Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 651 The Conference Begins

Chapter 651 The Conference Begins

"By the way, City Lord Wei Chen, that ancient zombie warrior, the corpse emperor, has the person you sent back to the location where the ancient zombie warriors gathered?" Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City, said slowly.

"I haven't come back yet, I should be able to come back in the next two days to bring back the news," Wei Chen, the deputy city lord, said slowly.

"By the way, the city lord, Lin Hua, the city lord of Titan City, seems to have included Gao Fei in their team yesterday." A vice-castle lord in gray clothes and at the fourth level of epic said to Duanmu Hanjiang.

"Oh, this Lin Hua has a lot of tricks. He can actually let Gao Fei join them. If there is nothing else, you can retreat." After hearing the words of the deputy city lord of the fourth level of the epic, Duanmu Hanjiang slowly said
After hearing Duanmu Hanjiang's words, the three deputy city lords all left one after another, and only Duanmu Hanjiang was left in the hall of the Yehua City Lord's mansion.

At this time, Duanmu Hanjiang was worried because the ancient zombie warrior corpse king planned to destroy human beings, because although he successfully resisted the three ancient zombie warriors attacking the city, those ancient zombie warriors were all led by the ancient zombie warrior corpse king. Controlled, but this time it turned out to be the corpse king. Although the difference between the corpse king and the corpse king is only a word, their strength is worlds apart. The strength of the corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior must be so powerful that it is very terrifying Otherwise, he would not dare to be called emperor.

Lin Hua and the others rested in the inn all day, and when it was time to eat, they went out to eat together, and returned to the inn to rest after eating.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Hua and the others woke up very early, and went out to eat early!At this time, the streets of Yehua City are full of people, and these people are all heading towards the City Lord's Mansion of Yehua City.

After Lin Hua and the others finished their meal, they were ready to walk towards the City Lord's Mansion!Although Lin Hua and the others don't know the location of the City Lord's Mansion!But Lin Hua and the others knew that the people on these streets should all go to the City Lord's Mansion, so Lin Hua and the others followed these people on the street and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion!

"Haha, it's really lively today. So many people are going to the City Lord's Mansion. Can the City Lord's Mansion hold so many people?" Li Jie looked at the people walking towards the City Lord's Mansion on the street, and turned to Lin Hua. they said.

"This group of people are all spectators, few of them can get in," Gao Fei said after hearing Li Jie's words.

Lin Hua and the others walked for more than half an hour before arriving at the City Lord's Mansion of Yehua City. At this time, the City Lord's Mansion of Yehua City was already surrounded by these onlookers. The city lord's mansion is watched by the guards. Everyone who enters the city lord's mansion has an invitation to participate in the alliance meeting.

After Lin Hua handed the invitation to the guard at the gate, he entered the City Lord's Mansion smoothly. A guard led Lin Hua to the square in their backyard, because that was where the alliance meeting was held today.

The City Lord's Mansion of Yehua City is very large. Lin Hua and the others walked for half an hour to arrive at the square where the alliance meeting was held.

This is a large circular square, and there is a large platform in the middle of the square, which should be the seat of the Yechat City Master and the others. Around the large round platform, there are many seats, probably tens of thousands of seats.

Lin Hua and the others casually found a seat not far from the table and sat down. Lin Hua looked at the other city lords around them, and they were all not weak!

"I didn't expect that the strength of these city lords is not weak. Basically, the lowest level is the third level of epic strength." Li Jie looked at the surrounding city lords and said to Lin Hua and the others.

"Of course the strength will not be weak, because all the strong people in this world should gather here," Lin Hua said slowly.

"By the way, when the Boss' night talk, the city lord will later say that he wants to form an alliance, besides us, will anyone stand up and disagree?" Gu Tian asked Lin Hua.

"Who knows, the result will come out later," Lin Hua said lightly.

After more than ten minutes, all the city lords and some relatively powerful forces had entered the venue and sat down.

At this time, after Yehua City Lord saw that basically everyone was here, Yehua City Lord Duanmu Hanjiang slowly walked up to the big stage in the middle with three deputy city lords with epic fourth-level strength.

"This Night Talk City is really the most powerful city, there are actually three deputy city masters of the fourth rank of the epic," Bei Bei said looking at the three deputy city masters of the fourth rank of the epic behind Duanmu Hanjiang.

"That's right, the deputy city lord of the fourth level of the epic, if it is in another city, maybe even the fourth level of the epic can be the city lord," Lin Hua said slowly.

"Everyone, please be quiet, the city lord's alliance meeting is starting now," the night talk city lord came to the big platform in the middle, and said slowly after looking at the speakers below.

After hearing the words of Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, the originally extremely noisy venue suddenly became quiet, and they all looked at Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Yehua City, on the middle stage.

Because everyone present, except for Lin Hua and the others, couldn't see through Duanmu Hanjiang's strength, and this Duanmu Hanjiang had a title of being the most powerful person in the world, so they all admired Duanmu Hanjiang very much. After hearing Duanmu Hanjiang's words, he stopped talking.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, saw that everyone was silent, and then slowly said after looking at all the people below the stands, "Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to participate in this alliance meeting today. Here is a thank you to everyone." After Duanmu Hanjiang finished speaking, he slowly bowed to everyone in the audience.

"This Duanmu Hanjiang is quite polite," Gu Tian said slowly.

"Yeah, I don't know what Duanmu Hanjiang means," Li Jie said with a curled lip.

"It was actually my fault that I invited everyone here today. I lied to everyone. This time, the alliance meeting is not going to be held at all. I just want to tell you a news, and it is a shocking news. I am afraid Some of the city lords won't come, so I thought of this way to trick everyone here." Yehua City lord said slowly to the people below the stage.

I heard the night talk that the city lord said that he lied to everyone. There was no alliance meeting at all, but when he came to listen to a news, the bottom of the table seemed to be bombed. It was very noisy. They said everything. The city lords and wild forces who participated in the alliance conference were particularly angry, as if they had been tricked.

(End of this chapter)

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