Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 671 Never Tell a Lie

Chapter 671 Never Lie

"The third corpse king, you are the commander-in-chief of this army, you make a decision, we will do what you say" He said slowly, after the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior Corpse King finished talking, he looked at the third zombie warrior, the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior.

Then the other corpse kings also looked at the third corpse king, the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior, and asked her to make a decision, because she was the commander of this army of ancient zombie warriors, and the other corpse kings all accompanied him. Yes, belonging is subordinate.

And the third corpse king of this epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior, after seeing the other corpse kings all looking at him, after thinking about it, he said, "Let's ambush first, if it is the human vanguards If you find out, then kill them directly, even if it is a head-to-head confrontation, our army will still be victorious." After the epic fifth-order ancient zombie warrior, the third zombie king, he took a few corpse kings and looked for them. Hiding behind a big rock.

At this time, Lin Hua and the others had arrived at the entrance of the Hollow Mountains. Lin Hua looked at the boulders on both sides of the mountain road and frowned, feeling that this place was particularly weird, and then said to Li Jie and the others "Everyone, be careful. I feel that it is very weird here, especially the huge rocks on both sides of the mountain road. It is easy for ancient zombie warriors to hide behind us and not be discovered by us, so our "

After Li Jie heard Lin Hua's words, they all nodded. They also found that the mountain road of the Hollow Mountain was a little weird, as if something was hidden.

Then Li Jie said to Lin Hua, "Boss, or else I'll go ahead first, and you keep a certain distance from me in the back, so that if something happens, you will react immediately."

"Yes, Boss, let's go separately. I also feel that this place is very weird, but I can't tell. Li Jie and I will go together. I am a little worried about him going by himself," Gu Tian said after hearing Li Jie's words.

Lin Hua looked at the mountain road of Hollow Mountain, then at Li Jie and Gu Tian, ​​then shook his head and said slowly, "There is no need to separate, if there is really something, then he also They won't come out until everyone has entered, and everyone should pay attention." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she took the lead and walked towards the entrance of Hollow Mountain Road.

After Li Jie and the others heard Lin Hua's words, they all followed Lin Hua closely.

When Lin Hua walked into the mountain road of the Hollow Mountain, the weird feeling became more and more intense, as if something was staring at her in the dark, and then Lin Hua slowed down, vigilantly Staring at the surrounding situation, he said to Li Jie and the others, "Keep a certain distance between you and me, I will go ahead first."

Li Jie and the others didn't say anything after hearing Lin Hua's words, they all understood what Li Jie wanted to do just now, and Lin Hua's refusal was out of fear that Li Jie would be in danger.

After that, Li Jie and Lin Hua always kept a distance of 30 meters, and when Lin Hua walked more than 100 meters along the hollow mountain road, Bei Bei, who was on Lin Hua's shoulder, suddenly said, "Boss, I feel something in this." There are a lot of ancient zombie warriors, there are a lot of them, they didn’t move, I think they should be ambushing me behind those boulders in front.”

After Lin Hua heard Bei Bei's words, she stopped immediately and looked at the huge rocks in front of her vigilantly, but she didn't see an ancient zombie warrior. Then Lin Hua asked Bei Bei, "How many ancient zombies are there?" Where are the fighters, hundreds of them?"

After Beibei heard Lin Hua's words, she closed her eyes and began to perceive carefully. After seeing Lin Hua stop, Li Jie and the others knew that Lin Hua must have discovered something, and then they all stopped in place. up!Looking at Lin Hua, waiting for Lin Hua's next instruction.

And the ancient zombie warrior corpse king behind those boulders in the distance couldn't help becoming anxious after seeing Lin Hua and the others stop in their tracks!
"Could it be that they discovered us, that's why they stopped?" No.16 Zombie King, the ancient zombie warrior of the fifth rank of epic, said anxiously after watching Lin Hua and the others stop in the distance.

"Probably not. There is still such a long distance. They won't find us. They should have sensed something abnormal here, so they became vigilant." The smartest epic fifth-level ancient zombie warrior No.15 The corpse king said slowly.

"Yes, although the vanguard has stopped, but they won't find us at such a long distance, we just wait here." Among these corpse kings, the most powerful third corpse king slowly Said.

After three or four minutes, Beibei, who had closed his eyes and sensed, opened his eyes and said to Lin Hua, "Boss, there are not a few ancient zombie fighters here. There should still be some ancient zombie warriors beyond my perception."

After Lin Hua heard Beibei's words, a shocked expression appeared on his face, because he didn't expect that there would be an army of no less than a million ancient zombie warriors ambushing here in this hollow mountain!
Lin Hua thought for a while, the army of millions of ancient zombie warriors ambushed here should be the army gathered by the ancient zombie warrior corpse king, but not all of them, these army of no less than one million ancient zombie warriors should be here to stop their human army come!That ancient zombie warrior corpse emperor should still be gathering an army of ancient zombie warriors!

After thinking about it, Lin Hua sat down on the ground, waved to Li Jie and the others, and asked Li Jie and the others to come over.

But Li Jie and the others were very puzzled when they saw Lin Hua sitting on the ground and beckoning them. They didn't understand why Lin Hua suddenly sat down to rest.

But they all came over. At this time, Li Jie asked Lin Hua in a very puzzled manner, "Why is the boss resting at this time?"

After Lin Hua heard Li Jie's words, she smiled and said, "Everyone is resting here today."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, everyone was very confused, but they all sat down and rested.

After seeing everyone sitting down to rest, Lin Hua said to Li Jie and the others, "Behind the huge rocks on both sides of the mountain road not far ahead, there are no less than one million ancient zombie warriors ambushing, and the number may be even greater. Don’t finish listening, don’t be too surprised, just pretend you don’t know about it.”

(End of this chapter)

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