Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 633 2 City Lords

Chapter 633 Two City Lords
"Haha, look at the decoration inside, I think the consumption of this Tianxiang Building will not be too low." Li Jie looked at the decoration inside the Tianxian Building and said,

"Yeah, just looking at the decoration of this Tianxian Building, I feel that the dishes cooked by the chef here will not be inferior there. Xuewu looked at the decoration and said.

"Excuse me, how many guests are there, so I can arrange seats for you?" A waiter in red Tianxianglou costume asked after seeing Lin Hua and the others who had just entered.

"Eighteen people," Lin Hua said directly.

"Sorry, we don't have a table for eighteen people here, but can we sit at two separate tables?" the waiter asked a little embarrassed.

Lin Hua nodded, because it was the first floor, the second floor was already full, so Lin Hua and the others ate in the two boxes on the third floor.

Lin Hua, Li Jie and the others share a box, and the eight supernatural beings brought by Jiang Tian share a box!
"Give two servings of all your specialty dishes in Tianxian Building, one in that box and one in ours," Lin Hua said to the waiter.

"Okay guest officer, wait a moment, the food will be served in a while." The waiter left immediately after finishing speaking, and went to order.

"Haha, the boss is the boss. Ordering dishes is unusual. Just order all the special dishes." Li Jie said after seeing that Lin Hua had ordered all the special dishes of Tianxianglou.

"Well, it's not enough. Anyway, we have a lot of heteronuclei here." Lin Hua said to Li Jie.

"By the way, boss, do you want some wine?" Gu Tian asked Lin Hua.

"Yes, leader Lin is in a good mood today, let's have some drinks," Huo Guang asked Lin Hua.

"Okay, but please do what you can, don't drink too much, by the way, Li Jie, tell me, the brothers in the next room also drink," Lin Hua said to Li Jie.

Lin Hua didn't let them drink more because they had just arrived in this night chat city and it wasn't too safe, so they were more prepared.

After Li Jie notified the supernatural beings brought by Jiang Tian next door, he came back immediately. After about 10 minutes, more than ten waiters came over, each of which was pushing a dining car, and then began to serve two Serve food in the box.

Looking at the dishes served by the waiter, Beibei was so greedy that his mouth was watering. Seeing Beibei like this, Lin Hua said, "Beibei eat hard today, let you eat enough."

Only then did Li Jie and the others notice that Beibei was drooling greedily, which made everyone laugh out loud.

After all the dishes were placed on the table, because Lin Hua and the others ordered all the special dishes of Tianxian Building in the two boxes, a waiter was left in the two boxes to serve Lin Hua and the others.

Then Lin Hua and the others started to eat all the special dishes, and Li Jie and Bei Bei ate the most vicious ones.

When it was time to eat, Murongxian and Xuewu planned to go to the bathroom, and then Guiwu and Heisha also went together. There are only two bathrooms in Tianxianglou Restaurant, one is on the second floor and the other is on the fifth floor. , so Murongxian and the others went to the toilet on the second floor.

Lin Hua seemed to be eating enough, and asked the waiter who served them, "Is the business of your Tianxian Building always so good?"

"It's not normal, although it is very popular, there are not so many people these days, because isn't there a city lord meeting to be held? Those who came to participate in the city lord meeting, as well as some people from the wild forces and which city lords have all come to the night talk city. , Tianxian Tower is the most famous tavern in Yehua City, so there will be more people these days," the waiter who served Lin Hua and the others said to Lin Hua
"Haha, the Tianxianlou's special dishes are really extraordinary, and it's really worthy of the reputation of the most famous tavern in Yehua City." Li Jie wiped the oil stains on his mouth with a paper towel and said.

Where is the bathroom on the second floor? When Murongxian and the others were going to go back to find Lin Hua and the others after going to the bathroom.

It so happened that five male supernatural beings came over to go to the bathroom. The five male supernatural beings were led by the two frontmost supernatural beings. One was a bald-headed supernatural being in his 40s with two axes on his back. , His name is Sima Yunfei, the city lord of Sima City has the strength of the fourth level of epic, and the other is a young man in his 20s with a long sword on his waist called Bai Zhantang. This young man is very handsome, but it may be Because of drinking, his face turned very red. This Baizhantang is also a city lord, and also has the strength of the fourth level of epic.

The three supernatural beings behind Sima Yunfei and Bai Zhantang are their subordinates, and they are all at the second level of Epic. At this time, they are all drinking too much.

When they saw Murong Xian and the others who had just come out of the toilet, they were all bewitched by Murong Xian Xuewu, their alluring beauty.

Especially that Sima Yunfei, after seeing Murongxian and the others, immediately planned to take possession of Murongxian and the others!It directly blocked the path of Murong Xian and the others.

After Bai Zhantang saw Xuewu, he was also attracted by Xuewu's beauty, but he was not the same as Sima Yunfei!Seeing Sima Yunfei blocking the way of Xuewu and the others, how could Bai Zhantang not understand Sima Yunfei's thoughts.Then he said directly to Sima Yunfei, "City Master Sima, are you drinking too much? Go this way to go to the toilet." After Bai Zhantang finished speaking, he pulled Sima Yunfei towards the toilet.

After Xuewu and the others saw Sima Yunfei blocking their way, they were not angry, because Xuewu and the others were all because this Sima Yunfei drank too much, so they just watched Bai Zhantang pull that Sima Yunfei quietly. , so as to make way for a few of them, and since they are city lords, they don't want to cause trouble for Lin Hua.

And when Sima Yunfei saw Bai Zhantang pulling him, he shook off Bai Zhantang's hand and said, "City Master Bai, I didn't drink too much, I just saw that these girls are pretty good-looking, and I just want to make friends." After Sima Yunfei finished speaking, he looked at Murongxian and the others, with strong desire in his eyes.

After hearing that Sima Yunfei's words, Murongxian said unwillingly at that time, "It's just like you, you still want to make friends with us, it's really shameless, how old are you?"

"Yeah, I don't even look at you when you're dead," Xue Wu said with some displeasure after hearing Sima Yunfei's words.

"Go to the toilet as soon as you drink too much, don't get in the way," Gui Wu said very displeased.

(End of this chapter)

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