Chapter 72 Dependency
Lin Ye smiled at Zhang Ren: "Brother is laughing at me, the younger brother is still far behind the older brother."

Lin Ye has always been very polite to Zhang Ren. He not only admires his selfless benevolence, but also because Zhang Ren is very powerful. In fact, anyone who meets a strong person will respect and be polite. It is not human snobbery, which is the way to survive. law.

In fact, Zhang Ren had been there to watch Lin Ye fight Gray Wolf, but he didn't come forward to help, because Zhang Ren knew from Lin Ye's fighting situation that Lin Ye could deal with Gray Wolf.

Zhang Ren wanted to see what Lin Ye's true strength was, because Jiang Xinyu and Hu Fei had blown Lin Ye into hype.

Looking at it this way, Zhang Ren really found that Lin Ye's strength was extraordinary, and he possessed very strong strength.In particular, Zhang Ren was secretly amazed by his ice ability.

Lin Ye's status in Zhang Ren's heart also improved immediately.

When Jin Mao brought Xuewu and Li Jie back to Zhang Ren, Zhang Ren explained his identity to them.

Lin Ye looked at Xuewu and Li Jie behind Zhang Ren, and asked with concern: "Xuewu, Li Jie, are you all right?"

Especially Li Jie, with scars and blood all over his body, listless eyes, drooping head, he needs Xuewu's support to stand upright.

Xue Wu looked at Lin Ye affectionately. No one could understand her feelings when they reunited after a long absence, "I'm fine, Lin Ye, thanks to you who saved us in time today." Xue Wu's words were full of affection.

Lin Ye also felt that Xuewu looked at him strangely, as if something had changed.

"How did you get blocked?" Lin Ye asked Xuewu.

Not waiting for Xuewu to answer.

Zhang Ren said: "Let's go. Just now when you were fighting with the gray wolf, the gray wolf made such a loud howl that it might attract zombies and mutant beasts. It's not too late. Let's go back to the base first."

Now is indeed not the time to talk, Lin Ye nodded in agreement, "Okay."

So Zhang Ren rode Ah Hui, a Tibetan mastiff, and took the very weak Li Jie, Lin Ye, and Xue Wu to ride the mutant dog Golden Retriever, and the four of them turned around and went back to the temporary camp.

The two mutated dogs quickly shuttled through the moonlit night, ran across the bloody street, and disappeared into the dark road.

Back at the temporary camp, Li Jie was placed on a hospital bed. He was indeed seriously injured. In order to protect Xuewu, he was almost beaten to death by Gray Wolf.

Lin Ye checked all the wounds on Li Jie's body, and immediately took out the Apocalypse Heart Liquid to treat Li Jie.

Lin Ye first asked Li Jie to take two drops of Tianqi Heart Liquid, and then dripped a few drops on Li Jie's various wounds.

The wounds on Li Jie's body began to heal at an astonishing speed. In less than a minute, the wounds were all healed and scarred.

There are only about three drops of the dark green heart liquid in the Heart of Apocalypse, and it will be over after one more use. This liquid of apocalypse is really scarce.

Lin Ye remembered that during his ten years in the human base in his last life, the pharmacist reconfigured the Apocalypse Liquid with a special formula to increase the number of uses of the Apocalypse Liquid.

Although the effect of the medicine has been diluted, it can still achieve [-]% of the effect of the original solution.And the most important thing is that one portion of the Apocalypse Liquid can be prepared to reach ten or more. At that time, the prepared Apocalypse Liquid was very popular.

Lin Ye also wants to configure it, but he doesn't have the conditions right now.

Li Jie was seriously injured, but Xuewu on the other side was fine. The wound Xuewu was caused by the corpse child before was not very serious.

When Jiang Xinyu saw Xuewu, she looked curious and wary, but Hu Fei didn't say anything.

However, Xue Wu was frightened after all, and her injuries were not healed, so Lin Ye asked Zhang Ren to find her a room to recuperate.

In the room, Lin Ye sat across from Xuewu, listening to her talk about her experiences during this period.

It turned out that after Xue Wu was injured, she had been recuperating with Li Jie in that residential building, and the two of them hadn't encountered any danger at first.

Later, a group of people came, the group of Gray Wolf.

Xuewu and the others knew that people were unpredictable now, and they were afraid of any accidents, so they didn't plan to talk to Gray Wolf and the others, and planned to wait quietly for Lin Ye to come back.

Unexpectedly, Gray Wolf found them, and Gray Wolf is indeed not a good person, he fell in love with Xue Wu's beauty.

Relying on his strong strength, Gray Wolf blocked Li Jie and Xuewu in the house, ready to force Xuewu, and let his men go out to guard.

In order to protect Xuewu, Li Jie resisted several times, but he was no match for Gray Wolf, and he was beaten to death by Gray Wolf.

Just when Gray Wolf was about to finish Li Jie, Lin Ye appeared.

Lin Ye sighed lightly when he understood the whole situation, nodded his head, and got up to leave.

"Hey~" Xuewu whispered eagerly behind her, and she grabbed Lin Ye's hand.

"What's wrong?" Lin Ye asked, turning to look at Xuewu.

Seeing Lin Ye looking at her, Xue Wu's eyes were evasive, "No, it's nothing."

Xuewu put down Lin Ye's hand.

"Okay, I'm going out first, you can take a good rest in the room, don't worry, it's safe here." Lin Ye walked out after speaking.

In fact, Xue Wu was really terrified of the dangers he experienced during this period, but Lin Ye, a man who fell from the sky again, saved himself.

Before she knew it, she had developed a strong sense of dependence on Lin Ye.

The sense of fear from the gray wolf has not yet come out, but Lin Ye can give himself a sense of security.So when Lin Ye was about to leave just now, Xuewu grabbed Lin Ye's hand naturally, not wanting to let Lin Ye leave her, after all, she was still a woman at the root.

Seeing Lin Ye leaving, Xuewu murmured to herself, "Do you know, how much I wanted to tell you just now, when I was captured by gray wolves and was in danger, all I could think of was you, I I strongly thought, if only you could come and save me.As a result, at the last moment, you really came.At that time, I knew that your position in my heart is irreplaceable from now on. Do you know how much I want to tell you that I love you. '


The next day, the sun was shining and the weather was fine.

Lin Ye and Zhang Ren were chatting and basking in the sun on the open space in front of a house.

It's been a long time since Lin Ye basked in the sun leisurely. Ever since human beings fell into the crisis of the apocalypse, he spent every day killing and fleeing for his life. Zhang Ren's camp provided him with such a comfortable condition.

Lin Ye looked at the blue sky above his head, the sun was shining brightly, it was rare to have such a beautiful view, and it was even rarer to have a peaceful mind.

Lin Ye turned his head to Zhang Ren and said, "Brother Zhang, aren't you planning to go to Yundu? When are you leaving?"

Zhang Rendao: "From the time I met you, I originally planned to go there in two weeks. Now your friend Li Jie needs to recover from his injuries, and the time is about the same. We still set off in two weeks. When we go together, there is still a long way to go to Yundu and Didu, so we can take care of each other."

(End of this chapter)

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