Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 71 The Howling Gray Wolf

Chapter 71 The Howling Gray Wolf

Although Gray Wolf was angry and arrogant, he also took Lin Ye seriously in his heart. He understood that the young man in front of him was not simple.

Gray Wolf said, "I'll give you a chance to be my second in command." Gray Wolf didn't want to fight Lin Ye desperately.

"Hehe." Lin Ye looked at Gray Wolf, smiled contemptuously, and said word by word, "I don't need this opportunity."

After hearing this, Gray Wolf's face changed, and his face became more ferocious. His deep voice suppressed his anger, "Then you can go to die."

After Gray Wolf finished speaking, he immediately ran towards Lin Ye like a gust of wind.

Lin Ye faced the gray wolf's attack seriously, observing the direction from which the gray wolf attacked.

Gray Wolf came in front of Lin Ye, and slapped Lin Ye with its giant claws. It was astonishingly powerful and brought a gust of wind.

Lin Ye quickly dodged to the right, dodging the attack.

Lin Ye dodged to the side, Gray Wolf didn't stop, and continued to chase Lin Ye with all its strength.

"Idiot." Lin Ye murmured with a contemptuous smile.

"Frost Arrow." Lin Ye drank in a low voice, looking at the gray wolf that was attacking ferociously.

A series of dense ice arrows appeared, shooting towards Gray Wolf from mid-air.

Gray wolves are bigger and have no time to dodge.

Half of the ice arrows fell directly on his animalized body.

"Bang Bang~"

The ice arrow hit the gray wolf, but this did not slow down the power of the gray wolf's attack, and he continued to rush towards Lin Ye.

Lin Ye looked at the gray wolf that was approaching him, and found that after the attack of the ice arrow just now, some red blood stains appeared on the white fur of the wolf's body.

These injuries may only be physical injuries.


There was a piece of ice under Lin Ye's feet, and he quickly slid to the direction he had long expected, avoiding the gray wolf.

While sliding, his hunting knife also slashed at the gray wolf, but missed the gray wolf.

Lin Ye didn't care, he looked at the gray wolf who was in the air.

Lin Ye's purpose was to consume Gray Wolf bit by bit, making him weaker bit by bit, and finally deal with it.

On this wide street, it was very suitable for a war of attrition with an idiot like Gray Wolf, not to mention that Gray Wolf was only a bronze-level orc with supernatural powers.

Lin Ye was thinking about how to deal with Gray Wolf. A direct confrontation could kill Gray Wolf, but it might be injured.Lin Ye was not good at strength, so he was more willing to deal with Gray Wolf step by step and end the battle in a more secure way.

The gray wolf roared and rushed towards Lin Ye. He wanted to kill Lin Ye with his powerful strength. One hit, as long as he hit one, he could let Lin Ye taste the pain, but unfortunately he still miscalculated Lin Ye's ability.

Lin Ye continued to dodge quickly and flexibly, preventing Gray Wolf from getting close.

The gray wolf's giant claws flew around, and it kept leaping around to catch Lin Ye.

Once Lin Ye seized the opportunity, he used the ice arrow to hit Gray Wolf.

Bang~ Gray Wolf's body shook, and he continued to pounce on Lin Ye.

Lin Ye cast his supernatural ability and stabbed Gray Wolf with another ice spear.
"Ow~" Gray Wolf cried out in pain, his injuries gradually worsened, at least [-]% of his attack power was lost.

Gray Wolf's flaw is that his orc ability can only use absolute physical strength to attack the opponent.

However, Lin Ye's ice ability can attack from anywhere at will and cause damage. Lin Ye is very handy in such a wide place.

After several rounds, there were many bloody cuts on Gray Wolf's body, and the red blood wet his gray hair.

From the looks of it, Gray Wolf's injury was already serious.

The gray wolf stopped, lying on the ground with all four limbs, and stared at Lin Ye fiercely. At this moment, his form was that of a huge wolf.

Gray Wolf knew that it couldn't go on like this.

There was a deep and fierce light in his green pupils, he twisted his head and opened and closed his mouth a few times, bared his teeth, revealing his ferocious fangs.

"Boy, try my Divine Wolf Explosion." After Gray Wolf finished speaking, he immediately raised his head and let out a characteristic howl.

"Aw~~" On the desolate and bloody street on the moonlit night of the last days, a human wolf howled with explosive power, and the sound spread to the surroundings.

Then, the gray wolf's whole body's muscles swelled up as if to expand, and all the gray and white long hairs all over its body exploded and stood upright, attacking Lin Ye like a giant hedgehog.

From the time Gray Wolf finished speaking until now, all this happened in a blink of an eye.

Lin Ye didn't have time to be amazed, and saw the gray wolf rushing towards him like a stream of light, the speed was more than ten times faster than in the previous battle.

It was difficult for Lin Ye to dodge. Gray Wolf's body seemed to be spinning in the air, and the whole body was gathered together to form a big white ball, and it was in front of Lin Ye in a blink of an eye.

At the critical moment, Lin Ye hastily cast out the ice ground as quickly as possible, and slid to the side.

However, Lin Ye was inevitably scratched by the gray wolf, and Lin Ye was sent flying by the huge force.

"Bang." Lin Ye stopped when he hit a wall on one side.

Lin Ye shook his head, which was a little dizzy from the knock, with lingering fears. With the intensity of the attack just now, if he was hit head-on, if nothing happened, he would probably die at the hands of Gray Wolf today. I didn't expect Gray Wolf to have such trick.

At this time, Gray Wolf was standing not far in front, his eyes were dim and his breath was weak, looking at Lin Ye, his whole body looked listless.

The gray wolf couldn't hold back its body during the attack just now, and rolled embarrassingly from the ground several times before stopping, its body covered in dust and a lot of blood.

Seeing Gray Wolf like this, Lin Ye also guessed that Gray Wolf's attack just now must have consumed most of his strength. Now, Gray Wolf is dying and has no fighting power.

Lin Ye took two steps forward and looked at Gray Wolf indifferently. He was the prey he wanted to harvest.

"Just now, it was your Sirius Explosion, now, let me show you my Five Human Style Explosion, how about it."

After Lin Ye finished speaking, he waved the hunting knife mercilessly, and the blade flew like a cluster of silver flowers. At the same time, Lin Ye rushed towards Gray Wolf like a cannonball.

The figure left a gust of wind in the air, and Lin Ye's attack collided with Gray Wolf.

"Bang." There was a loud noise, and a lot of blood splashed from where Lin Ye collided with Gray Wolf...

Everything gradually calmed down, Lin Ye looked at Gray Wolf silently, Gray Wolf was fatally injured, and there is no way he would survive today.

Lin Ye raised the hunting knife and slashed at Gray Wolf's chest.

Gray Wolf howled miserably, and died unwillingly.

Lin Ye reached into the huge, bloody gap in Gray Wolf, and pulled out the green heterocore inside.

"Papa papa." Applause came.

The dog king Zhang Ren walked towards Lin Ye not far from the street, with an admiring smile on his face, followed by the Tibetan mastiff Ahui, the mutant dog Golden Retriever, Xuewu and Li Jie.

Lin Ye looked at Zhang Ren and smiled.

"Xiao Lin, your skills are astonishing. You really are an astonishingly strong man, and you hide your secrets." Zhang Ren said full of praise as he walked towards Lin Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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