Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 70 Annoyed a bastard

Chapter 70 Annoyed a bastard

Gray Wolf raised his arm. Immediately, the already swollen muscles grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon burst the sleeves, revealing a long-haired arm that was twice as thick.

"Orc power!"

Lin Ye saw through Gray Wolf's ability at a glance, and couldn't help but his face tightened, but the hunting knife that slashed at Gray Wolf was even more vicious.

Gray Wolf smiled coldly, and raised his arm to grab it. He was confident that with his strengthened arm, he could grab Lin Ye's ridiculous knife in one go.

However, just as the saber was about to strike Gray Wolf, Lin Ye gave up the attack, turned over and put his palm on the ground, and a line of ice shot out from his palm.

Going forward along the ground, he directly reached Gray Wolf's feet, quickly climbed onto Gray Wolf's leather shoes, and froze his ankles, restricting his steps.

Immediately afterwards, two, three, and four ice lines followed, and at the same time, three spear-like ice cones emerged from the ground, piercing Gray Wolf's body directly from three directions.

"what is this?"

Seeing that the icicle was about to stab him, Gray Wolf suddenly let out a violent roar, and then his whole body doubled in size as if it exploded, propping up the ice that froze his feet, and at the same time swept his arms, forcefully sweeping away the icicle in one direction. Broken, dodged to the right, dodging the last ice cone.

Lin Ye didn't take advantage of this, but quickly came to Xuewu's side with a stride, and found that she was still alive, and felt a lot more at ease. Then he threw Xuewu on Jin Mao's back, and said, "Take the two of them together." leave first."

The Golden Retriever is worthy of being a dog-like mutant beast, and he understood it immediately. In addition, the gray wolf posed a great threat to it, so it barked twice, and rushed downstairs.

The golden retriever ran away with Xuewu and Li Jie, and Lin Ye looked at the gray wolf who had escaped the attack fearlessly. From this look, he could see the prototype of the orc's ability of the gray wolf, and he was really a wolf.

At this time, Gray Wolf's body doubled in size, hair covered his whole body, his face also changed shape, his mouth protruded, his ears were pointed, his entire forehead was three points wider, revealing a pair of fangs, and the green light in his eyes was even more frightening .

Gray Wolf found out that Lin Ye had rescued both of them, especially the beauty he had coveted for a long time also ran away, and his eyes were bulging out with anger, "Boy? Do you know what you did?"

"Well, I know, I offended a beast." Lin Ye said lightly.

"Huh?" Gray Wolf laughed angrily when he heard that, "Very good, very good, I don't know what gave you the courage to talk to me like this, if it's your little tricks, then..."

"Today I'm going to tear you apart to vent my anger."

"The animal has been barking for a long time, is it because it is afraid that it will not have a chance to open its mouth later?" Lin Ye picked out his ears, disapproving.

Gray Wolf's eyes were sharp, "If your teeth are sharp and your mouth is sharp, then I will tear your mouth apart first."

Gray Wolf fell on the ground, flicked his foot, and swooped towards Lin Ye.

What Lin Ye saw were a few shadows, Gray Wolf had already arrived in front of him, sweeping his paw towards Lin Ye's belly.

Naturally, Lin Ye wouldn't stand there stupidly, dodge the blow with a backflip, but seeing the gray wolf's claws leave a white shadow in the air, he knew that his claws were extremely powerful, and if he was really caught Arrived, it must be uncomfortable.

Orc abilities are known for their physical strength, strength, and agility. There are not so many bells and whistles, just simple moves, but these moves are fatal and have huge damage.

So once again, Lin Ye didn't want to be head-on.

Moreover, Lin Ye found that the gray wolf was only at the fifth level of bronze. He was one level higher than the gray wolf, and he was still a big level of a gully, but the powerful orc ability made up for it.

"Boy, the reaction is not slow, but do you think it's over?" Gray Wolf sneered, his hands began to intertwine, and he attacked Lin Ye like a meat grinder.

Lin Ye looked at the fast-attacking gray wolf, his face changed slightly, and he dodged quickly.


The gray wolf grabbed a red high chair with one paw, and immediately the chair was knocked down by the force of the paw, and pieces of wood flew up.

Lin Ye, who dodged the blow, also saw that the gray wolf's strength was unusual, and immediately after the gray wolf attacked again, he didn't have time to think about it, so he quickly avoided it.

In this narrow room, it was not easy for Lin Ye to dodge. If he didn't pay attention, Gray Wolf grabbed a three-striped bloody gash on his shoulder.

This claw also took away a layer of Lin Ye's flesh.Going on like this is not an option, the space is too narrow for him to swim.Lin Ye glanced at the door behind Gray Wolf, thinking that it would be better to withdraw from this place first and fight in a spacious place.

Lin Ye scanned the room again, and saw the window on the side of the bedroom facing the street. In an instant, Lin Ye had a plan.

With a certain idea, he quickly cast a plan.

Then, Lin Ye quickly issued a supernatural power, and an ice pick pierced the ground under Gray Wolf's body.

Gray Wolf let out a roar, and quickly avoided the ice pick.

Lin Ye didn't intend to give Gray Wolf a chance to breathe, and continued to activate his abilities. A series of ice cones sprung out like mushrooms after a rain, rushing towards Gray Wolf from behind.

At the same time, Lin Ye jumped up high and swung the knife at Gray Wolf from the front.

Seeing Lin Ye attacking from the front, Gray Wolf felt vigilant and took Lin Ye's attack seriously.

Gray Wolf sprinted a few steps, avoiding the icicles on the ground, and soon he ran to the window.

At the same time, Gray Wolf also received Lin Ye's attack and repelled Lin Ye.

Lin Ye's eyes lit up when he saw Gray Wolf approaching the window.

With a low shout, Lin Ye created an ice wall with his abilities, and the ice wall appeared out of thin air, blocking the gray wolf's retreat.

Gray Wolf was stunned for a moment, too late to recover.

Lin Ye sprinted quickly, came to Gray Wolf, and kicked Gray Wolf hard on the back.

With a "bang~", the glass of the window on the second floor was shattered.

Lin Ye kicked Gray Wolf out of the window.

Then, bang~, with a loud bang, the gray wolf hit the ground heavily, splashing dust all over the place.

Lin Ye also jumped down.

Of course, these attacks alone are far from being able to harm the gray wolf's root.

Gray wolves are huge, with rough skin and thick flesh. These attacks on the skin and flesh cannot bring fatal damage to the gray wolf.

"Roar." Now that Gray Wolf had completely brought himself into a ferocious wolf, he roared angrily, and stood up from the ground again.

The eyes are ferocious, and the fangs are menacing.

Lin Ye looked at the ferocious and huge gray wolf not far away, without a trace of fear, with contempt in his eyes, he looked at the gray wolf in front of him lightly.

The corner of Lin Ye's mouth curled up, "It's just a Bronze Level [-]. Next, let's see how I deal with you."

Gray Wolf looked at Lin Ye and shouted angrily, "Boy, you are finished." Gray Wolf was indeed deeply irritated.

"Oh, let me see your skills." Lin Ye said lightly with a smile on his face.In his opinion, the gray wolf is really finished when it comes to the wide open space, and he has this confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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