Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 652 Really Shocking News

Chapter 652 Really Shocking News
"City Master Yehua, we have always respected you, but why did you lie to us?" a city lord of the fourth level of Epic said angrily.

"Yeah, do you think it's fun to play with us?" Another epic fourth-tier city lord stood up and said directly.

In this way, these city lords are all talking about the night talk city lord Duanmu Hanjiang, but Duanmu Hanjiang on the stage and the three deputy city lords of the fourth level of the epic heard the voices of the city lords below the stage. There was no reaction at all, as if he knew there would be such a result.

"What does this Duanmu Hanjiang mean? Could it really be teasing us?" Li Jie said after hearing Duanmu Hanjiang's words.

"That's right, they said that we were all summoned here by holding the alliance meeting, but now they say they lied to us, and let us come here just to hear a piece of news," Gu Tian said angrily.

Even after Lin Hua heard the words of Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, she couldn't understand what kind of medicine this Duanmu Hanjiang was selling in the gourd.But Lin Hua was not angry at all, because she didn't want to participate in the alliance. Since there was no alliance meeting, it was a good thing for Lin Hua.

Now what Lin Hua is curious about is the shocking news that Duanmu Hanjiang said. Lin Hua knows that it must be not ordinary news, otherwise, it would be fine to send someone to tell the city lords directly, and they will not deceive all the city lords until night Come to the city.

"Be quiet, everyone. I know that you may have deceived everyone because of me. You have complaints, but there is nothing I can do about it, because the news is too big, so I can only say this. It's a bad move." Duanmu Hanjiang said after waiting for a while to see that the voices below the stage hadn't weakened in the slightest.

But this time after hearing the words of the city lord Duanmu Hanjiang, all the city lords calmed down, because since they can all become city lords, it proves that they are not fools. Hanjiang's words made him guess what the news Duanmu Hanjiang was going to say would be.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of Yehua City, saw that the people below had quieted down, and then said, "The news I want to share is that an ancient zombie warrior, the Emperor of Zombies, appeared in this world. Listen carefully, it is the Emperor of Corpses, isn't it?" Corpse King"

After hearing the words of the Yehua city lord Duanmu Hanjiang, all the city lords were shocked, and they didn't recover for a long time. Even Lin Hua was surprised, because Lin Hua had heard of the corpse emperor before, so It is much more powerful than the Zombie King!

And those city lords who were shocked by Duanmu Hanjiang's words didn't realize it until they were married for a long time, because some of them had faced the ancient zombie warriors attacking the city, knowing that the corpse king would be difficult to deal with, and if the corpse king appeared, they would not know How to face it.

"The Corpse Emperor has appeared, so you are the most powerful person in the world, City Master of Night Talk, then the Corpse Emperor should be handed over to you to defeat her." A leader of a field force shouted at Duanmu Hanjiang.

"Yeah, the corpse emperor has appeared, just defeat her," shouted a fourth-tier city lord.

Li Jie and the others couldn't help laughing after hearing this group of people's yelling, Li Jie said, "This group of people don't think that this group of people regards Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of the night talk city, as a god, right? easy to beat"

"Yeah, these people don't know what's going on in their heads. Duanmu Hanjiang called everyone here, and they should be trying to find a way to solve this zombie king. They still said that, really A bunch of teasers," Gu Tian followed up.

And Lin Hua didn't speak for a long time when he heard about the corpse emperor. If an ancient zombie emperor appeared in this world as Duanmu Hanjiang said, then this news is really shocking news. !
"Boss, what are you thinking?" Li Jie asked Lin Hua after seeing Lin Hua's silence for a long time.

"I was thinking, if the ancient zombie warrior, the corpse king, really appeared in this world, how should we face it?" Lin Hua said lightly.

After Li Jie and the others heard Lin Hua's words, they all looked at Lin Hua. At this time, they found that Lin Hua was very serious now. At this time, Li Jie and the others also felt the seriousness of this matter.

"The strength of the ancient zombie warrior Zombie King must not be simple, that is, the siege wars organized by the Zombie King are so large-scale, so if the ancient Zombie Warrior Zombie Emperor organizes the ancient zombie warriors to attack the city, I think it should be There is no city that can resist, Lin Hua then said to Li Jie and the others.

"The corpse king, is it really that scary? Could it be a zombie stronger than those corpse kings?" Beibei said with some speculation.

Lin Hua shook her head and said, "I don't know about this either, but I'm sure that if the corpse emperor really appears, he will definitely gather ancient zombie warriors to attack the city."

Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, heard the words of the city lords and the leaders of the wild forces, and said, "This corpse emperor must exist, and he gathered ancient zombie warriors a month ago. Humans, I have already sent someone to investigate the matter of the ancient zombie warrior, the corpse emperor, and news will come back within two days."

After hearing Duanmu Hanjiang finish everything this time, the city lords below stopped talking for a while, because the news was too scary for them. This ancient zombie warrior, the corpse emperor, began to gather ancient Zombie warriors are here, and they haven't been gathered yet, so if you think about it, you will know that the number of ancient zombie warriors this time can be said to be an astronomical figure!

If so many ancient zombie warriors are led by the ancient zombie warrior Zombie Emperor, it will not be difficult to break through any pool.

"The gathering of ancient zombie warriors started a month ago, and the gathering has not been completed yet, so this corpse emperor really wants to destroy all human beings." After hearing Duanmu Hanjiang's words, Li Jie said in surprise.

"Well, if you don't want to exterminate all human beings, it is impossible to gather ancient zombie warriors for so long, and they are still controlled by the ancient zombie warrior corpse king, even if it is the one who organized the zombie attack in the eighteen districts that was killed before. Karl, the god of death, dare not be called the emperor, but if this ancient zombie warrior dares to be called the emperor, then his strength must be unfathomable." Lin Hua said after a long silence.

"Then what should the boss do now, let's go back to our world?" Gui Wu asked Lin Hua with some worry.

(End of this chapter)

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