Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 673 3 days of time

Chapter 673 Three Days

Just like that, Lin Hua and the others didn't think of any solution all afternoon, because there is simply no one who can use more than 100 people to deal with the army of millions of ancient zombie warriors.

And those ancient zombie warriors who were hiding behind the boulders on both sides of the hollow mountain road were all staring at Lin Hua and the others vigilantly.

At this time, the ancient zombie warrior, the corpse king, believed it, and Lin Hua and the others did not find their ambushing army.

"How long do we have to wait here? I really want to go and eat all these humans." Ancient zombie warrior No.16 Zombie King said, looking at Lin Hua who was warming up at the fire.

"Yeah, I can't help it anymore, or let's just rush over," the No.17 corpse king, the ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of the epic, said slowly.

"It won't be long, they have already rested here for an afternoon, I think the human army behind them should be able to arrive here tomorrow at the latest, so let's just endure another night." The smartest corpse king Ancient zombie warrior No. 15 The corpse king said after hearing the words of the two corpse kings.

"What the fifteen corpse kings said is not wrong, let's bear with it, or the efforts of the past few days will be in vain," said the third corpse king, an ancient zombie warrior of the fifth level of epic.

The other zombie kings heard what their coach, the fifth-level ancient zombie warrior of the epic, said so, and they all fell silent.

Jiang Liang, the city lord of the fourth level of the epic who went back to report an hour ago, had already arrived at the position where the human army was stationed in the camp. Jiang Liang went directly to tell the news to Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City, became very worried after hearing the news brought back by Jiang Liang, the fourth-rank city lord of the epic.

The city lord Yehua didn't tell anyone the news. Apart from Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord Yehua, the three deputy city lords at the fourth level of the epic knew the news.

"City lord, I feel that the news that City lord Jiang brought back may not be true, because Lin Hua and the others have not really discovered that the army of millions of ancient zombie warriors ambushed, all relying on their perception ability. It's something illusory, so don't trust it lightly," Wei Chen, the deputy city lord of the fourth level of Epic, said slowly to Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua.

"What Deputy City Lord Wei said is not wrong. Those are just Lin Hua's own guesses. Could it be that Lin Hua said this on purpose to delay our army's march?" Another deputy city lord at the fourth level of Epic continued.

"I believe Lin Hua's words, because she doesn't need to deceive us. If she wants to prove whether it's true or false, they can find out if they walk a few hundred meters forward, so what she said must be true. Now I'm worried that it's Lin Hua. How can Hua and his group of more than 100 people deal with a million-strong army? Should we march over to help?" Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City, said slowly

"Yehua City Lord, when I came back, City Lord Lin said that there is no need to send someone to help, because this army of ancient zombie warriors ambushing is to consume the strength of our human army, so City Lord Lin said that no matter what he will It will allow the human army to reach the hell on earth intact," said Jiang Liang, the city lord of the fourth level of the epic,

After hearing the words of Jiang Liang, the city lord of the fourth level of the epic, the city lord Yehua frowned and did not speak for a long time.

After seeing Duanmu Hanjiang, the night talk city lord, the three deputy city lords at the fourth level of the epic were silent for a long time, just watching Duanmu Hanjiang quietly, waiting for Duanmu Hanjiang's decision.

I don't know how long it took, the city lord Duanmu Hanjiang slowly raised his head and said to Jiang Liang, the city lord of the fourth level of the epic, "Go back and tell the city lord Lin, I can only give him three days at most." time, wish him success”

"The city lord can't do it, how many ancient zombie warriors will gather in three days, please don't trust Lin Hua's words so easily, this war is about the survival of us human beings." Wei Chen, the deputy city lord of the fourth level of epic After arriving at what Duanmu Hanjiang said.

"Yeah, City Lord, your decision is too hasty. I think it should be a matter of finding other City Lords to come to Shang Yi," said another deputy city lord of the fourth level of epic.

After hearing the words of the two city lords, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City, shook his head and said, "I know this is a matter of human survival, so I made this decision. I have already made my decision."

After Jiang Liang, the city lord of the fourth-tier epic, heard the words of Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua, he left immediately and went back to report the news to Lin Hua.

And the deputy city masters of the three epic fourth ranks all wanted to persuade Duanmu Hanjiang, the city master of Yehua, to change his decision.But when they wanted to talk, they didn't know what to say, because they knew that the decision made by the Lord of Yehua, Duanmu Hanjiang, could never be changed. In the end, they all sighed and left the night. Talk about the tent of the city lord Duanmu Hanjiang.

Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of Yehua City, saw that everyone had left, sighed, and said to himself, "Lin Hua hopes that you will be worthy of my trust in you."

This time, Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, gave Lin Hua three days, which is already the biggest limit, because every day, the number of ancient zombie warriors will increase a lot, but he still chooses to believe in Lin Hua, so he decided Give Lin Hua three days.

At this time, Lin Hua and the others were still thinking about how to deal with these ancient zombie warriors.

"Boss, I don't think there's anything else we can do. If it doesn't work, let's just fight. You, Sister Xuewu, and Sister Ghost Dance, just use a large-scale attack skill, and then we will kill it directly," Li Jie said slowly to Lin Hua .

"Yes, Boss, with so many ancient zombie warriors, we can only fight head-on, there is no other way," Gu Tian continued.

Lin Hua also thought about going head-to-head. This is the worst way. If there is really no other way, I can only do this in the end. This hollow mountain, although the mountain road is 80 meters wide, for Lin Hua and the others' battles are also very beneficial, because if they fight this way, Lin Hua and the others will not be surrounded by groups.

"Let's have a good rest tonight. These army of ancient zombie warriors in ambush should not come to attack us. Tomorrow, all of us will fight to the death with these army of ancient zombie warriors in ambush," Lin Hua said slowly to several people. .

"By the way, boss, how much gasoline do you have in your interspatial ring?" Xuewu asked Lin Hua after listening to Lin Hua's words.

Lin Hua looked at the gasoline in the space ring, there were more than 140 barrels in total, and then said to Xuewu, "There are more than 140 barrels, do you want to use these gasoline?" '

(End of this chapter)

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