Chapter 674 is to die
"Well, this hollow mountain road is not particularly wide, that is, after we fight with these ancient zombie warriors, there will be a lot of ancient zombie warriors behind, so I plan to sprinkle all the gasoline in the air Those ancient zombie warriors on the ground, if we set fire to them at that time, the number of bad ancient zombie warriors will be burned to death," Xue Wu said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Well, those are all things for tomorrow, you guys go to rest first, take a good rest tonight, there is still a tough battle waiting for us to fight tomorrow" Lin Hua said slowly to several people.

However, after hearing Lin Hua's words, everyone did not go to rest. They were still sitting around the fire, roasting the fire here. At this time, their hearts were relatively heavy, because they did not know what happened tomorrow. Knowing what will happen, whether they can continue to live after tomorrow, but they are not afraid at all, they are the vanguard, and they are for the human army behind to wipe out all the enemies that block their way.

After hearing that Lin Hua asked them to rest again, Li Jie and the others all prepared to rest, and Lin Hua continued to think about tomorrow's affairs because she couldn't sleep.

After more than an hour, when Lin Hua was about to take a break, Jiang Liang, the fourth-tier city lord of the epic who had gone back to deliver the news, came back.

Because Jiang Liang's return must have brought news, so Lin Hua called Li Jie and the others together.

"City Master Lin, the City Master Yehua said that he can only give you three days at most to let you work hard, and the three deputy city lords of Yehua City strongly disagree with the decision of City Master Yehua," Jiang Liang said directly after returning. Said to Lin Hua.

After Lin Hua heard Jiang Liang's words, she smiled and said nothing, because Lin Hua knew that three days was already a good time!The city lord of the night talk gave Lin Hua three days under great pressure. Originally, Lin Hua thought that the city lord of the night talk could only give him one day at most!She did not expect that Duanmu Hanjiang, the owner of the night talk city, would trust herself so much.

After Li Jie heard Jiang Liang say that the Lord of Night Talk, Duanmu Hanjiang, only gave Lin Hua three days, he was very displeased and said, "What is the Lord of Night Talk thinking? There are no less than a million ancient zombies. Army of warriors, I wonder how she said that."

"That's right, is Duanmu Hanjiang's head rusted?" Gu Tian said with some displeasure.

"Leader Lin this time, I feel that what the city lord of the night talk is doing is wrong. I thought she would send some people over to help, but I didn't expect that she would give us three days." Huo Guang also said with a bad face.

"City Master Lin, otherwise, let's leave the army of ancient zombie warriors in front alone, and let Duanmu Hanjiang, the City Master of Night Talk, take care of it and see if it can be killed with more than 100 people in three days, no less than a hundred Thousands of ancient zombie warriors, I, Jiang Tian, ​​am not a person who is afraid of death, I just feel uncomfortable, especially unhappy," Jiang Tian said very unhappy.

"That's right, that's right, brother Jiang Tian is right. Let Duanmu Hanjiang, the lord of Night Talk City behind him, take care of it and see if he can deal with this million army." Li Jie said after hearing Jiang Tian's words.

Although Xuewu and the others didn't speak, some displeased expressions could be seen on their faces.

"I feel that Yehua's city lord is wrong this time, she just wants us to die," He Qiguang, the city lord of the fourth level of epic, said leisurely.

Lin Hua looked at the expressions of Li Jie and the others at this time, then smiled and said, "It's not easy this time. First of all, the Lord Yehua believed my words, that is, there is an army of ancient zombie soldiers ambushing in front of me. I haven't seen it either, it's all Beibei's perception, except for a few of you, basically few people will believe it, and secondly, it's a matter of time. Give me one day, because if you delay for one day, you will not know how many ancient zombie warriors gathered, but Duanmu Hanjiang gave me three days. During these three days, Duanmu Hanjiang was under a lot of pressure, so I said Duanmu Hanjiang, the city lord of the night talk, is already very good'

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Li Jie and the others began to think about Lin Hua's words, because what Lin Hua said was not wrong at all, and few people believed Lin Hua's words except Li Jie and the others. Lin Hua was given three days for this matter of the army of ancient zombie warriors in ambush that few people believed in.For the human army, three days are very precious. I don't know how many ancient zombie fighters will be added in one minute, but three days.

After thinking about it, Li Jie said, "Since the boss, Duanmu Hanjiang, believes in you, why doesn't he send someone over to help? Does he really believe that we can kill an ancient zombie with a team of more than 100 people? An army of warriors?"

"Yeah, basically no one can believe this when you tell it," Xue Wu said suddenly after being silent for a long time.

"I feel as if we are going to die," He Qiguang, the city lord of the fourth level of epic, said.

'Actually, this Duanmu Hanjiang doesn't believe that we can kill this army of ancient zombie warriors with no less than one million, but she is also very difficult now, because if the human army behind is to deal with this army of ancient lost warriors, The human army must have suffered heavy casualties, and it will be even more difficult for human beings to win this war, so she can only choose to believe that we can destroy these ancient lost warrior armies. This is what I told you to die. It's no different, but even if we die, we still have to fight to eliminate some ancient zombie warriors for the human army behind," Lin Hua said slowly.

Even now, Lin Hua doesn't have any confidence in her heart, whether she can survive tomorrow and defeat the army of ancient zombie warriors in ambush.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, everyone became silent, because it was still unknown whether they would be alive tomorrow.

Although they don't want to die, they can't retreat, because this is not a matter of a person's life or death, but the time of human survival.

"Okay, don't even think about it, we don't necessarily die tomorrow, let's rest well tonight, and try to live to the end tomorrow." Lin Hua smiled and said to Li Jie and the others.

After Li Jie and the others heard Lin Hua's words, they also smiled. Although they might die tomorrow, they were not afraid, because even if it was death, it was worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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