Chapter 675
After hearing what Lin Hua said, Murong Xian has been quietly snuggling into Lin Hua's arms without saying a word. Since he came with Lin Hua, he was ready to die, so she didn't No fear at all, as long as he could die with Lin Hua, then Murong Xian would be happy even if he died.

Lin Hua stroked Murong Xian's hair who was quietly nestled in her arms and said, "Xian'er, why are you so quiet today, you don't say anything"

"Yes, sister-in-law, I didn't hear you speak today. If I didn't open my eyes when I saw you, I would have thought you were asleep." Li Jie looked at Murong Xian who was nestled in Lin Hua's arms. Said with a grin.

After hearing Lin Hua and Li Jie's words, Murong Xian didn't say anything but smiled, closed his eyes and went to sleep!
After Lin Hua saw Murongxian closed her eyes, she smiled and said, "You all should rest."

Then Li Jie and the others went to rest, and the next morning, Lin Hua and the others got up early!After eating, Lin Hua and the others walked directly to the epic-level supernatural beings who followed them. These supernatural beings didn't know where the mountain road ahead was hiding an army of ancient zombie warriors with no less than a million. .

Those epic-level powers all looked at Lin Hua when they saw Lin Hua coming, because they all knew about Lin Hua and admired Lin Hua very much.

The corpse kings hiding behind the boulders on both sides of the mountain road saw that Lin Hua and the others got up, and their faces showed happy expressions, because they felt that Lin Hua and the others were finally going forward.

"Hey, they should be coming towards the front this time," No. 16 Zombie King, an ancient zombie warrior of level [-] epic, looked at Lin Hua and the others and said slowly.

"Yeah, I'm finally leaving. This night tortured me. I wanted to rush over and eat them countless times, but in the end I held back." No. .18 The corpse king said slowly.

"Okay, okay, we have persisted for such a long time, and persist, don't be discovered by them at the last critical moment, or our efforts will be in vain." The third most powerful ancient zombie warrior The corpse king said slowly, and the other ancient zombie warriors, the corpse king, nodded after hearing the words of the third corpse king.

When Lin Hua walked in front of these epic-level abilities, he looked at these epic-level abilities and then said slowly, "The role of our vanguard is to clean up the ancient zombie warriors on the road for the human army behind. Yes, let the human army not lose its strength when it reaches its destination, so that we humans may win this war, and we humans may not disappear in this world, so our vanguard troops have to bear the burden. Taking on this important task, you should be ready to die at any time when you join the vanguard, I ask you if you are afraid of death?"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" After hearing Lin Hua's words, all the epic level power users shouted loudly, and the faces of these epic level power users were full of fighting spirit.

Lin Hua looked at these epic superpowers who were full of fighting spirit and continued, "We are about to face a tough battle. To defeat an army of ancient zombie warriors with millions of troops, even if they die, they will need more than one hundred people. Kill some ancient zombie warriors to relieve the pressure on the human army behind us!

And after hearing Lin Hua say that they were going to face an army of millions of ancient zombie warriors, these epic-level supernatural beings showed some expressions of fear on their faces, but then the expressions of fear on their faces gradually disappeared. Now, the expression of excitement replaced the expression of fear just now.

"City Lord Lin, we are not afraid. As you said, since we joined the vanguard, we have no hope of living. As long as our death is meaningful, we are not afraid of death." An epic level alien The able person said slowly after hearing Lin Ta's words.

"Yes, City Lord Lin, we are not afraid of death, so don't worry, even if we die, we will try our best to kill as many ancient zombie warriors as possible," said another epic-level power user.

"Everyone is determined to die, but we don't necessarily die here. Maybe we can really create a miracle and defeat an army of a million with a hundred people," Lin Hua said slowly.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, these epic-level supernatural beings couldn't believe that they might create miracles.

Then Lin Hua handed her space ring to Xuewu, and said to Xuewu, "Xuewu, you control the fire phoenix and bring five supernatural beings to sprinkle gasoline in the sky."

Xuewu nodded vigorously after hearing Lin Hua's words.

Then he said to Murongxian, "Xian'er, give Guiwu your flying artifact." After hearing Lin Hua's words, Murongxian handed his flying artifact to Guiwu!After Gui Wu took the flying artifact from Murong Xian, he looked at Lin Hua with some doubts. Gui Wu didn't understand the effect of giving him the flying artifact.

Lin Hua looked at the somewhat puzzled Ghost Dance and said, "Use the flying artifact to fly to the back, and release a wide range of skills to attack the ancient zombie warriors behind. You are now at the fourth level of epic strength, and you can release at least [-] times." , control the range well”

Gui Wu nodded after hearing Lin Hua's words.

Then Lin Hua asked Gutian, "How many stone men and elf archers can you summon now?"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Gu Tian thought for a while and said, "There are about a hundred stone men, and at least five hundred elf archers."

"Okay, you can take a person with the flying artifact later, Gutian, you go with the ghost dance, behind these ancient zombie warriors, in a better position on the mountain, summon stone men and elf archers there, attack those ancient zombie warriors "Lin Hua said to Gu Tian.

After arranging everything, Lin Hua said to everyone behind him, "Get ready to go now." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she immediately summoned the ice dragon.

And Xuewu summoned the fire phoenix. When Lin Hua's ice dragon and Xuewu's fire phoenix appeared, these epic-level supernatural beings were particularly surprised, but they soon recovered. Because now is not the time for them to be surprised.

Afterwards, five epic-level power users followed Xuewu onto the body of Fire Phoenix, but they didn't fly, because it was not the right time, Lin Hua and the controlled ice dragon walked forward slowly!Li Jie and the others followed closely behind Lin Hua.

Xuewu in front of Huofenghuang, Gutian and Guiwu didn't move, they waited in place.

(End of this chapter)

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