Chapter 73 Leave
"Well, okay, then it's settled." Lin Ye said.

"But to be honest, Brother Zhang, with your strength, if you go to Yundu, you will be ranked in the top ten no matter what." Lin Ye said with a smile.

"I think it should be about the same. With these silver-level strengths such as Ah Hui and Ah Chuang, and my group of puppies, I think they will be able to gain a foothold in that Yundu." No humility with Lin Ye.

Lin Ye looked at Zhang Ren and thought to himself, "Zhang Ren is not the same as the rumors in his previous life. He never competes for supremacy, but is just a good person."It seems that he also has some ambitions. '

Zhang Ren said to Lin Ye again: "Xiao Lin, are you sure you don't want to go to Yundu with us? You must know that the journey to the imperial capital is not easy, and there are many unknown dangers. You are very dangerous."

In fact, Zhang Ren had a good impression of Lin Ye. Although Lin Ye was not a good person, he was at least decent. He clearly distinguished what should be done and what should not be done.

"No, when I go to the emperor, I will deliver a very important letter for someone. I may look for you in the future, Brother Zhang." Lin Ye explained to Zhang Ren.

The very important letter was actually an excuse, that is, Lin Ye found a letter to be sent to the imperial capital on the old doctor's body, and he actually didn't know what the letter was for.

In Lin Ye's heart, there was actually something he didn't say, "I'm going to the imperial capital because I want to fight north and south there, establish the largest human base, and then spread al-Qaeda all over the place to save human beings."Realize your heroic dream in this life, create a great ice empire, and be crowned king! "

How can a man without ambition.


The long-lost and short-lived peaceful days are spent day by day.

The mood of Lin Ye and his group relaxed. They had spent a long time in killing and fleeing.

Now, the tense nerves can finally be less tense, and the sun is particularly good during this time, and the weather is bright, which makes everyone feel better.

During this period, Jiang Xinyu talked to Lin Ye from time to time, and Xue Wu seemed to have gradually changed her feelings towards Lin Ye. The eyes she looked at Lin Ye became more and more affectionate, and turned into the kind of eyes she looks at a lover.

Sometimes Lin Ye could faintly feel the changes in Xue Wu's body, but he never thought much about it, and never said much.

Ten days passed quickly, and it was already the scheduled two-week departure time.

Zhang Ren's subordinates, Tao Yun, a girl in leather armor, and Liu Peng, a strong security guard, also began to organize the necessary items to carry, and everyone was busy.

Lin Ye, Xuewu and the others also knew in their hearts that they were about to set off and start the next journey.

In fact, Zhang Ren and Lin Ye had to leave. The population base was too small. If they stayed here, something would happen sooner or later in this post-apocalyptic environment full of zombies and strange beasts.

A group of nearly 40 people gathered at the exit of a street, and what awaited them in front of them might be unknown horror and cruelty.

Zhang Ren had a total of [-] mutant dogs. When he rescued Lin Ye and his party, he only brought dozens of mutant dogs with him.

Next, Zhang Ren arranged for everyone in the team to ride a mutant dog, while he himself rode a Tibetan mastiff, Ahui.

One hundred and seven giant mutated dogs walking on the road, this style of painting is simply incomparably powerful.

Lin Ye rode a golden retriever and walked side by side with Zhang Ren.

Zhang Ren turned to Lin Ye and said, "Xiao Lin, I think we'll choose National Highway 216, which is relatively remote, and relatively speaking, there will be fewer zombies and mutant beasts."

"Let's part from Tianshui County in Cold Cloud City. I looked at the map and parted ways from there. There are two main routes, one is to go to Yundu, and the other is to go to the imperial capital."

"And if the rumors I heard are correct, Frost Cloud City should now be the largest human base formed in Province G. Many of the surviving humans in the nearby cities chose to go to Frost Cloud City. It is estimated that Frost Cloud City has already A population of several 10 has gathered."

"We can resupply things like food there."

"Okay." Lin Ye agreed, he was about to go there.

In Lin Ye's memory, Frost Cloud City was still very famous in the previous life. After the outbreak of the doomsday crisis of mankind, a fairly solid line of defense was formed there in just two months, which can be called a A human powerhouse.

But then it seems to be destroyed in the largest zombie riot in history.

At that time, the zombie king led tens of millions of zombies to attack the human base. Millions of zombies passed by, and Cold Cloud City could not resist its destruction.

But now for Lin Ye, Frost Cloud City, where hundreds of thousands of surviving humans gather, still needs him to look up to.

And the most important thing is that there is a very precious opportunity hidden in Frost Cloud City, which even determines whether Lin Ye's future life path will be able to reach the peak smoothly.

This is the reason why Lin Ye chose Cold Cloud City as the must stop on his way to Baidi City.

"Okay, since Xiao Lin agrees with you, let's choose this route." Zhang Ren said with a smile.

One hundred and seven mutated dogs, such a powerful team, some mutated creatures with a little bit of intelligence, felt that they didn't dare to approach at all.

Only some mindless zombies and mutated beasts with low intelligence, attracted by the smell of living creatures, foolishly chose to attack Zhang Ren and his party.

And these zombies or mutant beasts were dealt with by mutant dogs at the periphery.

Ordinary zombies and mutant beasts that were attracted from all directions to attack Lin Ye and the others couldn't get into the inner circle of the dog group at all.

There is no need for Lin Ye and the others to do anything, just sit on the back of the dog and watch the mutated dogs kill the zombies that jumped up desperately, it is very pleasant.

Lin Ye turned his head to Zhang Ren and said, "Brother Ren, you mutant dogs are really powerful."

Zhang Ren smiled at Lin Ye and said, "That's right, before the apocalypse broke out, I was just a stray dog ​​adopter whom others looked down upon, a good fool."

"I didn't expect that after the doomsday broke out, I had the ability of a beast trainer, and these puppies of mine turned into mutant beasts. These stray dogs gave me powerful power in the doomsday. This may be the so-called Good people will be rewarded with good." Zhang Ren sighed, and stretched out his hand to caress A Hui's head under him.

"Yeah, the end is coming, the previous society has been disrupted, and everyone has become the same, just to survive." Lin Ye said.

Lin Ye can be said to know the last days best, and he has the deepest feeling about this.

A group of people walked out of the town until dusk.Originally, at the speed of the mutant dog, it only took a short time to go out, but there were various zombies and mutant beasts to deal with along the way, so it was delayed for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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