Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 672 The Impossible Thing

Chapter 672 The Impossible Thing
After hearing Lin Hua's words, Li Jie and the others were all shocked, but they all believed in Lin Hua. Although the two city lords at the fourth level of the epic didn't really believe in Lin Hua, they didn't say anything.

"Boss, since you know that there is an army of ancient zombie warriors ahead, why do we have to rest here?" Li Jie asked with some doubts after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Yeah, boss, why should we rest? We can't deal with an army of more than one million. We should retreat and let the main force of the human army behind us deal with it." Gu Tian said slowly after hearing Lin Hua's words .

After Lin Hua heard Li Jie and Gu Tian's words, she smiled and said, "We can't leave now, we just rest here. These ancient army of zombie warriors ambushed there to sneak attack our human army. We rest here and they will They will think that we have not found this buried army of ancient zombie warriors. They will not show up in order not to startle the snakes. What they have to deal with is the main force of the human army. We rest here to stabilize these ancient zombie warriors.”

After listening to Lin Hua's words, Li Jie and the others understood why Lin Hua chose to rest here!

Afterwards, He Qiguang, the city lord of the fourth level of the epic, who didn't believe Lin Hua's words, finally couldn't help but asked Lin Hua, "This is not a trivial matter, City Lord Lin, you don't feel wrong, do you?"

"Yes, City Lord Lin, this is a time when the survival of mankind is at stake," Jiang Liang, the city lord of the fourth level of the epic, continued after hearing He Qiguang's words.

After hearing what the two city lords said, Lin Hua shook her head with a smile and said, "I, Lin Hua, never tell lies."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the two city lords of the fourth level of the epic already believed Lin Hua's words, because although they spent a relatively short time with Lin Hua, they could see their absolute trust in Lin Hua from Li Jie and the others. To have such a level of trust can't be achieved in a day or two, it will take a long time to reach this point, then Lin Hua is definitely a trustworthy person, so they chose to trust Lin Hua.

Then He Qiguang, the fourth-rank city lord of the epic, asked Lin Hua, "Since the city lord Lin has discovered that there are millions of ancient zombie warriors ambushing on both sides of the mountain road ahead, what should we do now?"

"Yeah, boss, what are we going to do? I just wanted to ask this question." Li Jie asked after hearing the words of He Qiguang, the fourth-tier city lord of the epic.

Lin Hua saw that they were all Li Jie and they all looked at him anxiously, then smiled and said, "Didn't I say, we are here pretending not to know the army of those ancient zombie warriors ambushing in front of us. Just rest, tell the news to the army behind, and tell them not to march for the time being, and let them come over after we solve the ambush of these ancient zombie warriors."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Li Jie and the others were particularly shocked. They did not expect that Lin Hua planned to deal with the ambush army of those ancient zombie warriors ahead.

Lin Hua saw the surprised expression on Li Jie's face and then slowly continued, "The news is important for the two city lords. Which of you two will go back and deliver the news?"

At this time, after hearing Lin Hua's words, Li Jie and the others reacted, and after the two city lords glanced at each other, Jiang Liang, the fourth-level city lord of the epic, said to Lin Hua, "City lord Lin, I'll report back go,"

Lin Hua nodded and continued, "Just tell Duanmu Hanjiang exactly what I told you just now."

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Jiang Liang, the city lord of the fourth level of the epic, walked directly towards the back outside the Hollow Mountain.

"Boss, is what you just said true? You want to use our more than 100 people to deal with those millions of ancient zombie warriors?" Li Jie said in surprise after seeing Jiang Liang, the fourth-level city lord of the epic, leave.

"Yes, Boss, isn't your idea a little too incredible?" Gao Fei continued after hearing Li Jie's words.

"Why don't you believe me? You guys are still afraid." Lin Hua said after hearing what Li Jie and the others said.

"No, no, boss, why am I afraid? I just can't believe it. We can deal with it. There are so many ancient zombie warriors ambushing the army. I think it's better to let the army behind deal with these ancient zombie warriors. " Li Jie said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"That's right, City Lord Lin, although our 100-odd people are all at the epic level, they shouldn't be enough to deal with those millions of ancient zombie warriors. I think what Brother Li Jie said just now is correct. Wait for the army that comes later to deal with them, or we may hit a stone with an egg." He Qiguang, the city lord of the fourth level of epic, said slowly to Lin Hua.

"Lin Hua was silent for a while after hearing what they said, and then said slowly, "This army of ancient zombie soldiers ambushing here is to consume our human army, so we, as the vanguard, should take on the role of the vanguard. Before arriving at the destination, the human army behind must not be consumed in any way."

This time, after Lin Hua finished speaking, Li Jie and the others became silent, and they all understood the meaning of Lin Hua's words!This vanguard force must be resolved by them. If the human army behind them deals with this army of ancient zombie warriors in ambush, then the human army will suffer serious losses. Originally, their human army and the army of ancient zombie warriors In this battle, the human army has a low chance of winning. If it is being consumed, then their human army must be defeated.

However, it is simply impossible to deal with the army of ancient zombie warriors just by relying on them!That's more than a million ancient zombie warriors.

"Although I know this should be quite difficult, but if we want the ancient times where the human army won this battle, then we have to get rid of these ancient army of zombie warriors, so let's find a way now," Lin Hua continued, At this time, Lin Hua looked serious!

In fact, what Lin Hua said is not wrong. This army of ancient zombie warriors ambushing here is for the purpose of consuming the strength of the human army. If the human army is really fighting against the 200 million ancient zombie warrior army, then the human army will win. Well, it will also suffer a lot of consumption and cause a lot of casualties. When the time comes to really face the main force of the ancient zombie warrior army, then the human army will undoubtedly be defeated.

After Li Jie and the others saw the serious face of Lin Hua, they all began to think of ways, how to deal with this army of millions of ancient zombie warriors.

(End of this chapter)

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