking, he just walked out of the hall.

And the main personnel of the City Lord's Mansion of Yehua City in the hall, after seeing Duanmu Hanjiang leaving, they all left one after another.

In the early morning of the next day, after Lin Hua and the others had finished their meal, they walked directly towards the Night Talk City, but on the way to the Night Talk City, they saw many teams of supernatural beings also heading towards the Night Talk City. Walking, some are teams of supernatural beings from wild forces, and some are teams of city lords who came to participate in this alliance conference.

The strength of these teams varies, some are particularly strong, that is, the teams of the city lords who came to participate in the alliance conference, and the strength of those teams in the wild is generally quite weak, but there are also a few strong ones. team.

Among these teams, Lin Hua's team was the most powerful. At around [-] o'clock in the evening, Lin Hua and the others could see Yehua City from a distance.

When several people saw the Yehua City for the first time, they were all shocked. Although they all knew that Yehua City was the largest city, they did not expect that Yehua City would be so big, and At this time, Yehua City is already brightly lit. Although Lin Hua and the others are a little far away from Yehua City, they can vaguely hear the voices of small merchants and peddlers in the city. A scene of prosperity.

"I didn't expect it. This Yehua City is bigger than the legend, and it is very grand. My Bagu City is completely incomparable with this Yehua City." Jiang Tian looked at the Yehua City in front of him. He smiled and said.

"Yeah, this night chat city is really big, and it must be very prosperous and lively inside," Li Jie said, looking at the night talk city in front of him.

"It's bustling and lively. You can talk about it. Li Jie can hear the voices of the city here. How can it be like this if it's not bustling and lively?" Gu Tian said to Li Jie with some contempt.

"I didn't expect that the Lord of Yehua City really has a lot of skills. Such a big city is managed in such an orderly manner." When several people approached the gate of Yehua City, Xuewu walked through the gate After seeing the scene in Yehua City, he sighed and said.

"Well, I'm also very curious about the night talk city lord now. A city built like this is so prosperous and stable. It's really because the manager is very capable. Otherwise, I wouldn't be like this." Lin Hua said to Said with several people.

Lin Hua and the others soon came to Yehua City, and were immediately attracted by the scene in Yehua City. This Yehua City is very beautiful, with bright neon lights and flashing lights everywhere. There are also some small merchants and hawkers on both sides, selling everything. Although it is almost nine o'clock in the evening, there are many people on the street.

There are people with supernatural powers, ordinary people, and a family of three walking in the city, which makes Lin Hua particularly envious, because Lin Hua also wants to live such a stable life, go out for a walk with her family after dinner , chatting, but Lin Hua can't do it now, because if Lin Hua still has a lot of heavy responsibilities on his shoulders, he Lin Hua is the leader of the Ice and Snow League, and he must work hard to become stronger and make the Ice and Snow League With the improvement of strength, only in this way can the residents in Xueyun City be protected to live a stable and stable life.

"Boss, I feel a bit reluctant to leave when I come to this night chat city. Otherwise, let's take this night chat city." Li Jie said jokingly.

"Yeah, boss, let's occupy this night talk city, and then we will move all the members of the Ice and Snow League here," Gu Tian also said.

After hearing what Li Jie and Gu Tian said, Lin Hua just smiled and didn't speak, because what Li Jie and Gu Tian thought was too simple.

(End of this chapter)

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