Chapter 646

After Li Jie and the others saw Gao Fei crying, they could understand Gao Fei's painful mood at this time. Although Li Jie and the others had experienced countless lives and deaths, they all survived and did not die. Among them was a man like iron, who protected them in front of them, and that was Lin Hua. Because of Lin Hua's existence, they had never experienced the death of a teammate they had been with for a long time by their side.

So Li Jie and the others didn't speak, but they were all silent, and when Gao Fei saw that Li Jie and the others were silent, he continued, "You probably haven't experienced that kind of pain. Seeing the death of the teammate you have been with day and night In front of me, and I was still alive, the person I wanted to die at that time was me, but in the end they all died, and I was the only one left.”

"Yes, yes, we have never experienced the death of our teammates who accompany us day and night, none of them, because this is a world where the weak prey on the strong, and it is normal for those with insufficient abilities to be eliminated. Although we have experienced countless Life and death, but we all survived, in order to survive, we must become stronger, in order to protect our team, we must become stronger." Li Jie said a little excitedly after hearing Gao Fei's words.

"Yes, what Li Jie said is correct, in order to protect the people he wants to protect, he must become stronger," Huo Guang said to Gao Fei a little excitedly.

After hearing what Li Jie and the others said, Gao Fei became more and more excited and said, "What's the use of becoming stronger, you can't protect the people you want to protect, you can't stop your teammates from dying in front of you, what do you say?" I trust you guys who have never experienced my teammates dying in front of me, you are just trying to trick me into joining your team."

After Gao Fei finished speaking, his mood became a little crazy. After hearing Gao Fei's words, Li Jie snorted and said, "It is true that we want you to join our team, firstly because of your good strength, and secondly because you You have a good personality, the last one is because of your experience, but we will not lie or deceive you just because we want you to join our team, because the lie will be exposed sooner or later."

"What Li Jie said is not wrong. Lies will be exposed sooner or later. From the very beginning, what we said has never deceived you. It is true that none of our teammates died, and none of them died," Gu Tian said very excitedly.

"What Gu Tian said is not wrong. Although I have been with leader Lin for a short time, I don't know much about the past, but when I followed leader Lin Hua, we did not die a teammate, whether you believe it or not , I have to say this," Huo Guang said to Gao Fei who was a little crazy.

After hearing what Huo Guang and the others said, the crazy Gao Fei looked at Li Jie and the others. He could feel that Li Jie and the others did not seem to be lying at all, and then said, "It can only be said that you are lucky and powerful."

"It's not because every time we experience life and death, when we encounter danger, there is a man who rushes to the front, that's why we have lived until now. This man is our boss Lin Hua. If it is not because of him, Then we might have died early in this apocalypse, and we simply wouldn't be able to live today." Li Jie shook his head and said after hearing Gao Fei's words.

"Li Jie is right. If it wasn't for our boss Lin Hua, we would have died long ago. How could we be here now? How could we be drinking together here?" Gu Tian said excitedly.

Gu Tian and Li Jie were the first to follow Lin Hua. The two of them faced life and death many times, but they all survived in the end. Because of something, it was because of Lin Hua's existence. The two of them What I said was not wrong at all. If there was no Lin Hua, then the two of them would have died at the beginning of the end of the world.

"You say so, your boss Lin Hua is very powerful." Gao Fei asked Li Jie and the others. At this time, Gao Fei was also very curious about Lin Hua because he had heard Li Jie and the others say that Lin Hua was so powerful. .

"Our boss is very powerful. Everyone lives for himself, but our boss Lin Hua lives not only for himself, but also for others. He improves his strength step by step in order to protect others." Li Jie Said to Tang Fei.

Gao Fei became more and more interested in Lin Hua, and then asked Li Jie and the others about Lin Hua.

Li Jie and the others picked some main things to tell Gao Fei. When Gao Fei listened to Li Jie and the others talk about Lin Hua, the more Gao Fei listened, the more he listened, and the more he devoted himself, the more he admired Lin Hua. Fei already wanted to join Li Jie's team, but Gao Fei was very worried, afraid of harming Lin Hua and the others. Although Lin Hua and the others were powerful, Gao Fei had experienced three times , everyone in the faction he joined was killed, so he didn't dare to try again.

In the end, when Gao Fei heard almost nothing, he looked at the sky outside and it was already dark, then shook his head and said, "Although I have special admiration for Lin Hua, even if this is the case, I won't join your team." , but I can know so many things today, and I am very happy to meet you."

"I said, what on earth are you thinking? After talking for a long time, why is your head still not clear?" After hearing Gao Fei's words, Li Jie couldn't help but said a little unhappy.

"Yeah, don't tell me you're still worried and afraid of harming us, that's why you don't want to join us?" Gu Tian asked Gao Fei with some doubts.

Gao Fei was not angry after hearing what Gu Tian and Li Jie said, and nodded without saying anything else.

When Li Jie and Gu Tian saw Gao Fei nodding, they couldn't laugh or cry, they didn't know what to say.

At this time, Huo Guang, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "How would you know if you don't join our team? It will harm us, and I think even if you join our team, your strength is not the weakest, but almost the same."

After hearing what Huo Guang said suddenly, Li Jie, Gao Fei, and Gu Tian were the passengers, Monk Zhang Er, who were puzzled. They didn't know why Huo Guang suddenly said such a sentence.

But then they all understood that although Gao Fei's strength is the epic fourth-level strength, he may be a particularly powerful strongman in the eyes of ordinary people, but in Lin Hua's team, his strength can only be regarded as Exclude the last few.

(End of this chapter)

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