Chapter 670
"That's right, the human army was preparing to hold the city lord meeting a month ago. They should have known the news at that time. Why haven't they arrived for so long? Maybe they didn't dare to come?" Ancient Said Zombie Warrior No.16 Corpse King.

Ancient Zombie Warrior No.15 Zombie King shook his head after hearing the words of Ancient Zombie Warrior No.16 Zombie King and said, "It is impossible for humans not to come, humans will definitely send elite troops to prevent the gathering of our army. Don't worry, it's an absolute thing."

"Then why hasn't the most elite troops of mankind come after so long? Could it be that they have gone through another way? That's impossible. If you want to reach hell on earth, this is the place you must pass through. "The epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior No. 18 corpse king said slowly.

"Let's wait patiently for a few days, maybe in a few days, the most elite troops of human beings will pass here," said No.15, an ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of the epic.

And among the five epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior corpse kings, the strongest third corpse king thought for a while and said, "If the human army wants to come and see our army, it will have to go this way." road, so we have to wait here until our army is assembled, or until those human elite troops come.”

And after hearing the words of the third corpse king, the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, those ancient zombie warriors who had other ideas stopped talking, because the ancient zombie warrior corpse king also relied on strength to speak. The third corpse king of the warrior, he is the most powerful among them, so they obeyed her words.

At this moment, after Lin Hua and the others chatted for a while, they all rested.

The next morning, the weather was very clear and cloudless. Lin Hua and the others woke up and finished their meal. After that, they continued to head towards the hell on earth where the ancient zombie warrior army gathered.

After Lin Hua and the others walked for more than three hours, they had already reached the range of the Hollow Mountains, and they could see those high and continuous peaks in the distance!When Lin Hua and the others saw the Hollow Mountain, those ancient zombie warriors, the corpse king, discovered Lin Hua and the others. Afterwards, these ancient zombie warriors, the corpse king, began to walk inward along the mountain road, preparing to ambush Lin Hua and the others. .

"Why is there such a small number of human elite troops, that is, more than 100 people, are they too whimsical, wanting to use these more than 100 people to organize our army" No.18 Zombie King, an ancient zombie warrior at the fifth level of the epic , said to the other corpse kings after seeing the number of Lin Hua and the others.

"Yeah, that small number of people is not enough for the few of us to share. It's really ridiculous to want to stop our army," the No. 16 corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of the epic, continued.

And among these epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior corpse kings, the smartest ancient zombie warrior No. Yes, the vanguard troops are there to investigate the situation, and the army of the most elite human troops should be behind them."

And the other ancient zombie warriors of the fifth level of the epic, the corpse king, heard this, and the smartest corpse king frowned after hearing this. They didn't know what they should do now, whether they should attack Lin Hua and the others. Multiplayer vanguard.

At this time, the commander-in-chief of this army of two hundred ancient zombie warriors, the third zombie warrior of the fifth rank of the epic, after hearing the birch of the smartest corpse king, he thought for a while and said, "The fifteen corpse kings, then, now What should we do, should we attack this human vanguard, or not attack this vanguard?"

"Yeah, what should we do now, should we attack them or not?" the No. 16 zombie king, an ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of the epic, asked anxiously.

And this most intelligent ancient zombie warrior corpse king, she doesn't know what to do now, if they attack this vanguard, then the most elite human army behind will find them, their Ambush is useless, if they don't attack this human vanguard, once they are abnormally developed by this human vanguard, their ambush still has no effect.

Then the No.15 zombie king, the smartest ancient zombie warrior of the fifth rank in the epic, said slowly, "This time it is really a dilemma. If we attack the vanguard of this human army, then the human army behind will be killed." If we find that we are ambushing here, then our ambush will have no effect. If we don't attack the vanguard of human beings, if they find some abnormalities, we are still ambushing here in vain. I don't now. Knowing what to do, I put out the two situations, you choose."

And after hearing the words of the smartest corpse king, the other four corpse kings were silent. They have been lying in ambush here for three days in this hollow mountain. If this has no effect, they were discovered by the human army , then their three days were wasted in vain and did not play any role.

Then the No.16 corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of the epic, saw that several corpse kings were silent, and then said slowly, "How about we let this human vanguard come in and get rid of them as quickly as possible? If you don’t let anyone go, then the most elite troops of human beings behind will not know about it.”

"Yeah, kill all these people and don't let anyone go, doesn't it mean that nothing will happen?" said the ancient zombie warrior No.17 Corpse King.

After hearing the words of these two zombie kings, the third corpse king of the ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of epic shook his head and said, "No, let's not say that we have to let a human go out to report the news, even if there is no one. If you run out to report the news, then the human army behind will also know that we are ambushing here, because there are too many ways for humans to transmit news.”

"Yes, what the third corpse king said is not wrong. There are too many ways for human beings to deliver messages. They don't necessarily need people to run out to deliver messages, so the method you just said won't work." The smartest epic fifth-order The third corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior, said slowly.

"Then what should we do? Those human vanguards are already approaching the entrance of this hollow mountain." The No. 16 corpse king, an ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of the epic, said anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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