Chapter 69

Everyone including Xiaotong is a horror!
If so, then she and these people should not be able to beat this man.

It can be said that Xiaotong is no longer in charge of the current situation, and she is not a stunned young man. She has strength, but she is still inferior to others, and it is also because of her scheming.

On the whole, she didn't want to fight Lin Ye, so she changed her words immediately: "Little brother, there may be a misunderstanding between us, so don't worry, let me talk to the boss?"

Obviously, Lin Ye knew that she was trying to delay the attack. However, from their conversation, it can be seen that their boss is probably not easy to deal with, and they don't know if Li Jie and Xuewu are in danger. It is best to contact their boss at this time , They wanted to slow Lin Ye down, so why not Lin Ye.

Lin Ye nodded slightly, "Okay, tell your boss, if he dares to touch my friend, then you, all of you, will have buried with you!"

Hiss, Lin Ye's tone is not small, but everyone can see that Lin Ye is a blood spattered five steps, and no one dares to do anything to him.

Xiaotong also gritted his teeth, endured the bad breath, and took out a walkie-talkie.

"Huh?" Lin Ye saw that walkie-talkies are also common in the last days. There is a lack of communication tools in the last days, and walkie-talkies are undoubtedly a more practical tool in this regard.

"Hello, boss."


"What's the matter, I'm busy, you interrupted me." The other party's tone was mixed with a condescending attitude. Obviously, if Xiaotong didn't give a reasonable explanation, the so-called boss would definitely be upset.

Lin Ye could tell that the boss had a bad temper.

Xiaotong covered the walkie-talkie, and then whispered something, and then the other party reprimanded: "You bastards, you can't even deal with one person, then you just die there, don't tell me any more."

Hearing the boss's loud reprimand at the end, Lin Ye knew that the negotiation was fruitless, so he took two steps forward and grabbed Xiaotong's walkie-talkie.

"Oh, yes, they may die today, but they will definitely die after you." Lin Ye said coldly.

After speaking, Lin Ye looked at the building and prepared to go up.

Zhang Ren, who had been watching the situation in silence, said, "Little brother, if you are in a hurry, just ride the golden retriever."

After Zhang Ren finished speaking, he gave Jin Mao an order.

Lin Ye was also in a hurry, and after thanking him, he rode on the golden retriever and rushed upstairs.

On the other side, the group of younger brothers also heard what their boss said. In fact, most of them are not vicious people. It is the end of the world. In order to survive, they gather together to defend against the enemy.

Later, they recognized the person nicknamed Gray Wolf as the boss. Along the way, relying on the strength of Gray Wolf, they rushed out of the doomsday encirclement. The wolf obeys, and the horse leads the way. There is hard work without credit.

They are for survival, but now gray wolves, for their own pleasure, have given up their lives, what is this?
Thinking about it, at the beginning, they were still relying on their superiority and yelling at Lin Ye, and now they are abandoned like this. This is so fucking funny. They are not fools, and they all started discussing sadly and angrily.

"Sister Xiaotong, what should I do?"

"Boss doesn't care if we live or die?"

"Oh, still called the boss? He treated us like coolies from the beginning."

Xiaotong's expression on the side was also cloudy, he thought that the big bad wolf was their shade tree, but now it seems that this is a piece of thorny vines, piercing people inside and out.

Xiaotong's eyes shone dimly, staring at Lin Ye who was riding upstairs on a golden retriever, and pondered for a while, "Since he doesn't care about us, why should we work our lives for him?"


In a bedroom in a small building, a man in a gray shirt and sunglasses with explosive muscles put the walkie-talkie in his waist, and stared at the seriously injured woman who fell to the ground and passed out. He licked his lips, his eyes dimmed There was a green light in the bedroom, and she smiled evilly, "No one will bother you now, come on, beauty, let me taste your delicate blood."

The man in the sunglasses was about to make the next move towards the woman, but he couldn't move after taking two steps.

"Huh?" He looked down, and saw a man with bleeding eyes, bruised forehead, and messy blood all over his body hugging his feet.

"Don't hurt sister Xuewu."

The woman who was injured and stunned was Xue Wu, and the person hugging the man in sunglasses was Li Jie. As for the man in sunglasses, he was naturally the man nicknamed Gray Wolf. He kicked the seriously injured Li Jie away and fell heavily on a floor-to-ceiling glass against the wall.

Crashing, the glass was smashed, Li Jie fell to the ground, a piece of glass shards on his back, even two pieces of glass were inserted into his back, blood flowed out again, staining his tattered expedition suit red.

"I don't have any blood for men..." Gray Wolf took another two steps, then froze again, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then stepped on it.

"Ah!" With a cry of pain, Li Jie's fingers were trampled out of shape, but he still didn't let go, and once again grabbed Gray Wolf's feet.

Gray Wolf's cheeks were swollen and his forehead was throbbing. Obviously, he was extremely angry.


Gray Wolf raised his other foot, ready to stomp on Li Jie's head, but at this moment a sharp murderous aura approached him, he quickly raised his head to look, and there was an arc-shaped white light oncoming, which looked absolutely stunning. not simple.

This forced him to abandon the half-dead Li Jie under his feet, and instead raised his arms, opened his hands, and five sharp claws appeared from the fingertips, grabbing at the arc-shaped white light.

Bai Guang quickly bumped into Gray Wolf's paw. Although Bai Guang was resisted by him, he was still knocked back, and Li Jie still hugged his feet, and couldn't help staggering. Fortunately, his waist sank and he stabilized himself. step.

Gray Wolf kicked Li Jie far away, his nose puffed out. Looking around, he saw a man of unknown origin riding on a golden retriever dog, holding a gleaming knife in his hand. It turned out that the white light It was from this man.

And this man was Lin Ye who caught up. Without saying a word, he swooped down on his golden retriever, hooked Li Jie who had been kicked flying over, and caught his deformed fingers with a glance. , and seeing Xue Wu who was lying on the other side and passed out just now, Lin Ye knew the cause and effect of the matter in an instant.

A cold light flashed in Lin Ye's eyes imperceptibly.

"You have spoiled my good deeds over and over again, and you will all die today." When Gray Wolf saw the person coming, his green eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Coincidentally, I also want you to die." Lin Ye raised his knife and rushed over first.

Gray Wolf glanced at it and dismissed it, "Pediatrics."

(End of this chapter)

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