Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 634 Bai Zhantang

Chapter 634 Bai Zhantang

After hearing what Xuewu and the others said, Sima Yunfei said excitedly, "These three chicks really have a bit of a temper, sir, I am the owner of Sima City. After you four follow me, there will be endless glory Wealthy ones, think about what to do with me."

After hearing Sima Yunfei's words, Bai Zhantang showed some displeasure on his face and said to Sima Yun, "City Master Sima, don't be joking, you must have drunk too much, let's go to the toilet." After Bai Zhantang finished speaking, he immediately thought La Sima Yunfei.

With a "snap", Sima Yunfei shook Bai Zhantang's hand away from him, and said very displeasedly, "City Master Bai, what do you mean? Don't you like those girls in front? You don't need to do it. Just go back to the box, and I will give you two later."

After Bai Zhantang heard Sima Yunfei's words, his face was extremely red at that time, because the moment she saw Xuewu just now, she fell in love with Xuewu.

After hearing Sima Yunfei's words, Murongxian said angrily, "It's really shameless for you to be like this, get the hell out of here, or I'll do it." After Murongxian finished speaking, he took out his whip!
And Gui Wu and the others were also very angry, they took out their weapons and glared at Sima Yunfei one by one. Although they didn't want to cause trouble, they were not afraid of trouble, obviously it was Sima Yunfei's pick.

Bai Zhantang saw that Xuewu and the others were ready to attack, he could tell that only Mu Muxian had supernatural powers, but only the third level of Epic, while Heisha and the others, Bai Zhantang couldn't see their strength!Afraid that Xuewu and the others would suffer, he said directly, "Girls, calm down first. This City Lord Sima has offended a few girls because he drank too much. I'm sorry."

After Xuewu and the others heard Bai Zhantang's words, they all had a good impression of this Bai Zhantang!But they didn't intend to just let this Sima Yunfei who was so blatantly molesting them go.

Then Xuewu said to Bai Zhantang indifferently, "You can ask this so-called City Lord Sima to apologize to us."

"That's right, that's right, what sister Xuewu said is not wrong, let him apologize to us, or else he will beat him to death," Murong Xian said angrily.

After hearing Murong Xian's words, Xue Wu and the others all laughed, and the people around started to gather around to watch the fun.

After Sima Yunfei heard Murongxian's words, he was very angry, and said loudly, "Little girl, give you some face, even a third-level epic dares to talk to Lao Tzu like this," Sima Yunfei immediately threw his two axe It was pulled out, just to do it.

After Bai Zhantang saw that Sima Yunfei drew out his ax and was about to strike, he couldn't help being a little worried about Xuewu and the others' safety and shouted at Sima Yunfei, "Sima Yunfei, why are you like this? If you plan to strike, I, Bai Zhantang, Practice with you." After Bai Zhantang finished speaking, he directly pulled out the long sword that was pinned to his waist.

And Bai Zhantang's sudden behavior confused everyone, Xuewu and the others didn't know why Bai Zhantang, who was with Sima Yunfei, would suddenly help a few of them.

The most surprised one was this Sima Yunfei. When Sima Yunfei saw Bai Zhantang drew his sword and planned to fight with himself, he shouted even more angrily, "Bai Zhantang, do you think I'm afraid that you won't succeed? I'll deal with you first. Then go and clean up those girls." After Sima Yunfei finished speaking, he planned to do something.

At this time, more and more spectators came over. A waiter who served Lin Hua and the others just now saw that a fight was about to start, so he came over to try to persuade the fight, but was slapped aside by Sima Yunfei. went.

And the waiter who was slapped by Sima Yunfei quickly ran to their boss to report the news.

"The matter of the city lord is the matter of the city lord Sima, so let's not get involved, so as not to make things unpleasant," one of Bai Zhantang's subordinates said to Bai Zhantang.

After Bai Zhantang heard this subordinate's words, he couldn't help saying angrily on his face, "Go and call me down, I want to protect these girls today."

After hearing Bai Zhantang's words, the subordinate of Bai Zhantang looked at the angry Bai Zhantang, and ran upstairs to call for someone.

Now Xuewu and the others were even more confused, they didn't know what happened to Baizhantang, it was like this when they met for the first time, it would be understandable if the friends they knew were like this.

After Sima Yunfei heard Bai Zhantang's words, he winked at the supernatural being behind him, and that supernatural being also rushed to call for someone to come.

Then Sima Yunfei turned his head to Bai Zhantang and said, "Bai Zhantang, you have to think about it clearly, for the sake of these little girls, you and me, Sima Yunfei, do you think it's worth it?"

This Sima Yunfei also didn't want to be an enemy of Bai Zhantang, but he couldn't bear it anymore. There were so many people watching the excitement today, so he must get Xuewu and the others today, so he wanted to persuade Bai Zhantang to leave.

After hearing what Sima Yunfei said, Bai Zhantang turned his head to look at Xuewu, and then said to Sima Yunfei, "It's worth it"

When Sima Yunfei looked back at Xuewu just now, Murongxian and the others had discovered it, and then they all understood why Baizhantang would not hesitate to offend a city lord and help them, so it was all because of Xuewu.

Then Murongxian asked Xuewu, "Sister Xuewu, do you know this Baizhantang? Why do I feel that he came to help us because it was you?"

"That's right, sister Xuewu, that Bai Zhantang seemed to be looking at you all the time just now," Gui Wu said with a smirk.

After hearing what the two of them said, Xuewu's face was a little flushed, she shook her head and said, "Sister-in-law Guiwu, you two don't make fun of me, it's also the first time I've seen this person."

Although the voices of Xuewu and the others were very low, Bai Zhantang and Sima Yunfei could hear them clearly.

After hearing Xue Wu's words, Sima Yunfei said directly to Bai Zhantang, "City Master Bai, if you like that girl, I will not touch that girl and give her to you. What do you think?" After Sima Yunfei finished speaking, his face was full of With a smile on his face, Sima Yunfei could tell at this time that Bai Zhantang should have done this because of Xuewu, so she directly planned to give Xuewu to him!He believed that Bai Zhantang should be able to agree.

After Bai Zhantang heard Sima Yunfei's words, the anger on his face became more intense, and he couldn't help but cursed, "What are you, Sima Yunfei?"

(End of this chapter)

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