Chapter 645 A Coward

So Gao Fei said in disbelief at this time, "How is that possible? The Lord of Yehua City is the most powerful human being in the world. How could he be afraid of your boss Lin Hua? Even if your boss Lin Hua is stronger. , that should not be to the point where the Lord of Yehua City would be afraid."

After hearing Gao Fei's suspicious words, Li Jie said, "Duanmu Hanjiang, the mayor of Night Talk City, may have been the most powerful human being in the world before, but that was just before. Before my boss came to Night Talk City, but I I think my boss is here, so he, the most powerful human being in the world, should change hands soon." After Li Jie finished speaking, he smiled confidently, as if he was Lin Hua.

"Yeah, the Lord of Yehua City may be the most powerful human being in this world, but that's because our boss didn't show up, or you can explain to me why the Lord of Yehua City didn't punish us. Talk about the rules set by the city lord," Gu Tian said after thinking about it.

After hearing Li Jie and Gu Tian's words, Tang Fei fell into deep thought. It is indeed possible that what Li Jie and Gu Tian said, but he did not fully believe it!After thinking for a while, I said, "There must be other reasons, this one reason should not be enough."

"Brother Gao Fei, you are wrong. This one reason is enough. In the face of absolute strength, any rules can be changed. Last night, Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, also had an idea, and wanted to fight with our lord Lin Hua. Yes, but he is not sure about defeating our city lord, so Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of the night talk, gave up the idea of ​​fighting because he is afraid of being defeated by our city lord Lin Hua, so should he be the lord of the night talk? , Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, the most powerful human being in the world, he wants to give up! The lord of Yehua City dare not take this risk," Huo Guang said after hearing Gao Fei's words.

After Gao Fei heard Huo Guang's words, he thought for a while. There was only one explanation that could explain the smoothness. Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, did not punish Li Jie and Beibei who killed people.

Then Gao Fei shook his head and said, "This person's affairs are too messy, let's not think about it for now, let's drink." After Gao Fei finished speaking, she raised her glass.

Li Jie and the others also raised their wine glasses. They continued to drink and then chatted about other things. Maybe Li Jie and the others had too much fun chatting. Jie and the others drank up.

"Waiter, serve us twelve bottles of the wine just now." Li Jie shouted loudly to the waiter outside the door after seeing that it was gone.

"How can twelve bottles be possible? Another twenty, we must drink until we get drunk today." Gao Fei said after hearing Li Jie's words.

After hearing Li Jie's request for wine just now, the waiter outside the door came in and asked Li Jie and the others, "How much is the wine that the guest officer ordered just now?"

"Twenty more, just like the wine just now," Li Jie said to the waiter.

"Yes, yes, here are twenty drinks like the one just now," Gao Fei said.

Now Li Jie, Gu Tian, ​​and Gao Fei drank a lot. Only Huo Guang didn't drink much. This was discussed by Li Jie and the three of them in advance. Li Jie and Gu Tian were responsible for drinking with Gao Fei, and Huo Guang's task is to persuade Gao Fei to join them.

Soon a waiter came over pushing a dining cart and brought all twenty bottles of wine!Then it was placed on the table, and then Li Jie and the others started drinking again.

"Brother Gao Fei, you should know the purpose of our visit." Huo Guang saw that Gao Fei had almost drunk, Huo Guang said to Gao Fei after taking a sip of wine.

"Understood, I know that your purpose is to let me join your team. I know this. Although I have not been in contact with you for a long time, I can feel that you are all good people, and I am happy to be with you Together, but. When Gao Fei said this, he was directly interrupted by Li Jie's words.

"But what a fart, if you like to be with us again, join us."

"Yeah, you've joined us, how interesting it will be for everyone to be together," Gu Tian also said.

After Gao Fei heard what Li Jie said, he sighed and said, "Hey, it's not that I don't want to join you, I also know that it will always be interesting to be with you, and I also know that you are all good people, so I can't I joined you, because I don’t want to harm you, I am an unknown person, whoever is with me will die, this is why we have not joined any organization or team these years, but took risks by ourselves "

"Oh, we all know something about you. You have joined several forces before, but all the people in the forces you joined died at the hands of ancient zombie warriors, except you. That's why you think You are an unknown person, is that the reason?" Huo Guang said directly after hearing Gao Fei's words.

"Brother Huo Guang, what you said is not wrong. It is because I am an unknown person that I cannot join your team. Also, you all know that I am an unknown person. Why do you still ask me to join you?" Are you afraid that I will kill you all?" Gao Fei said sadly after hearing Huo Guang's words.

In fact, Gao Fei is a very outgoing and lively person. He also doesn't like to take risks by himself. He doesn't even have someone to talk to. He doesn't like this kind of feeling very much, but she can't help it. He doesn't want to kill other people, and every time he meets a team he likes and invites him to join, he directly refuses.

"What are you afraid of? If you are afraid of death, what's the point of being alive? I said Gao Fei, you are a coward. If you are afraid of killing your teammates, you should work hard to become stronger and protect your teammates. This is very Is it difficult?" After hearing Gao Fei's words, Li Jie looked at Gao Fei with some disdain and said.

"That's right, that's right, what Li Jie said is not wrong, Gao Fei, you are a coward, and you always use being an unknown person as an excuse to escape" Gu Tian said after hearing Li Jie's words.

"I'm not a coward, I'm not a coward. You have experienced three times in a row. Your teammates died beside you, and you were unable to save them. You can feel that feeling. I don’t want to experience that feeling anymore, so I will never join any team or force in my life.” Gao Fei said unwillingly after hearing what Li Jie and the others said, and after finishing speaking, two lines of tears flowed down Goofy's eyes rolled down.

(End of this chapter)

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